~ Dyslexia: Symptoms To Watch Out For
Dyslexia can manifest itself in a lot of different ways. Some of the symptoms are common while some can be very rare. All the presented symptoms of the condition, however, are most likely not present all at the same time for one person.
Difference In Achievements
A person with this condition can have an obvious discrepancy between his or her academic skills or achievement, and his or her real-life performance in verbal and practical problem-solving skills. This means, a dyslexic person can sometimes be very bad when it comes to academic concerns, while he or she can perform well when you are simply dealing with normal daily problem-solving.
One example would be a person who has a failing grade with basic math, but can do well when asked to get a number of objects. Another would be someone who has difficulty in reading class but seems normal when you talk with them.
Comprehension Problems
Another symptom would be comprehension problems. If it is taking you ages just to read a short book and has severe difficulty in understanding it then most probably, dyslexia is the culprit. For a example, a simple children’s fairytale book with illustrations like The Ugly Duckling, which has only about ten pages, already takes you 45 minutes to read and seems that you can’t understand what you are reading while doing so.
Reading And Spelling Problems
Comprehending what you are reading may not be the only problem that you have. You may also have a problem with reading itself. You can miss off the endings of some words while reading it or when you are spelling it. This is another one of the most common symptoms that dyslexia can present.
For example, you are reading and spelling the word “baby”. When reading, what may register to your mind is only “bab”, thus when you spell it, “bab” is the come out.
Poor Writing Skills
With dyslexia, your writing skills can be very poor too. You tend to have very bad hand writing and the overall presentation of your written work can be very bad. Not only will you have poor spelling, but you can also have some misusage of punctuation marks or even no use at all.
Writing Blocks
Writing blocks happen when most writers suddenly have a loss of ideas of what to write. However, in dyslexic people writing blocks can occur every time he or she attempts to write something, even if what he or she is about to write is only something as simple as his or her name. Not being able to concentrate and think of what you are about to write, is yet another general symptom of this condition.
These are just some of the general symptoms of dyslexia that you should watch out for. So, if you think that you have a manifestation of these symptoms in a very extreme level, then it is advised that you consult a professional now.
Everyday Techniques In Dealing With Dyslexia
As an adult with dyslexia, you are not excused in dealing with day to day tasks that you need to complete for your survival. Thus, practicing some ways on how to deal with the common problems caused by the condition can be very beneficial, one way or another.
Reading Aloud
Reading aloud can be very helpful, in a way that you get to identify your mistakes and monitor your speech. Using a tape recorder for this technique is often the way to do it.
In this technique, you read out aloud while recording on your recorder. Then, you play back what you have just recorded and listen if you can detect some mistakes.
Your recorder acts as your “spotter” for the reading mistakes that you commit.
Time Keeping
Keeping track of time, appointments and schedules can be one problem that a dyslexic can face. Making use of the 24 hour clock format is one way so that you wouldn’t be confused on whether the time is during the night or day.
Writing What You Can Remember
Sometimes, when you are reading something long, you can have a hard time comprehending what you have just read. One way to cope up with this is through writing down what you can remember from what you have just read. For example, for every page that you finish, you write down ideas on your notebook.
However, this condition may seem to be a long process, since you would have to write everything that is on your mind. Nonetheless, even though it generally takes some time, it is very helpful during the long run.
Light It Right
The lighting of your environment can be very crucial, especially when you have dyslexia. Many have found that reading under bright lighting tends to slow down their reading. This is why having the right kind of light is important. Some find comfort in reading under soft white light, or even completely dim lighting.
Get Your Thoughts Back
When you are taking in too much information, you have a harder time on understanding what you are trying to learn. Thus, if you feel that you are not being productive anymore due to too much information, then it is about time that you take a break.
You should get your thoughts back in line. You can do this by simply taking a long leisurely walk outside and getting some fresh air. You can also try going to a quiet place, where you can do some meditation.
Finger spelling
If you have bad spelling skills, using the finger spelling method can be helpful to you. It works by putting up a finger for each phoneme or sound that you hear within the word. This method enables you to "see" the sounds. It can also work out which sounds are missing.
Using A Keyboard
Some people with dyslexia find it easier if they are spelling words through the use of a keyboard. The keys can sometimes give a calming effect to some individuals, while writing by hand can just cause the opposite.
These are some of the random ways on how you can ease up the effects of dyslexia in your life. The said techniques are often subjective, and can be helpful or not, depending on your condition.
General Instructions For Adults With Dyslexia
As an adult, after you undergo a formal dyslexia assessment, your psychologist would give you some general instructions on how you can deal with problems that dyslexia can bring about. This is done since as an adult, you are expected to understand and know already how dyslexia affects your life whether emotionally, socially, financially and the likes.
Being an adult you are also expected to be able to deal with these problems, provided that you are given correct instructions and advice. So here are some of the general instructions that a psychologist may give you after your formal assessment yields a positive result for the condition.
Acceptance And Information
When you are diagnosed to have dyslexia, the very first thing you can do to help yourself is to accept your condition. Denial can not do you any good. That’s why this may be the first thing that your psychologist would want to deal with, especially if they see that you have a very low self motivation regarding your problem.
Another general concern would be the people around you. Of course people that you meet and mingle with everyday has a big part in your life. This is especially true if you are working or studying. Letting them know and understand about your condition is the second best thing that you can do to help yourself.
By simply informing them and making them understand your condition, other people can make compensations and considerations for you. They can understand you better and stop thinking misleading thoughts about you.
The support of your family and friends is also important for your progress if ever you need to undergo special training. That’s why your psychologist may instruct you to tell them about your condition; so that they can provide the support and assistance that you may need during your training.
Special Considerations
Your psychologist would also likely discuss with you about special considerations. He or she may make a recommendation to your professors or any authority that you be allowed to have extra time, or other special arrangements, when taking any kind of examination or test. This is to ensure that your specific difficulties due to dyslexia would not improperly affect your performance during examinations.
Other Types Of Support
Another general instruction that can be given to you would be about the other types of support that you may need other than your family and friends. This support can be obtained by having a computer, which can greatly help you achieve tasks that you may have difficulty completing due to your condition.
Your psychologist would likely tell you about how and where you can get computers that has this kind of function. They may also recommend you to seek help from certain organizations that can provide such kind of gadgets.
Special Courses
You would also be briefed about your options regarding special courses that you can have. There are short courses that are specially planned to improve your performance in specific areas that you may be having difficulties with.
The courses usually include areas like reading, spelling, study-skills, report-writing, revision making, exam techniques, general organization and time-management. These areas are the common areas in which dyslexic people are having difficulties with.
Individualized Learning Program
You also have the option to have an individualized learning program. Your psychologist would tell you about how this kind of program works and the benefits it can give you.
Helping Adults With Dyslexia In The Workplace
Even though adult dyslexics are tremendously talented, they still have some problems that may need special attention, especially coming from their employers and colleagues.
Most likely, adults with this condition are defensive and secretive. They also write down inverted financial figures and phone numbers. A simple memo can take an hour of their time just to decipher.
However, even with the acceptance of the condition, most would still likely try to hide their illiteracy from their colleagues. They have their own subtle ways on manipulating other people to write and read for them, which is a skill that most dyslexics have developed during their school years.
In most cases, severe headaches are the result of putting much effort into trying to read with accuracy. There is a loss of productivity that is obvious to anyone, although it can be hard to estimate up to what extent.
Playing such kind of masquerade won’t do any good in the part of both employee and employer. That is why openness about the condition is needed so that the employer and employee with the condition can help out each other in able to achieve productivity and success.
A little give and take between the employer and employee is important. Both sides should cooperate with each other on how they can improve the working experience and product of the employee.
One example would be devising a way to make it easier for the dyslexic adult to read while in the workplace. Employers should take charge and initiate that they’d be giving support to their employee to make reading easier. Adapting the workplace is easy, as long as there is cooperation between the workers and employers.
Some Reading Techniques In The Workplace
One way to help out reading disabled people so that they can efficiently work is to give them instructions orally. Dictating through an audio recorder or voice mail would also be helpful. Doing this can help save time and increase productivity since there is no more need for an hour long memo deciphering sessions.
Assigning someone to read things to them is okay. However, this can sometimes make the employee with the condition feel somewhat awkward. It would be better to provide a computer that has a voice synthesizer. The computer can easily be the one to read the memos for you employee.
Computers are of great help, since most dyslexics are good in using one. In fact, some people with this condition sometimes find it easier to read from screens than reading from paper. Additionally, they are able to compose presentable reports and letters by using the spell-checker feature of the computer.
On Writing
With regards to writing, avoid giving written tests that are similar to those given in school. Another is that if possible; avoid asking your dyslexic employee to fill in very complicated forms.
If your employee haven't had remedial training, then he or she has a somewhat disadvantage. But there’s no need to be discouraged, since they have accurate and detailed memories.
What you can do is to question them orally. You can also assign someone to write down their answers while they dictate it. If you really have to give a written test, then you are obliged to give extra time for your employee to answer it.
Additionally, the test should be conducted in an environment that is distraction free.
Read : How An Assessment For Dyslexia Changes Your Life
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