The Function of Yoga in humans (and apes too)
• Play.
• You can relax. The
situation is safe. This information is given both inside the body and also to
other people.
• Submission or mastery
• Peaceful intentions.
• I agree with you.
q Pain is alleviated.
q It is an immunity
q It may be considered
as substantial exercise
q Breathing and
circulation are stimulated.
q It induces muscle
q Salivation is
stimulated. It is good for the teeth.
q Blood flow to face
increases (positive cosmetic effects).
q Stress, anxiety and
anger are alleviated or dealt with.
q Creativity is
q Team work is enhanced.
q It can be used in
young, old, healthy or not so healthy.
smile: This is
practised in an upright sitting position. The eyes are closed and the muscles
which are not necessary for maintaining posture are relaxed. We pull the
corners of the mouth slightly sideways and upwards and at the same time draw
the outer ears to the head. The psychological effect of the practice should be
Advantages: It can give you the feeling of wise, peaceful joy.
Perils: It is safe, as long as you are sufficiently aware of your surroundings and the situation.
Inner laughter: This is also practised in an upright sitting position. The muscles which are not necessary for maintaining posture are relaxed, and the eyes are open. We imagine that the inner parts of the eyes are gleaming with gold light and this light is projected outwards. A more difficult variation is to practice with the eyes closed and to direct the golden light to various parts of the body.
Advantages: You will be charming.
Perils: Minimal, if you do not consider it a disadvantage that charmed people will bother you with their affection.
Laughter with breathing: This can be practised also when walking. During inhalation we are aware of the incoming breath in the nostrils and repeat mentally "I breathe peace". When exhaling, we repeat "I breathe out and smile"
Advantages: It can give you the feeling of wise, peaceful joy.
Perils: It is safe, as long as you are sufficiently aware of your surroundings and the situation.
Inner laughter: This is also practised in an upright sitting position. The muscles which are not necessary for maintaining posture are relaxed, and the eyes are open. We imagine that the inner parts of the eyes are gleaming with gold light and this light is projected outwards. A more difficult variation is to practice with the eyes closed and to direct the golden light to various parts of the body.
Advantages: You will be charming.
Perils: Minimal, if you do not consider it a disadvantage that charmed people will bother you with their affection.
Laughter with breathing: This can be practised also when walking. During inhalation we are aware of the incoming breath in the nostrils and repeat mentally "I breathe peace". When exhaling, we repeat "I breathe out and smile"
Discreet and unobtrusive. To practice for a short time may be enough.
Perils: You should not practice it when dealing with hungry lions and in similar situation when absolute concentration is required.
Perils: You should not practice it when dealing with hungry lions and in similar situation when absolute concentration is required.
laughter: It is
rather difficult. Let the cheery part of your personality laugh while at the
same time attending to your normal daily activities. It is like background
music which allows talking, work or shopping.
Advantages: You can practice it almost continuously for long periods of time.
Perils: Beware of the situations requiring a different approach, such as listening to the complaints of customers.
Laughter against anxiety, anger and boredom: It is said that laughter against anxiety or fear is high pitched and fast, laughter against anger is deep and throaty, and laughter against boredom is musical, melodic and appealing. Try all these ways of laughter at the beginning in normal circumstances, and later on when you need to counteract respective negative emotions.
Advantages: You can practice it almost continuously for long periods of time.
Perils: Beware of the situations requiring a different approach, such as listening to the complaints of customers.
Laughter against anxiety, anger and boredom: It is said that laughter against anxiety or fear is high pitched and fast, laughter against anger is deep and throaty, and laughter against boredom is musical, melodic and appealing. Try all these ways of laughter at the beginning in normal circumstances, and later on when you need to counteract respective negative emotions.
Greater control over your emotions.
Perils: The
circumstances should be taken into account. E.g., if you are a tender woman,
deep and throaty laughter may surprise your hair-dresser.
Laughter with the legs: Lie flat on the back, raise both legs and make cycling movements with them. Make similar movements with the hands. At the same time repeat the syllables "ha, ha, ha - ho, ho, ho - he, he, he - hi, hi, hi - ha, ha, ha - ho, ho, ho - he, he, he - hi, hi, hi - ha, ha, ha - ho, ho, ho - he, he, he - hi, hi, hi..., etc.
Advantages: Your fitness will increase.
Laughter with the legs: Lie flat on the back, raise both legs and make cycling movements with them. Make similar movements with the hands. At the same time repeat the syllables "ha, ha, ha - ho, ho, ho - he, he, he - hi, hi, hi - ha, ha, ha - ho, ho, ho - he, he, he - hi, hi, hi - ha, ha, ha - ho, ho, ho - he, he, he - hi, hi, hi..., etc.
Advantages: Your fitness will increase.
This practice is rather loud and physically demanding. It should be avoided in
people with hernia, glaucoma, eye bleeding, advanced piles, serious heart
problems, prolapse of the uterus, incontinency and during pregnancy.
Morning laughter: Obviously it is practised in the morning. As soon as you get up, smile at your image in the mirror. You may feel that this is silly and because of this smile even more.
Advantages: Simple and not time consuming.
Morning laughter: Obviously it is practised in the morning. As soon as you get up, smile at your image in the mirror. You may feel that this is silly and because of this smile even more.
Advantages: Simple and not time consuming.
None, if you are not overtly concerned with your morning appearance.
others laugh
Paramahansa Satyananda
Some people laugh their whole lives through
They know how to laugh and make others laugh.
Other people spend their whole life crying
Tell me which kind are you?
Laughter is and art.
Sometimes laughter comes spontaneously
But that's a different thing.
Later such persons also cry.
But when you know how to laugh
And make others laugh, you will never cry again.
When you see somebody laughing
You can't control yourself, you must join in.
Therefore the person who can make another laugh
Is really in tune with himself and with them.
So how will you learn the art of laugher,
This most excellent of yogas?
If you really wish to perfect it
You will have to consider your life as a joke,
For life begins in one second and in one second it ends.
Even when you cry consider your crying as the greatest joke.
Because of its temporary nature
You can't maintain the state of tears
Before long you will be tired.
But you can laugh constantly, day and night
For there are many ways to laugh.
You can laugh loudly or softly,
You can just smile, or laugh silently in your mind,
But you will never tire of laughing
And you will benefit greatly from it too.
Now I'll tell you a secret,
If you don't want to cry, then learn how to laugh.
How? You will find the way.
Paramahansa Satyananda
Some people laugh their whole lives through
They know how to laugh and make others laugh.
Other people spend their whole life crying
Tell me which kind are you?
Laughter is and art.
Sometimes laughter comes spontaneously
But that's a different thing.
Later such persons also cry.
But when you know how to laugh
And make others laugh, you will never cry again.
When you see somebody laughing
You can't control yourself, you must join in.
Therefore the person who can make another laugh
Is really in tune with himself and with them.
So how will you learn the art of laugher,
This most excellent of yogas?
If you really wish to perfect it
You will have to consider your life as a joke,
For life begins in one second and in one second it ends.
Even when you cry consider your crying as the greatest joke.
Because of its temporary nature
You can't maintain the state of tears
Before long you will be tired.
But you can laugh constantly, day and night
For there are many ways to laugh.
You can laugh loudly or softly,
You can just smile, or laugh silently in your mind,
But you will never tire of laughing
And you will benefit greatly from it too.
Now I'll tell you a secret,
If you don't want to cry, then learn how to laugh.
How? You will find the way.
comments and encouragement of Dr. Rishi Vivekananda are greatly appreciated.
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