The Reasons You Need Email Deliverability
The problems associated with email deliverability are a
significant hindrance to the conduct of internet commerce via email. That may be as succinct a statement of the
obstacles we face when trying to build an online marketing presence as we use
as a primary or even a component of your internet marketing plan any form of
email marketing. Even the best designed
and written marketing plan that depends on reaching your customers via standard
email communications faces the problem of spam filters and other hindrances to
email communications resulting in disruptions to your email deliverability.
So before you design an elaborate methodology to battle theemail deliverability issue, maybe its best to drop back and look at exactly
what you are looking for email marketing to do for you and evaluate whether the
investment is worth the outcome. The basic reasons we utilize email marketing
are these….
To generate enthusiasm for
online promotions.
To make product
announcements and build customer awareness of new products and services.
To generate interest in
special promotions designed to stimulate sales.
To evangelize new customers
and build our online marketing program.
To maintain open
communications with our customers.
To solicit feedback from
the customer base.
To encourage referrals.
To repair relationships
after service calls or returns and to rebuild customer confidence.
For mass mailings to create
a new wave of sales and to grow your online market niche.
These are probably just a few of the ways you might use an
internet marketing program via email if it ran smoothly. But if you are facing email deliverability
problems, every one of these objectives can be frustrated and you could
actually lose customers and see a decline in business simply because the email system
is so bogged down with spam and spam filters put in place to battle the
These are all valid reasons for any kind of customer
communications. And under the previous
model of how the internet operates only a few years ago, internet citizens
looked to email as one of the primary touch points for communications from
friends, business associates and online merchants.
Having established that under the assumption that email is
the most efficient method for sustaining contact with existing customers and
building new customer relationships, then making an effort to get email
deliverability under control makes a lot of sense. There are two levels of email relationships
here to take into account and the effectiveness of a war on the email deliverability
problem differs for the two types of customer relationships.
When using emails for relationships with existing customers
with whom you enjoy an ongoing relationship of trust, the investment you might
make to clear away any email deliverability problems makes a lot of sense. But you also have resources in an existing
trust relationship with a customer that take a lot of the tedium of fighting
email deliverability out of the formula.
An existing customer can add you to their preferred contacts
list so the email spam filters will automatically allow your emails to flow
through to the customer. You can ask for
feedback on a regular basis to assure deliverability is working and to test
that your communications are getting through.
In a relationship of trust with your existing niche, keeping email
deliverability active is not as much of a problem.
However when using email to gather new customer contacts
particularly through mass mailings, you face an uphill battle to open the doors
of email deliverability with dozens if ISPs and to learn up to date email
deliverability "tricks of the trade" so your email doesn’t get
discarded with hundred of other mass mailings which qualify as spam. And in that mass mailing solicitation already
had a low percentage of return on investment before the email deliverability
problem came up, the investment in solving the deliverability problem for mass
mailing emails may just not be worth the effort.
Start Them Communicating and Keep Them Communicating
As an internet customer and web surfer, you no doubt have
signed up for mailing lists, web site "memberships" or to buy
something online and experienced an email verification process. The process is pretty straight foreword and
most of us follow the instructions of the web site without giving it much
You sign up to have an ID
on the web site. This is a common
practice so you can make posts on a web site's message boards or get
notifications of changes to the site or news about the web site topics.
You provide the safe
information including what nickname you want to use, a password, perhaps your
zip code and your email address. Because
the web site doesn’t require phone number or address, you don’t mind giving
them this information , especially if they post a notice that they will not sell your email on a mailing list.
Once your registration is
processed, the web page instructs you that a verification email was sent to
assure that the email adders you gave is valid. You are then instructed to go
to your email address and find the verification email, open it and click on the
link to complete the activation of your membership.
You are obedient and
complete those steps and you are done.
You might get a "congratulations" email letting you know that
you are ready to use your new membership on the web site.
Have you ever thought about why the web site owners created
this system? It might be to limit the
people who can post on their message
boards or change their wiki pages. But
that probably is not the reason. The
real reason is to establish email communications up front to head off any
problems with email deliverability issues and to encourage you to add the email
address they will be using to contact you to your preferred users list in your
spam blocking software so their emails will get through.
This technique for overcoming the email deliverability
problem is probably one of the best of the current thinking on the
problem. That is because the solution is
not based on assaulting the machinery in place to handle spam emails. The solution is based in building a
relationship with the customer from the ground up. And by starting that relationship out with an
enticement, you start them communicating with them via email early on so that
channel of communication opens up.
However, I have often thought that the web site owners miss
a golden opportunity when they guide us through this process. If you are like me, you are happy to go
through this verification process because it makes sense. And in a way it makes you feel good that the
web site owners want to know you are for real and they give you a chance to opt
out during the email verification process.
You are in a cooperative and partnering mood with the web site owner
which is a business providing you with a product or service, whether you know
they are that or not.
But the online business that just did such a good job of
starting you communicating missed the chance to keep you communicating. Yes, the congratulations email is a nice
follow up. But this is s a golden
opportunity to start a dialog of communication with each customer that not only
keeps that email channel of communications open, it builds that customer
relationship so you can exploit it for more sales, greater participation in the
web site and for referrals.
At that moment when the congratulations email, what if you
put a coupon for 15% off a newsletter subscription or from something in the
catalog of products? Immediately are drawing
the customer to a buying relationship with your internet business. And by drawing them to your sales page, you
can market all your goods and services to them as they claim their prize.
There are dozens of ways to tease further communications
with the close of each successful transaction.
You already have the customer's attention when you step them through the
email address validation process and you know you have a "hot" email
marketing contact point with an active customer. Don’t miss out on using this hot channel to
build and expand that relationship and make it bigger and better with each
exchange of emails with that customer.
Selling and Teaching via Email
Probably the most reliable way to get around the problem of
email delivery problems is to shift the desire for communications from the
merchant, which is you, to the customer.
By turning the tables so the customer wants your emails, the customer
will take the steps to white list your email sending address to make sure he or
she gets every single email you send.
And the best way to create that desire is to give them something of
value in their email each week.
People come to the internet for many things including
entertainment, discussion, free stuff and diversion. But one of the most common things that people
want is knowledge. Yo have a specialized
knowledge you can offer to your customers that will not only benefit them but
it can be used as a marketing tool to open communications to your customers
email inboxes in a far more effective way than any blind email or mass mailing
could ever do.
There are several ways to offer training courses online
including ebooks or videos. But what is
most effective for the sake of opening a long lasting communication channel to
your customers is an email course in which you step by step lay out your
specialized knowledge about your field of expertise over a period of twelve to fifteen installments.
Sometimes this kind of offering is called an autoresponder
series because the function of an autoresponder software package can be helpful
with distribution of the e-course. An
autoresponder is a specialized service or type of software that either
automatically responds to events or emails by sending out a response email or
it can be used to generate email traffic on a schedule. So you can use an autoresponder to send the
next installment of your email course to those who "subscribe" to it
and know that it will go out without fail on the appointed day.
Now probably the biggest challenge of offering an
autoresponder email course is how to create the course. Few of us are writers and while you may have
the knowledge, you may have trouble composing that knowledge in the form of a
course. There are a couple of ways to
solve this problem…
You could hire a
ghostwriter to compose the course for you.
You could speak the course
contents into a tape recorder and then have it transcribed into a written
course that could be sent to customers in short email installments.
You could even have a
friend "interview" you to draw that specialized knowledge out of
you. The interviews could be fairly free
form and then you could take the transcriptions of the interviews and organize
them by topic into an e-course to offer your customers.
Once you have the contents laid out, don’t publish the
course until you look it over to see where in the outlines you can integrate
marketing messages. Many of the products
or services you offer as part of your business are directly related to your
specialized knowledge. So by including
links to your shopping cart pages or to web pages that can lead customers to
purchase decisions, the course is both instructional and useful for promoting
your web site and sales as well.
The next step is to get the course into the hands of your
users. The first candidates to become
"students" are the active cyber citizens who spend a lot of time on
your web site. So look at the regular
posters on your message boards and blogs or citizens of a chat room on your
site or contributors to your wiki and open conversations with them about
offering a course.
You can also create multiple ways to allow your customers to
subscribe to the course series. An
online sign up is always a good choice because you can harvest their email
address there and then open communications to their email and see to it that
your business email is added to their favored contacts spam filter list so they
do not see the courses disappear into their spam bucket each week.
As the customer enjoys learning from your series, the added
benefit of getting them used to an active interaction with you and your web
site is put in place. And the course can
be viral to be passed along to friends and family members so it recruits new
customers as well.
Viral Marketing Trumps Email Deliverability
The internet has turned another corner in the last few
years. This should come as no
surprise. The one constant about the
internet is change. But the changes that
have become a reality in the last few years have made fundamental changes to
how we view the internet, how we use it and what we expect when we go on a web
site and interact with the web site owners any more.
From wiki control over web sites to YouTube to social
networks, the emphasis of the internet has shifted from the operators of web
sites to the users. And with this change
the way those of us involved in using the internet for marketing have begun to
change the way we do business as well.
The model for internet marketing that predates the shift to
the WEB 2.0 methodology was heavily dependent on email as the primary line of
communication with the customer. Next to
online sales, email was the way customers sent in inquiries and the way
customer support was handled. And other
than online advertising, email was the most sophisticated method for internet
marketing we had at our disposal.
Over time, however, the use of email for marketing began to
see abuses in the form of spam. More and
more the need to protect customers from spam communications has so dominated
the world of email marketing that has become a cost burden for online merchants
and customers alike and it has slowed or stopped email deliverability to the
point that it is uncertain on any given business day whether you can depend on email
to keep your business running or not.
As a result, a discipline and a methodology for
circumventing email delivery interference points such as spam filters has
imposed yet another new area of online knowledge that takes time away from
running your business so you can focus on working with ISPs and learning the
methods of spam control so you can carefully construct your emails so at least
they will get to your customers. But the
methods you have to use to jump through hoops to get your marketing emails to
customers have come to dominate email marketing so heavily that the message and
the communication has almost taken a back seat to just getting the email
It is interesting that the big changes in how the internet
operates in some ways are going to retire this cumbersome email system before
we come up with a solution to the email delivery problem. There are some very sophisticated internet
marketing techniques that are showing themselves to be highly effective that
never depend on email at all. And as
modern internet merchants turn to these methods, the problem of email delivery
may never be solved as much as it is ignored and allowed to die out on its own.
Viral marketing is one way modern internet marketers are
recruiting new customers and getting the word out about products and services
by tapping the power of video and the instinct internet denizens have for
downloading free stuff. Viral marketing
is a method where the merchant creates a download that is desirable. A funny video, a musical performance or an
ebook make great viral marketing tools.
But along with the free "toy", the download carries the
marketing message of the merchant and is downloaded into the internet network
of users quickly and with no cost to the merchant or the user.
The viral part occurs naturally as users upload the video or
link to it on other web sites or share it with each other on blogs or through
email. The marketing message spreads
from customer to customer, like a virus spreads the flu and as it spreads, it
directs new customers back to the merchant web site to become active
This is a powerful marketing technique that depends on
nothing more than human nature for success.
And unlike the cumbersome email system, viral marketing has its own way
of avoiding "spam", it is fast and it is cost free. But above all the one trait that makes viral
marketing trump email marketing as the means to success for the future of
internet marking is a simple principle that always attracts business people. It works.
Those Tricky Customers
Internet marketing can be a cat and mouse game with you
being the cat and the customer being a very wily mouse. Internet denizens are a clever sort and if
they see something on your web site, they will not hesitate to sign up for a
membership and even agree to receive your promotional emails. But those tricky customers have ways to
dodging your email advertising so even though you think you are advertising to
them, your messages are actually vanishing off the face of the earth. So we have to be just as clever as well.
Knowing how customers think is a big part of being successful
in your marketing plans. Internet
customers are just like customers in the old marketing model. They are curious about promotions and they
want to enjoy your give aways and dodge ongoing advertising. The cat and mouse game is to get them to want
your advertisements by attaching them to things they want and get them to give
you their email addresses and even to add your email identification to their preferred
contacts list so your marketing emails fly right through their spam
Much of what goes into web site design is making a web
"place" that will draw customers to register for a
"membership" or otherwise provide you with their real email address. When you develop a system that is working
with actual visitors on your web site, you can then build a mailing list that
is of much greater value than any list of email addresses you might buy from a
mass mailing email service. Your email
list is pure gold because it consists of real customers who actually had an
interest in your web site and your product or service and who are likely to
come back if your marketing is well done. Not only is that email contact list
gold to you as a business, it is of great interest to other businesses in
similar lines of business as you who will pay well to get their hands on that
marketing email contacts list for the same reasons you value it.
However, those tricky customers of yours even have ways of
stepping around your validation schemes and it all lies in the fact that anyone
can set up as many email addresses online that they want. You know from your personal use of email that
you have one or two primary email accounts, probably with your ISP that go
directly to your desktop email software such as Microsoft Outlook. But most of us also set up two or three or
many more other email accounts with services like HotMail, Yahoo and
others. Its easy to set up an account on
these services to use for games or to register for contests.
Those alternate services are where tricky online customers
can trap your emails and actually give you the impression that you are advertising
to them when you are not. A typical ploy
by internet denizens is to send any incoming emails that are not personal or of
immediate value to a yahoo, hotmail or other free email service. The result is that even if you harvested
their email address when they signed on for a service or became a member of
your web site, your advertising emails are being "dumped" into these
alternative email inboxes which the customer has no intention of keeping up
The customer might check those email boxes every few weeks
and just hit "delete all" on the inbox knowing that they don’t want
to see any of those emails. And when they do that, there goes your
advertising and you may never know what happened.
One way to try to bypass this problem is to make
verification of email a part of the registration process. In that way, the customer has to log onto
that email box to see a verification email and hit a link in that email to
validate that it is a valid email address.
But the final answer is to make your marketing emails so interesting and
valuable to your customers that they don't want to "dump them" into a
holding tank email because they want to see what you are going to send
them. And when you get to that level of
relationship with a customer, you really do have a gold email list that will
result in much higher sales for your online business.
Monitoring Email Deliverability
The world of business communications has changed
dramatically in the last two decades and with it the way you go about marketing
your products has changed too. In this
new century if you are not assured you can be successful with internet
marketing and to do so using email, you are behind the curve in getting to the
customer base you need before your competitors too.
For many companies the only way to reach the volume of
customers you need to reach to reach your financial goals is through mass email
advertising campaigns. But the services
you can subscribe to are costly. If you
pay a price to deliver 100,000 emails to potential customers and only 5000
actually get to those email inboxes because spam filters are catching your
advertisements first, then you have wasted a lot of money.
The only way you can really know what percentage of emailsare getting through to the customers is to find a way to monitor them. That is why employing an independent agency
that can help you track your emails makes sense. If that company can deliver to you a report
that shows in detail and by ISP what percentage of your emails are being
trapped by filters and conversely how many are getting to customers, you have
what you need to make some decisions about how to spend your internet marketing
budget in the next quarter. But that
data has to be reliable and usable to you and it must be graphic so you can use
it in presentations to current management to illustrate the problem and what
you plan to do with it.
It makes sense to look into the top email delivery
monitoring services to determine if they can provide you with those
statistics. An example of such a service
is This service
makes it possible to see in detail how many of your emails are getting to their
intended email inboxes, how many are being diverted to spam filters and how
many vanish entirely from the internet (presumably automatically deleted by
spam filters). This information is
reported by major ISP so you can quickly spot if your message is being caught more often by one ISP than
Armed with this kind of information, you can dig deeper to
find out what spam detection rules the ISPs in question are using and then
tailor your next mass communications email so your message is approved by the
ISP filters and goes on to the customers.
The outcome is that if the service is accurate, within a matter of
months, you will have what you need to fine tune your email marketing plan and
see a significant improvement in successful delivery of your advertising to
When you see that percentage start to go up, you will immediately see a corresponding
increase in inquiries about your product or services followed by an increase in
sales. That kind of refinement of your
marketing program is exactly what needs to be done every week and every month
by your marketing department to assure long term success in this modern world
of digital commerce.
A good email delivery monitor provides two important services
for your business. The first is the one
we just described. By giving you the
data you need to evaluate why your emails are not getting to the customers
email boxes, you can make changes to fix the problem and see a dramatically
higher rate of success for your marketing dollar.
But the second service is just as valuable because the
reports, statistics and graphs that are given to you are crucial both for your
management of internet advertising and for communication with corporate
management. You are going to be held
accountable for the success of your internet marketing programs. This data will help you be able to show both
where you are successful and where work needs to be done and to show management
the path to success you have planned.
This is not a commercial for any one service but DeliveryMonitor is a good example of how they work and a good starting place for your evaluation. But be a thorough business person and evaluate the field of services so when you do budget to bring a email delivery reporting service on board as a vendor, you know what you are paying for and you know what they can do for your business.
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