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California Gold Region 3 includes OxnardVentura, Thousand Oaks, the greater Los Angeles area, Pomona, San Bernardino, Big Bear Lake, Twentynine Palms, Lancaster, Palmdale, Victorville, Edwards, Barstow and Yucca Valley
The Angeles, Los Padres and San Bernardino National Forests are in California Gold  Region 3. Some of the mountain ranges here are: San Gabriel, Santa Susana, San Bernardino, Tehachapi, Emigdio, Bullion, Bristol, Piute, Granite, and Old Woman.
Other features in this region are: Mojave Desert, Edwards Air Force Base, Marine Corps Base at Twentynine Palms, Fort Irwin, Indian reservations, Sespe Condor Sanctuary, Mint Canyon, Soledad Canyon, San Andreas Rift (fault), NASA Flight Test Center, Antelope Valley, Ward Valley, Fenner Valley, San Gorgonio Wilderness and Joshua Tree National Monument.
Big Ten's California Gold Map 3 covers California Gold Region 3. It shows 513 gold mines and prospecting sites from official geological records of the State of California and the federal government. Specific gold deposit sites are shown in parts of these counties: 
Kern      Los Angeles      Riverside      San Bernardino      Ventura
 Gold sites continue to the east on California Gold Map 1, to the south on Map 2 and to the north on Map 4.
Five hundred thirteen gold mines and prospects are spread throughout California Gold Region 3. There are heavy localized concentrations of gold sites as well as isolated deposits. 
Ninety six (96) gold deposit sites are within 30 miles of Pasadena. There are one hundred twenty five (125) sites within 40 miles of Big Bear Lake in San Bernardino County and fifty (50) sites in the area neighboring Frazier Mountain in Ventura County.
Placer gold was mined in the San Gabriel Mountains as early as 1834 in the Acton District about 20 miles north of Los Angeles. Lode mining began there about 1880 and a number of mines in the district were active in the 1900's.
The Piru District is in northeastern Ventura County near Piru Creek and just south of the Frazier Mountain District. Gold from placer mining in the Piru District was shipped to the U.S. Mint in Philadelphia in 1842.
The Saugus District, also known as the Newhall District and the San Gabriel District, includes a number of canyons and the Santa Clara River in the vicinity of the city of Newhall in Los Angeles County. Placer mining has been carried on here with gold being recovered from gravels in stream channels and from benches and terraces along the banks.
Placer gold has been recovered in some of the canyons and washes along the south flank of the San Gabriel Mountains north and east of Los Angeles. Two of the most important sources have been the San Gabriel Canyon, near Azusa, and the Tujunga Canyon to the west. 
Some other concentrations of gold deposits occur to the east of George Air Force Base and around the city of Barstow. There is a group of 25 gold mines and prospects near the San Bernardino County/Riverside County line 10 miles south of Twentynine Palms. Another 15 to 20 miles to the east, and bridging the foregoing county lines, is the prolific Dale Mining District.  
Many gold sites in east-central San Bernardino County are west of the Ward Valley on both sides of Interstate 40, and on both sides of the Fenner Valley. This area has hundreds of dry washes.
The varied topography of this area enhances the recreational prospecting experience. California Gold Region 3 has many physical variations, such as mountains, canyons, valleys, streams, dry washes and a desert. 
Novice and experienced prospectors with gold pans or metal detectors enjoy panning and detecting in the Angeles National Forest north of the greater Los Angeles area and in the San Bernardino National Forest northeast of San Bernardino.
Metal detectors and dry washers are used in the arid parts of  California Gold .

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