Grand Egyptian Museum's

national building museum

GEM-CC 4thSymposium
Giza, Egypt
February, 15-17, 2016
Theme: “Conservation in A 21th Century Museum”
The Conservation Center in the Grand Egyptian Museum (GEM-CC) is now accepting abstracts for oral and poster presentations at the 4thsymposium on February, 15-17, 2016. Prospective presenters should carefully review the information below and then submit their abstract via the submission form provided. The deadline for abstract submissions is September 15th, 2015.
For information about the symposium and its theme, go to
Abstract Limit:
To ensure maximum participation, each attendee is allowed to present no more than two abstracts: one oral presentation and one poster presentation.
Presenting Author:
The person submitting an abstract is assumed to be the presenting author. Abstract acceptances will apply only to this person and are not transferable to co-authors.
Submission Deadline:
All abstracts must be submitted no later than September 15th, 2015 via the submission of the online form provided below via the symposium e-mail:
Official Language:
All abstracts, posters and papers must be submitted in English. Translation services from ArabictoEnglish will be available during the symposium, so oral and poster presentations must be given in either English or Arabic.
Required Information:
The following information is required; incomplete or inaccurate abstracts will be rejected.

·     Presentation Type

Please indicate whether you are submitting an abstract for a Contributed Oral or Contributed Poster presentation.

·     Title

The title should provide a brief description of the work; do not repeat it in the body of the text.
Only capitalize the first word, the word following a colon and all proper nouns and adjectives. Italicize Latin species names.

·     Abstracts:

Provide a concise statement (max.300 words) of the purpose of the work, methods, results and conclusions.
When using acronyms or abbreviations, first include the complete term, followed by the abbreviation in parenthesis.
* Example: Fourier transform infrared (FTIR).

·     Presenting Author

Provide the presenting author’s name, institutional affiliation and contact details.
* Note that the information provided in this section will appear in the symposium program and book of abstracts exactly as submitted, so please avoid spelling errors and provide the complete name of your organization, or institution (followed by acronyms if appropriate).
* Also note that all communications regarding your abstract will be directed to the email address you provide, so please ensure that it is entered correctly.

·     Contributing Authors

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