Kindle Publishing Checklist

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q     Getting Ready
q                 Make sure you have all of the publishing tools you’ll need: Amazon KDP account, Word or Open Office, Jutoh or Adobe InDesign (or other eBook conversion tool of your choice).  
q                 Commission or create the components of your book: title, covers, content, sales description.
q     Format Your Book
q                 Build your book in Word, using the provided template.
q                 Don’t use headers, footers, page numbers, bullets or special fonts. 
q                 Use page breaks instead of hard returns.
q                 Start chapters on a new page.
q                 Make your links clickable, by manually adding hyperlinks.
q                 Update your TOC before your final save.
q                 Save book as both .doc and .html (Web Page, Filtered)
q                 Convert to .mobi using Jutoh Software, Adobe InDesign with Kindle PlugIn, or other tools such as Calibre.
q                 Preview your book using Kindle Previewer or Kindle for PC.
q     Publish Your Book to Kindle
q                 Sign into the KDP platform using your Amazon account information.
q                 Make sure you have your payment information entered so that you can receive royalties.
q                 Enter your book title in the space provided.
q                 If the book is part of a series, check the appropriate box and enter the information necessary for the series.
q                 Enter an enticing book description in the space provided.
q                 Enter your name or your pen name as Author, under Contributors.
q                 Indicate the language for your book.
q                 Select a publication date.
q                 Indicate if there is a publisher or ISBN (optional)
q                 Verify publishing rights: whether Public Domain material is used or not. (If PD must use 35% royalty rate.)
q                 Add Categories (you are allowed two.)
q                 Enter up to 7 search keywords in the space provided.
q                 Upload your eBook cover image, or create with Cover Designer.
q                 Choose whether to enable Digital Rights Management. I’ve always leaved it unchecked.
q                 Upload your .doc, .html, or .mobi file.
q                 Choose publishing rights for your book; usually worldwide.
q                 Enter a list price for your book and choose the royalty option; usually 70% unless Public Domain, or outside the $2.99 - $9.99 range. 30% for .99 - $1.99
q                 Read and confirm the KDP Terms and conditions.
q                 Save and Publish
q     Promote your book.

q     Do it all again!

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