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Prior to Event:

Post 1:  The time is right to guide federal action for healthy housing.  “Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action” is a multi-agency strategic plan developed to advance national housing policies.  Learn more about the plan and the February 4th launch here: To learn more please visit  
Post 2:  1 in 5 children in America live in poverty.  Learn how the federal Strategy for Action for advancing healthy housing strategically targeting healthy homes activities to keep people from being harmed by their housing. To learn more please visit

Post 3:  Children, the elderly, and individuals with chronic illness are often more vulnerable to the effects of health and safety hazards in their homes.  Learn how the Healthy Homes Work Group’s Strategy for Action promotes strategically targeting healthy homes activities to support the needs of underserved populations. To learn more please visit

Post 4: The federal government encourages participation from many sectors to join in the efforts to make homes healthier and safer.  Join state and local governments, and private and non-government organizations in local and regional activities to advance healthy housing.
Post 5: Health and safety hazards associated with housing cost the Nation billions of dollars annually in healthcare costs alone, and may lead to lower educational attainment, loss of housing equity, neighborhood deprivation and more.  We must act now!  First Step?  Attend the launch on February 4th at the Building Museum, or, if you can’t get there, view it on line starting the next day.

Post 6: “Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action” represents a bold new vision for addressing the Nation’s health and economic burdens caused by preventable hazards associated with the home.   To learn how to get involved and for information about the February 4th launch of the Strategy, go here:

Post 7: Homes are where we spend more time than anywhere else, where our children live and play, where friends and family gather to celebrate, and where we seek refuge and safety.   Learn how to protect your home through the federal government’s “Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action”.  Visit and attend the February 4th launch at the Building Museum. 

Post 8: What are the 8 characteristics of a healthy home?  It is dry, clean, pest free, safe, contaminant free, well ventilated, and well maintained and thermally controlled.  Help accomplish this for more homes, streamline public awareness messages and program coordination, as well as establish effective partnerships. Learn more on February 4.

Tweet 1: The time is right to guide federal action for healthy housing. Join #HealthyHomes on 2/4  @BuildingMuseum. #StrategyforAction
Tweet 2: Health is not just about the quality of your health care, it’s also about the home you live in not making you sick. #HealthyHomes @HHSGov

Tweet 3: Help reduce the number of American homes w/residential #health & safety hazards. Follow @HUDNews #StrategyforAction

Tweet 4: Join #healthyhomes Strategy for Action 2/4. #HHWG: @HUDNews, @HHSGov, @CDCGov, @NIEHS, @Energy, @USDOL, @USNISTGOV.

Tweet 5: Your home has a unique place in your daily life. Learn how to protect it: #StrategyforAction @HUDNews
Tweet 6: Learn how @USDOL trains, connects workers to jobs in #cleanenergy economy, #greenconstruction. #HealthyHomes
Tweet 7: Focus: Public health impact of poor quality housing. Follow #StrategyforAction@Energy @HUDNews @HHSGov @CDCGov @NIEHS @USDOL @USNISTGOV
Tweet 8: Over 30 million U.S. housing units have problems (e.g. lead, radon, etc.) putting many at risk for illness & injury.Follow #HealthyHomes
Tweet 9: Radon in homes is estimated to cause 21,000 lung cancer deaths annually. Learn more at #HealthyHomes

Tweet 10: Housing quality is often far below what's considered safe & healthy. Follow #StrategyforAction & learn more @ the 2/4 federal launch.
Tweet 11: Interventions to reduce in-home hazards are cost-effective. Learn more #StrategyforAction

Post Event:

Post 1: Investing in residential health and safety improvements cost effectively reduces the economic burden from preventable hazards.  “Like” the federal government’s Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action (insert link to Facebook page) and visit  to listen to a live streaming of the February 4th launch event. 

Post 2: Want to help the federal government make informed decisions to develop imaginative and realistic solutions for healthy housing in the United States? “Like” the Advancing Healthy Housing: A Strategy for Action page(insert linkto Facebook page), and visit  to listen to a live streaming of the February 4th launch event. 

Tweet 1: U.S. federal agencies unveil Advancing Healthy Housing – A Strategy for Action #StrategyforAction  

Tweet 2: The Strategy for Action unifies, for the first time, federal action to advance healthy housing. Follow #StrategyforAction.

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