~ 10 common signs of a spiritual awakening

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1e sign:

Your sleep patterns change, you feel restless but seem to have more energy.

Get just to it and don’t worry.

Your body will adjust in time.

2e sign:

Shivers, crawling sensations, tingles on your scalp.

Feeling pressure on the crown, like someone is pushing down with a finger.

Flashes of great inspiration/creativity/thoughts.

Feeling vibration around the head and ears.

Don’t worry.

This is the opening of the crown chakra and divine energy flowing in.

3e sign:

Sudden waves of emotion. Feeling sad, lonely, happy, angry, etc for no reason.

This is a release of blocked emotions & can come from the heart chakra.

Don’t be hard on yourself. Acknowledge the feelings as they arise and let them go with love.

4e sign:

Old issues keep coming back and at time you feel very lost.

You’re never lost. Face any old issue that arrives and deal with them.

This is necessary & deeply cleansing.

5e sign:

Your physical body can change. Your eating habits become more healthy.

Your whole body & mind is changing.

This will settle down as you deal with old issues.

Your vibration will arise as you surrender with unconditional love.

6e sign:

Your senses increase in their sensitivity. Your 6th sense opens up and you become much more aware of subtle energies.

You may begin to see sparkles of light, shadows, balls of energy, grids of light, movement from the corner of your eyes.

You may also hear your name being called, voices, humming in your ears, fleeting smells and become aware of ‘someone’ being close to you.

These are signs of spirit and your guides.

Never fear! Remember that you are always in charge and set firm rules. Always practise discernment when dealing with spirit.

7e sign:

You begin to see the world with new eyes. You feel loving and at one with everything.

Keep in the flow!

Be compassionate and loving as best as you can and don’t be hard on yourself when you are having a bad day.

Be gentle with yourself as your awareness expands.

8e sign:

You will desire more & more to break free of restrictive patterns& old habits that do not serve you anymore.

Have courage and do it!

Clear out the old and make room for the new.

9e sign:

You begin to notice more & more signs that speak directly to you on a very profound level.

They will have great meaning to you as your awareness blossoms.

10e sign:

Synchronicity flows faster.

These wonderful events flow when you are on the right path. Meetings, people, numbers, pictures, they are no limits to the ‘coincidences’ that come.

Try to feel the message behind them and trust your intuition.

And remember…

You are not alone!

Love and light

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