Can You Believe in Evolution and Still Be President?
At the Republican
debates, a reporter asked "Is there anybody on the stage that does not
agree, believe in evolution?" Only three candidates raised their hand: Sam
Brownback, Mike Huckabee, and Tom Tancredo.
It seems like a silly
question at first - why should you even ask a President whether they believe in
evolution? But it turns out that a lot of the policies of setting national law
do tie back to this very simple question.
Pro-life vs. Pro-choice:
If a supreme being created us, then we alone are not responsible for our lives.
We have to assume that fiddling with His procreative process is a blasphemy
against His creation. But if we're nothing but evolved monkeys, then we have no
concern for aborting a fetus beyond our own respect for human life.
Stem cell research: If
we presume that there is a God, then tampering with the building blocks of life
is "playing God" and a perceived sin. If we are all just evolved by
accident, then utilizing our science to extend and enhance human life is not
just a right, but a duty to the success of our species.
Environmentalism: This
could go either way, surprisingly. We could either assume that a supreme being
could save us if we falter, or we could listen to the religious leaders who
have pointed out that scripture commands us to take care of the Earth. On the
evolutionary side, we could either declare that the management of the planet is
up to us, or we could just resign ourselves to saying, "Well, survival of
the fittest!" If we make ourselves extinct, then we weren't fit.
Foreign policy: Looking
toward the Middle East, we can see that some countries allow their religious
views to taint their foreign policy. Now, do we take a religious stance in
response, and conquer the rest of the world in the name of the Lord, or do we
take the non-religious stance and brush aside all holy wars as superstitious
Of course, these are
just examples; there are many other possible points of view which can stem from
either stance. But the voting public seems to prefer a religious leader, or at
least one who is a faith-holding Christian. John McCain gave the most creative
response: He said that he believes in evolution, but cannot deny existence of a
God when viewing the beauty of nature.
This is actually a
common stance: a small but stable percentage of voters take an agnostic stance:
all scientific findings so far point to evolution as a fact, but this does not
mean that God could not have set up the laws of physics in the first place so
that evolution would happen. An agnostic is not an atheist, contrary to common
belief; an agnostic instead is one who neither denies nor confirms the
existence of a supreme being, and perhaps believes that it isn't possible for
us to know or is specifically not intended for us to know.
Nevertheless, we have
not only never had an atheist president, we have never even had an agnostic
one. Every single past President has professed some form of Christian faith. So
it would seem, since all monotheistic Western religions assert that the
Universe and life is intelligently designed, that anybody running for President
had better be a faith-holder or risk losing votes.
The exception is a
particular flavor of faith known as "Deism". Deists reject the idea
that supernatural events such as prophecy and miracles are true, and they tend
to assert that God does not interfere with human life and the laws of the
universe. Well, there you go! There is a God, but the Universe came about from
a Big Bang and life evolved anyway!
Who were the Deist
Presidents? Nobody special - just Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James
Monroe, John Tyler, and Abraham Lincoln, that's all. Not to mention Benjamin
Franklin. George Washington never affirmed Deism in his own life, but scholars
after the fact state that he was.
Well, here's our
founding fathers, all believing something that sounds awfully close to
"evolution with a side of God". The thing is, scientists, and those
who care greatly about the ever-increasing importance of science in our
society, have a big, fat issue with sticking to a scripture account of nature and
history. They want to be faithful, they would prefer to interpret scripture as
a metaphor for the scientifically-proven events that happen, but the United
States is pulling so hard to the religious right that it differs from a
theocracy by now only by name. This represents a severe spin rightward from our
At the very least, the
next time John McCain is put on the spot about evolution, he would do well to
simply answer that he is a Deist. With the good company that he's in, it
couldn't hurt his voting base too much.
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