Acceptance, Rejection, and State Self-Esteem
Our own research
shows that individuals’ feelings about themselves vary systematically as a
function of even minor changes in other people’s appraisals of them. Leary,
Tambor, Terdal, and Downs (1995, Study 3) gave participants bogus feedback
indicating that they were either included or excluded as members of a
laboratory group and that their membership was based either on a random
selection or a vote of the other group members. Participants who thought they
were excluded on the basis of a group vote subsequently showed notably lower
state self-esteem than the other conditions. A second study (Leary et al., 1995,
Study 4) conceptually replicated this finding by showing that participants who
believed that another individual was ambivalent about interacting with them had
lower state self-esteem than those who thought the other person wanted to
interact with them.
Leary, Haupt,
Strausser, and Chokel (1998, Study 4) provided participants with ongoing bogus
feedback from another individual and measured state self-esteem “on line” by
having participants move a computer mouse to indicate how they were feeling
about themselves in real time. State self-esteem increased as a function of
feedback that connoted social acceptance and declined as a function of feedback
that connoted rejection. In fact, 77% of the reliable variance in state
self-esteem could be accounted for by the degree to which the interpersonal
feedback connoted acceptance vs. rejection. Interestingly, the relationship
between rejection-acceptance feedback and state self-esteem was not strictly
linear, taking an ogival function that flattened at the bottom and top of the
curve. This ogival pattern, which was replicated in three other studies (Leary
et al., 1998), suggests that self-esteem is most responsive to
acceptance-rejection feedback in the middle range and less so at the extremes.
In another study
(Leary et al., 1995, Study 2), participants wrote essays about a recent
occasion on which they felt accepted or rejected, then answered questions
regarding how excluded they felt in the situation and how they had felt about
themselves at the time. Results showed that the more excluded that participants
felt in the situation, the worse they felt about themselves. Ratings of
perceived exclusion correlated very highly (between -.68 and -.92, depending on
condition) with state self-esteem.
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