Mars Travel Guide

Objective: This activity will allow students to imagine that they are living on Mars and take on the roles of specialists working with travel agents who are trying to attract tourists to the “Red Planet.”

1.)   You will work in groups of 3 to come up with a detailed plan/mission to establish a travel destination on Mars.  Each person will have a specific job.  These jobs include:
·        Meteorologist: Become familiar with the type of weather conditions that exist on Mars, and determine what Latitude and Longitude would be an ideal location for the resort.  Research and create an atmospheric habitat that will enable appropriate weather conditions to attract tourists. 
·        Geologist: Research the history of craters on the Martian surface and determine a way to keep more meteorites from crashing into the colony.  Research the surface of Mars and determine the ideal location to build the Martian colony.
·        Mission Specialist: Research the most cost efficient and safe way for interested travelers to get to the Red Planet.  Come up with the cost of the trip per traveler.  Try to approximate the cost by researching the cost of rocket fuel, lodging costs, food costs, etc…
2.)   All three group members will work together to come up with an attractive way to sell their new trip including what the resort will look like, dining experiences, attractions, emergency protocol, transportation on the planet, etc...  This could be done in different ways. 
·        Travel Brochure or Poster
·        Power Point Presentation
·        TV Commercial

Each member will have to present their portion of the project, which will contribute to the groups’ final grade.
See the rubric on the following page.

Name: ____________________________
Partners Names: ______________________________

Mars Project rubric


Meets and exceeds expectation of this role as outlined in the directions
Did an adequate job in covering the pertinent information as outlined in the directions
Made an attempt at covering the information outlined in the directions, but missing some details
Made a limited attempt at researching the needed information as outlined in the directions

Meets and exceeds expectation of this role as outlined in the directions
Did an adequate job in covering the pertinent information as outlined in the directions
Made an attempt at covering the information outlined in the directions, but missing some details
Made a limited attempt at researching the needed information as outlined in the directions
Mission Specialist

Meets and exceeds expectation of this role as outlined in the directions
Did an adequate job in covering the pertinent information as outlined in the directions
Made an attempt at covering the information outlined in the directions, but missing some details
Made a limited attempt at researching the needed information as outlined in the directions
Group Design
Of Resort
Design show high levels of imagination, detail, and creativity
Design is adequate and shows an attempt at imagination, detail, and creativity
Design shows little attempt at imagination, detail, and creativity
No attempt at imagination, detail, and creativity is shown in the design
Final Product & Presentation

Traveling Nurse: How do Travel Nurses Find New Work Assignments

Overall great product; ample time and effort was put into this project

Jamaica Vacations 

Good product; ample time and effort were spent on this project

Hawaii Vacation: A Travel Guide
Acceptable product; Some aspects showed ample time and effort, while others were lacking

Italy Vacations: A Travel Guide
Unacceptable product; Low effort and time spent on this project are evident

 India Travel

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