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o Good defense for both Specific Intent
and General Intent Crimes
jurisdictions that don’t use general/specific intent = if, through
intoxication, somebody is unable to form the intent to do something – then you
don’t have the mens rea and cannot convict
INTENT – if the person had the intent to commit the crime before intoxication
People v. Goetz – Four youths approached the Δ in the subway in NYC and
asked for money. Δ claims
hypersensitivity b/c he’s been mugged before
reasonableness of someone who is in the Δ’s situation
State v. Norman – Δ was part of an abusive relationship, and shot her
husband while she was asleep. Charged
with 1st degree murder
opinion says that, “Inevitability does not equate to imminence.” Threat may
have been certain to occur at some point, but not about to occur at this
State v. Rusk – Plaintiff takes defendant
home in plaintiff's car. Defendant takes plaintiff up to his room and has
sexual intercourse with plaintiff. Plaintiff claims that she was raped. The
question is whether there was sufficient evidence shown to support the
court concluded that the jury could have rationally found that the essential
elements of 2nd degree rape had been established
People v. Evans – Defendant, through a
string of lies, induced the plaintiff to enter an apartment where he had sexual
intercourse with her several times.
Dececption, by itself, is not enough to sustain a
charge of rape. There must exist force, or the threat of force.
United States v. Schoon – Defendants appeal their
conviction for obstructing the activities of the IRS office in Tucson, Arizona and failing to
comply with the order of a federal officer. The convictions stemmed from a
protest staged by the defendants in order to bring attention to United States involvment in El Salvador .
The court held that the necessity defense was not intended
as justification for illegal acts taken in indirect political protest.
Regina v. Dudley and Stephens – “it is better for you to die yourself than take the
life of an innocent person”
State v. Toscano – Defendant Joseph Toscano
was convicted of creating a false medical report used in a scheme to defraud
insurance companies. Toscano claimed that he acted under duress because he
feared for his safety and that of his family.
We hold that duress is an affirmative defense to a
crime other than murder, and that it need not be based upon an alleged threat
of immediate bodily injury
Roberts v. People – Defendant claims that
voluntary drunkeness immediately prior to the assault of which he was convicted
rendered him incapable of having the requisite intent necessary for his
conviction to be sustained.
The court held that if his mental faculties were
so far overcome by intoxication, that he was not conscious of what he was
doing, that he had not sufficient capacity to entertain the intent. If,
however, he did entertain the intent in fact, though but for the intoxication
he would not have done so, he is responsible for the intent as well as the
People v. Hood – Δ was voluntarily drunk and took a gun from an
officer’s holster and shot the officer in the leg
is a general intent crime, therefore, voluntary intoxication is not a good
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