~ Relationship Rationalizations

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So many relationships come in second, third or even worse to the many distractions in our daily lives.  Unfortunately, these distractions are allowing too many marriages to end in divorce or a couple simply co-exists for years longing for happiness and fulfillment.  It simply doesn’t have to be this way.  It’s time to take a look at what is really important and what will matter in the long run.  Once your job or other commitments are gone, all you’ll have left is an empty marriage or an empty home to face every day.  It’s time to stop making excuses and find the time to romance your spouse starting today.

Some women truly believe that some men aren’t genetically capable of being romantic.  No matter how masculine a guy is, he is capable of romance!  It is just another excuse for people to let their relationship slide.  Romance leads to happy relationships while relationships without romance lead to loneliness or even worse.  All men are and can show that they are romantic.  So can all women.

When you envision romance, you probably think about a great deal of materialistic exchanging happening between you and your spouse.  Romance isn’t about what is tangible or how much you spent.  Romance is about the thought and intention behind every gesture you make.  As long as the thought is behind your efforts, you will have romance.  Improving your relationship with better companionship, sex and attention is very romantic alone!

If you’ve decided to be romantic, you have one chance to forget about your commitment.  Just one chance and then that’s it.  From then on it’s an excuse- a bad one at that- and you will do more damage to your relationship than you thought possible from neglecting your spouse.  If you are constantly forgetting, you are displaying behavior that can only be interpreted as your spouse simply isn’t that important to you.

Procrastination is the archenemy of romance.  While your career is and should be important, your spouse should be more important.  Imagine sitting on your front porch in your golden years while looking back at everything you’ve accomplished as well as any regrets you might have.  Do you really thing you’ll be wishing you had spent more time working?

For the belligerent spouses out there, its most likely crossed you mind that you don’t have to be romantic because you shouldn’t have to prove your love to your spouse.  Being married and bringing romance into your relationship isn’t about proving anything.  Romance with your spouse is about showing how much you appreciate and love him or her.

Don’t drag your heels when it comes to being romantic.  Putting it off can become just as bad as never ever doing it at all and the habit is quite easy to fall into.  Consider the fact that you don’t know how long you and your spouse will be lucky enough to have each other.  Whether he or she will become deceased or they leave your procrastinating butt, you simply don’t have the time to put off making your marriage and incredibly loving and romantic partnership.

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