~ Good Effect of Concise Sigs for Blogs

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It is a fact that promoting one’s blog is not the easiest thing to do. Most specially nowadays that blogs can be found anywhere. You can find blogs just about anywhere! Blogs containing various topics and sometimes it serves to be a mini journal. But what’s the use of a blog if no one’s ever reading it? If no one visits your site to read all your entries whether they are informative or entertaining? So what do you do to promote your blog online? Is it really that complicated?

The answer is – it doesn’t have to be hard. Promoting one’s blog can be as easy as redesigning your email signature or sig to your advantage. To make it a promotional vehicle for your blog.

First thing you should remember is that the shorter the sig, the better. A sig doesn’t have to be a mile long. The human memory can only memorize as short as five words so keep in mind that you must never exceed that number of words. Also most importantly, never forget to include in your signature vital information regarding your blog. Information such as the name of your website, the name of your blog and other links that you think will help your blog achieve the maximum number of visits.

Signatures can range from 1 to 4 words. It has to be catchy so that the readers will remember them and as a result they will visit all the links you have posted there. Here are some of the signatures that you can actually use. Take a good look at the pattern shown here to have an idea on how to have a simple yet effective sig to promote your blog.

Information such as the name of your website, the name of your blog and other links that you think will help your blog achieve the maximum number of visits should be present. Signatures can range from 1 to 4 words. It has to be catchy so that the readers will remember them and as a result they will visit all the links you have posted there. Here are some of the signatures that you can actually use.

Take a good look at the pattern shown here to have an idea on how to have a simple yet effective sig to promote your blog. First thing you should remember is that the shorter the sig, the better. A sig doesn’t have to be a mile long. The human memory can only memorize as short as five words so keep in mind that you must never exceed that number of words. Also most importantly, never forget to include in your signature vital information regarding your blog.

Those are some of the signatures that you can actually use. Take a good look at the pattern shown here to have an idea on how to have a simple yet effective sig to promote your blog. Signatures can range from 1 to 4 words. It has to be catchy so that the readers will remember them and as a result they will visit all the links you have posted there.

So now you know that concise sig can make a difference on your blog’s exposure. Keep this in mind and have a happy blogging experience.
How an Email Signature can be a Good Way to Promote a Blog

If you are planning to promote a blog, you must be asking yourself – how can I do it? Most specially if your blog just talks about personal stuff and people might now relate to the entries at all. Do not worry because blog promotion hasn’t been this easy. All it takes is a few line and that’s when the magic starts. A few line in your signature can make a lot of difference!

Imagine the number of people you send mail to. Every day it is possible to send an email to thousands of people in just a single click of a button. That’s how powerful internet is. If you link your signature to your blog all the recipients of your email will be getting as well the direct link to your blog. This will indeed increase traffic on your site. It is obvious that with high traffic, the more successful your blog will be. That’s the magic of signatures.

A simple example of signatures are just short and sweet phrases. It doesn’t have to be long. Once you are set, it is possible to send an email to thousands of people in just a single click of a button. That’s how powerful internet is. If you link your signature to your blog all the recipients of your email will be getting as well the direct link to your blog. This will indeed increase traffic on your site. It is obvious that with high traffic, the more successful your blog will be. That’s the magic of signatures. There is no need to add complication to the promotion of your blog.

If you link your signature to your blog all the recipients of your email will be getting as well the direct link to your blog. This will indeed increase traffic on your site. It is obvious that with high traffic, the more successful your blog will be. That’s the magic of signatures. There is no need to add complication to the promotion of your blog. If you link your signature to your blog all the recipients of your email will be getting as well the direct link to your blog.

This will indeed increase traffic on your site. It is obvious that with high traffic, the more successful your blog will be. That’s the magic of signatures. There is no need to add complication to the promotion of your blog. It is obvious that with high traffic, the more successful your blog will be.

Signatures are just short and sweet phrases. It doesn’t have to be long. Once you are set, it is possible to send an email to thousands of people in just a single click of a button. That’s how powerful internet is. If you link your signature to your blog all the recipients of your email will be getting as well the direct link to your blog. This will indeed increase traffic on your site. It is obvious that with high traffic, the more successful your blog will become.

With these tips in mind, you will have higher traffic of visits on your blog and that is definitely a win - win situation for you. Just remember. With email signatures, your blog promotion will be as easy as ABC. No need to make it fancy, just the plain old signature will do just the same.
Blog Directory for Your Blog’s Victory

People nowadays are fond of writing blogs. Some write blogs just for the heck of it and some makes blogging a source of income. That’s right. Blogging can generate income as well. But it’s not that simple for your blog to generate money – it must first generate a large number of views. Traffic is the main key. The higher your blog traffic, the higher extra money you will be able to get from your blog. So the main question is – how do you acquire such traffic? How do you promote your blog to the millions of online drifters.

One of the most common way of doing so is through blog directories. Blog directories enlists a large number of blogs that are accessible to the public. They are diversified and segregated in a manner that the topics will correspond to what blog you are looking for. Are you looking for technical stuff? Political matters? Tips for a troubled relationship maybe? It doesn’t matter what the topic you’re searching for it will always be a good way to promote your blog through blog directories.

Are you looking for technical stuff? Political matters? Tips for a troubled relationship maybe? It doesn’t matter what the topic you’re searching for it will always be a good way to promote your blog through blog directories. Blog directories enlists a large number of blogs that are accessible to the public. They are diversified and segregated in a manner that the topics will correspond to what blog you are looking for.

Blog directories enlists a large number of blogs that are accessible to the public. They are diversified and segregated in a manner that the topics will correspond to what blog you are looking for. Are you looking for technical stuff? Political matters? Tips for a troubled relationship maybe? It doesn’t matter what the topic you’re searching for it will always be a good way to promote your blog through blog directories. Are you looking for technical stuff? Political matters? Tips for a troubled relationship maybe?

It doesn’t matter what the topic you’re searching for it will always be a good way to promote your blog through blog directories. Blog directories enlists a large number of blogs that are accessible to the public. They are diversified and segregated in a manner that the topics will correspond to what blog you are looking for. Blog directories enlists a large number of blogs that are accessible to the public.

It doesn’t matter what the topic you’re searching for it will always be a good way to promote your blog through blog directories. Are you looking for technical stuff? Political matters? Tips for a troubled relationship maybe? It doesn’t matter what the topic you’re searching for it will always be a good way to promote your blog through blog directories.

It doesn’t matter what the topic you’re searching for it will always be a good way to promote your blog through blog directories. Are you looking for technical stuff? Political matters? Tips for a troubled relationship maybe? It doesn’t matter what the topic you’re searching for it will always be a good way to promote your blog through blog directories.

In a nutshell, blog directories can be used to boost one’s blog traffic and a perfect way to promote your blog online.

How to Add Your Blog to Blog Directories: A Primer

There are over a million blogs now online, and there are thousands and thousands of readers who have to sift through all the intellectual and creative sedimentation in order to find the things that they would like to read. After all, there are as many tastes and thoughts as there are people on the planet, and having a blog can be a bid for anyone to be heard. If you have a blog, surely you’ve had dreams of making it big in the blogosphere and of getting people to read your work no matter where they are in the work. In order to do this, however, you will need to find ways to promote your blog.

Thanks to the power of technology and the Internet, you have a lot of techniques to choose from when it comes to promoting your blog. For one, you can post on forums that have topics that are related to your blog, and that have members who might be interested in the things that you have to say. Another way that you can promote your blog is through posting on mailing lists: you can extend help to people who you know can benefit from your expertise, or you can simply join a mailing list where people share your interests.

One more way for you to make more people come to your side of the bloggin universe is to add your blog to blog directories.

In the same way that Google indexes individual websites and puts them under the right keyword, so can you add your blog to an online blog directory. The blog directory is a great way for you to get noticed. By placing your blog under certain categories or keywords, and by placing it in a place that can be searched, and where individual entries can be categorized and filtered according to topic, you can get more readers – and not just casual readers who are passing through, but those who actually may share your interests.

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How do you get your blog onto online blog directories?

There are many different directories available, and you will need to find one that not only offers free listing – there are many of these, so you need not worry – but those that will allow you to gain the most visibility. Moreover, you are not limited to a single blog directory: try placing yourself in about four or five, as there are readers and browsers that often stay loyal to a single blog directory. This technique may allow you to spread yourself farther, and faster.

Before you enter your blog onto an online directory, make sure that you know exactly what your blog keywords are.

These will be required when you register your blog site. You do not want to put down random keywords in an effort to get your blog noticed anywhere and everywhere. You know what it feels like to stumble onto a website that has absolutely nothing to do with your search term, so imagine what a blog reader would feel when he or she finds your blog but isn’t interested in its content!

Don’t turn potential readers away!

In the same way, make your content readable and worth going back to. There are many blog writers out there who do not even spell properly or write with sense, and you do need to set yourself apart from the rest. Make sure that your blog is ready for the world before you put it on a blog directory.

These are only a few tips that you may want to take note of before you start putting your blog down in a blog directory. For more information, go through the About and FAQ sections of blog directories to see what rules you need to follow, and the extent of the reach of the directory. With good planning and good keywords, not to mention good content, you will succeed in blogging.
Choosing Blogs to Comment On

Assuming that you already know and appreciate the benefits of posting comments on other people’s blogs, here are a few tips to help you choose the best blogs to leave those wonderful comments of yours on.

Similarity in Interest

There is rarely a point to leave a comment on blogs that have nothing at all to do with the main theme of your blog. A direct connection is unnecessary but preferable. If you are, for instance, maintaining a vitamin supplements, you don’t always have to restrict your comments on blogs that tackle the very same topics. You can also visit a beauty blog, for instance, and post comments regarding the benefits that vitamin supplements offer with regard to one’s physical appearance.

A quick way to determine the nature of any blog is by checking out its blog description. If there is none, just browse through its content and see if you’re targeting the same keywords.


Likewise, it’s senseless to leave comments on little-known blogs. With such a small readership base, you won’t be able to justify the amount of time and effort it could take you to post the best comments. If you’re going to use comments to promote your blog, it’s better to post them at blogs that are equally popular or more so than yours.

You can use the blog’s page rankings to determine the popularity rating of other blogs and compare it with yours.

Likelihood of Reciprocity

Naturally, it’s best to concentrate your efforts on blogs whose owners are likely to reciprocate your action. Whether or not you’re the first to make contact, as long as the other party benefited from the comment you posted then it’s only good business for them to reciprocate.

To determine the chances of having comments left on your blog and link exchanges, try reading the previous entries in other blogs. Follow the links of those who posted comments on their blogs and see if the favor was returned. You know what to do next.

Similarity in Target Market
Blogs need not have the same interest in order to benefit from comment exchange. With careful planning, traffic can be generated for two different blogs with just a couple of comments posted on each other’s entries.

A dance blog and a food blog may not have anything in common at first glance, but if you look more closely, you’ll realize that both of them may target the same age group. Two different blogs may also have target the same geographical area. 

If you can find a major connection between both your target markets, beneficial comment exchange is very much possible but only with careful planning. First, you’ll need to think of a topic that could link your interests together. Just concentrate on your target market, and you’re sure to find one.

If we go back to the food and dance blog example and assume that both are targeting teenagers, articles that could require the blog owners to exchange comments would be about the best food for dancers during competition and the best dance workouts for those on a diet.

Of course, it’s not bad at all to leave a comment on someone else’s blog just because you want to. If you have the time and the inclination then go ahead! There may be no way for you to benefit from such an action now but this small act of generosity and goodwill could turn out good for you in the long run.

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