Ù†ØªÙŠØ¬Ø© بحث الصور عن ‪$ TEN WAYS TO MAKE MONEY $‬‏
1.       Home Parties - Earn 25% commission on all sales ordered through a home party, less expense of hostess packet (invitations, guide, etc.)  Average show = $300-$400, so your gross is $75-$100 for one evening!  (Pay for your kit with your first show!)

2.       Bookmanias - Get several hostesses who "don't like to fix refreshments or clean house" to invite 5-10 friends and come to a hall or hotel on designated Bookmania dates.  Each hostess provides simple refreshments & drinks; each hostess earns the hostess credits based on sales from her "party" of friends at her table--everyone can receive prizes and more fun with more people!

3.       Direct Sales - Earn 30% commission on direct sales to friends, family, or anyone who orders without attending a home show

4.       Booths - Rent space at conventions, craft shows, church bazaars, community events; turn the event in as Direct Sales or Home Show, depending on what works best for you!  Another way to sell cash and carry and replenish your inventory with newer books!

5.       Bookfairs - Hold one or two-day fairs at preschools, daycare centers, M.O.M.'s groups, Corporations, Hospitals, schools*, PTA meetings*, etc.  Earn 17% commission; sell cash and carry and replenish your inventory with newer books!  (see note below)

6.       Library Sales - Schedule appointments with media specialists at area schools* and libraries*, to go through the catalog with them and take orders.  (see note below)

7.       Fundraisers - Reach for the Stars with the Usborne Reading Incentive Program (of the same name) by holding a school-wide* fundraiser.  Kids take pledges and the school takes a small percent and the kids take the rest to choose FREE books, using up to 110% of the pledges! (see note below)

8.       E-shows - Use your website to allow hostesses to set up an e-show with out of town relatives and friends.  Set up a chat night during the 10-day show so the books can be discussed and questions answered by the consultant.  After the orders are turned in via the Internet, you and the hostess are notified regarding your commission and her hostess earnings!

9.       Catalog Shows - Provide "hostesses" with one or two catalogs to show at work, in their neighborhood, at children's ballgames, etc., and turn orders in by a preset date (usually 10 days to 2 weeks).  Average Catalog Show = $110

10.     Book of the Month Club - Sign up booklovers for the club - Select 3-5 books to offer as special selections each month and call club members monthly to take orders.  Puts orders together as Direct Sales or a Home Show, depending on what works best.
Have the books shipped directly to their homes or offer special incentives to deliver or pay postage (eg., orders over $25.00)
(*Note:  You must be company approved as an Educational Consultant to earn money this way.)

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