METAPHYSICS – AN OVERVIEW : A Causal Theory of the Direction of Time
Alternatives with regard to a Causal Theory: (1) A causal theory of time, or of
spacetime? (2) An account in terms of
actual causal connections, or in terms of causal connectibility? (3) A causal theory of the direction of time,
or of all temporal relations?
Prerequisite of any Causal Theory:
An account of the direction of causation that does not involve any
temporal notions.
of a Possible Causal Theory: (1) A
definition of simultaneity in terms of spatial relations; (2) Causal priority as a sufficient condition
of temporal priority; (3) A definition
of temporal priority in terms of causal priority plus simultaneity; (4) Causal relations as holding between
spacetime points.
to Causal Theories of Time: (1)
Causal priority presupposes temporal priority;
(2) Accounts involving causal connectibility are implicitly
circular; (3) Backward causation is
logically possible; (4) Empty
spatiotemporal regions are logically possible;
(5) Events that are not causally connected to other events are logically
possible; (6) Spacetime itself could be
totally empty.
Topic XI.
Laws of Nature: Realist Versus
Reductionist Views
versus Reductionist Views of Laws of Nature: (1) Reductionism: what laws of nature there
are is totally fixed by the complete history of the world; (2) Realism:
laws of nature are not logically supervenient upon the history of the
world. There could be two worlds with
precisely the same history, but with different laws. (3) Reductionism and regularities: Non-probabilistic
laws are either just cosmic regularities, or cosmic regularities that satisfy
certain further constraints.
for a Reductionist View of Laws of Nature:
(1) The appeal to ontological simplicity; (2) Arguments against theoretical
entities: (a) the problem of meaning; (b) the problem of confirmation; (3) The inference problem: How do laws, realistically conceived, entail
the corresponding regularities? (Bas van
Fraassen and David Lewis)
for a Realist View of Laws of Nature:
(1) The problem of distinguishing between laws and cosmic, accidental
regularities; (2) The logical
possibilities of basic, uninstantiated laws;
(3) The improbability of mere cosmic regularities; (4) The problem of giving a reductionist
account of probabilistic laws.
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