~ Additional Log Style Cabin Nature Trails Children’s Nursery Design and Access Statement

 نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Log cabin‬‏



This proposal is for an additional building to provide further day care places for the existing Nature Trails Nursery at Cawston Farm House.  The nursery has a waiting list for additional places and there is a substantial shortage of child day care places within the local Bilton and Dunchurch Wards, particularly in the older 3 – 5 year age group.

The additional provision would allow the nursery to increase child care provision from the current 62 – 68 places to 88 places.

Supplemental to this document is the Provision of Nursery Care statement, which gives details of the local need and the extent of provision proposed with this new building.


The current area used by the nursery is 250 sq. m. and the proposed building would add an additional 90 sq. m. The new building is similar in size and style to an existing log cabin, for which planning permission was granted 04/07/2006 (Ref. R06/0954/PALB); see fig. 1

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Log cabin‬‏


The proposed new cabin will adjoin the existing cabin at the South East end, running approximately in line with the older building; see fig 2.

نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Log cabin‬‏

The existing log cabin has been built some 17m distance from the farm house buildings, within the former gardens of the house. The proposed new building will sit behind the existing cabin, some 30m removed from the nearest point of the farmhouse buildings.

 Vehicle access is already provided to the front of Cawston Farm House and the Nursery. Pedestrian and wheel chair access is already in place to the end of the existing log cabin, where the entrance for the new building will be formed.

A sewage pipe was laid to connect thecurrent log cabin to the farm house sewage system and septic tanks. The proposed building will link into the recent pipe work laid to the SE end of the current log cabin.


The proposed building will be of a similar size and style to the existing log cabin. The current cabin provides 21 day care places and the propose facility will offer a similar capacity.

The internal foot print of the proposed building will be approximately 6.2 x 15.5m

The Cawston Farm House buildings sit on a plot of approximately 0.6 hectacres, with the existing buildings occupying approximately 10% of the land. The proposed building will take 1.5% more of the space.


The existing log cabin and the proposed new cabin are situated in the rear garden of the farm house, away from the main road. To the east side of the garden is an open arable field with views across to Lime Tree Village and Coventry Road. To the west side is a farm track and a series of farm buildings.

The existing garden is predominantly open grass lawn. Part of the proposed development will incorporate planting of New Native Woodland, and a New Garden area at the south of the new cabin.

The nursery already emphasises the open air and access to nature as a major aspect of its day care facility and the positioning of the new cabin and the additional landscaping will further enhance this experience.


The proposed new structure is designed to match in with the existing log cabin. The wall construction will be different. The existing building uses solid round log construction, whereas the proposed building will be timber frame construction with externally clad timber horizontal boards that will tie in with the look of the existing cabin. The windows, doors will be of timber construction. External wood surfaces will be treated with stain to match the existing cabin.

The roof structure will use bitumen roofing tiles as used on the existing log cabin, or standard roofing felt for flat roof areas.

The south most facing roof of the proposed cabin will have solar thermal panels.

Listed Building Status

The proposed new cabin, while in the grounds of the listed Cawston Farm House building, is separate and apart from the main building. The natural timber style has been chose to contrast with the main farm house building but to compliment the garden landscape and the ethos of Nature Trails Nursery  



Nature Trails Nursery is on the south side of Coventry Road, Cawston, approximately 700m SW of the roundabout that provides access to the Cawston Grange estate, and approximately 600m NE of the newly constructed Potsford’s Dam roundabout that marks the southern end of the Western Relief Road. It is approximately 1.5km from the centre of Bilton and 2km from Dunchurch.

The nearest bus route runs to the roundabout by Cawston Grange, i.e. 700m distance.

Vehicle Access

The original planning approval for the nursery included the provision of an additional driveway from Coventry Road up to the Cawston Farm House building, giving separate “In” and “Out” driveways for all visitors. This allows cars coming to the nursery to turn off the main road with relative ease, and then exit at a point where there is good visibility of on-coming traffic.

When the nursery was opened in 2005 the speed restriction on Coventry Road was 50 mph, but last year the speed limit was reduced to 40 mph. In addition, it is anticipated that traffic volumes on the Coventry Road will decrease when the Western Relief Road opens later this year.

There is a good footpath from Bilton along the Coventry Road.

Traffic to and from the Nursery

The nursery has current approved capacity for 68 children, and the proposed new cabin would allow capacity to rise to 88. About 1/3rd of the children are siblings, and thus the number of clients and related drop-off and pick-up visits per day is about 20% less than the number of children.

About 90% of the clients come from Cawston Grange, Bilton and Dunchurch, and of these about 10 families (15 children) walk to and from the nursery.

Thus we have approximately 40-45 drop-off client vehicle visits per day and a similar number for pick-up. This figure would rise by 10-12 client vehicle visits with the proposed new cabin, i.e. 50 – 67 drop-off and pick-ups per day.

Client vehicle visits are extended over a longer period compared to schools for older children, the core times being 8.00 to 9.30 am. and 4.00 to 6.30 pm. Generally we have a maximum of 10 - 12 client vehicles stopping at one time during peak periods around 8 am. and 5 pm.

In addition to this we have staff arrivals and departures for work, the majority of which occur before and after the peak times, plus we have 2 -3 visitors per day.

Travel Plan

Nature Trails Nursery recognises the need for many working parents to drop off and collect their children at the nursery as they travel to and from work. The nursery is also committed to promoting exercise and a healthy environment for children.

The aim of the proposed new cabin is to provide much needed day care places for the local communities, minimising the journeys for parents and consequent environmental impact.

The nursery has also drawn up a Travel Plan with an appropriate Action Plan to encourage alternative ways of travel to and from the nursery for parents, children and staff. Copies of these documents are included in the Supporting Documents

Pedestrian and Wheel Chair Access

Pedestrian and wheel chair access is already in place to the end of the existing log cabin, where the entrance for the new building will be formed.

A disabled parking bay is situated by the main entrance to the nursery.

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