ART GOLD Latin America Programme
acronym for "support to territorial and thematic networks of human
development cooperation for governance and local development in Latin America) is a multi donor initiative which involves
autonomous country interventions that are interlinked through international
thematic activities carried out in support of all countries. This facilitates
exchanges of experience, as requested by the government, in the Latin American
region, especially in the fields of governance, innovation, management training
and rationalisation of aid in conformity with the Paris Declaration and the UN
reform process.
The programme is a
response to a situation in Latin American in which there is an increasing
demand from governments, and also from many public and private social actors,
for modern forms of cooperation that are less fragmentary, more efficient and
more coherent with the profound changes that have taken place in the last 20
years. Cooperation has progressed markedly from the old approaches,
characterised by a lack of accountability and offering charity and assistance,
towards the new approaches of co-development in which a leading role is played
by and responsibility given to the country’s authorities and social actors in
the common interests of the South and North of the world for equitable,
sustainable, peaceful and human development. This prospect stems from a new
world development platform fine-tuned by the various United Nations summits
over the last 15 years and the Millennium Assembly, which set profoundly new
objectives, no longer purely based on economic growth but on a structural link
between growth and the well-being of all citizens in the country (human
development). Forms of cooperation have been subject to profound reform,
especially after the Paris Declaration and the European Consensus on aid
effectiveness, which highlighted the serious problem of cooperation being
fragmented into a myriad uncoordinated, separate and autonomous sectoral
projects, which have little impact on the great problems that affect citizens
(poverty, exclusion, violence, environmental degradation, wars etc.), and end
up wasting resources. In short, the
traditional centralist, sectoral assistance approaches dictated from above are
being questioned and new forms of cooperation are being sought which involve
decentralisation, the active involvement of all social actors, the
intersectoral coordination of interventions and the accountability of local
actors, including the poor themselves and those in greatest difficulty. Finally, solutions and procedures are being
explored to finance complex and long-term strategic processes rather than short
term, separate, rigid projects.
In the last few
years, there have been many changes in Latin America
involving greater democratic participation of the citizens in development
processes. In all countries, processes are taking place to fine-tune forms of
governance designed to valorise and give responsibility to local communities
and social actors, and there is an increasing demand for decentralised
cooperation, especially from the regions, provinces and municipalities of
Europe, also as a result of the leading role they played in the local
development supported by the EU Commission.
In the first International Conference on Territorial Development, held
in Marseille in March 2007, many Latin American delegations contributed
actively in fine-tuning the final declaration, which puts forward the approach
of territorial, decentralised, intersectoral, participated, sustainable,
equitable, peaceful and internationalised development as the best
methodological instrument to overcome the present limits of the forms of
development and cooperation, and recognises the UNDP's interagency ART
initiative as the most suitable instrument to achieve this aim and foster
coordinated forms of decentralised cooperation.
therefore, is set within the context of the broader international cooperation
initiative called ART, which associates the programmes and activities of
different United Nations organisations: UNDP, UNESCO, UNIFEM, WHO, UNOPS and
others. ART promotes a new type of multilateralism, in which the United Nations
system works with governments, fostering the active participation of local
communities and social actors of the South and North. The characteristics of
the ART Initiative, as they apply to the regional programme ART GOLD AL, are
described below.
operate in all Latin American countries whose governments apply for support,
depending on the support obtained from donors. The proposal is to use the
contribution requested of the Italian government to intervene in the following
countries, which have already applied for support: Bolivia,
Colombia and the Dominican Republic.
Below are some facts to illustrate the situation of these countries.
Source: UNDP Human
Development Report 2006
Total population
(millions): 44.9
Human development
index classification: 70
Life expectancy
(years): 72.6
Gross domestic
product per capita (USD) : 7.256
Adult literacy rate
(%): 88.4
Population having
access to health facilities (%): 86
Population that has
access to water (%): 93
Colombia is divided into 32
departments and a capital district. The present system was first introduced on
5 July 1991, when a new constitution came into force. The new Constitutional Charter abolished the
previous subdivisions (departments, commissariats, intendancies and special
districts) to give political uniformity to the country's geography and
The 32 departments
are: Amazonas, Antioquia, Arauca, Atlántico,
BolÃvar, Boyacá, Caldas, Caquetá, Cesar, Chocó, Córdoba, Cundinamarca,
Distrito Capital, GuainÃa, Guaviare, Huila, La Guajira,
Magdalena, Meta, Nariño, Norte de Santander, Putumayo, QuindÃo, Risaralda, San Andrés y Providencia, Santander, Sucre, Tolima, Valle
del Cauca, Vaupés,
agreement on the ART GOLD framework programme in Colombia was signed in May 2007
between the UNDP and the High Presidential Counsellor and the Minister of
Social Action, Luis Alfonso Hoyos Aristizábal. The ART GOLD Colombia
agreement is closely associated to the ongoing REDES programme, supported by
donors from Nordic countries.
ART GOLD Colombia is based on the important results
achieved in Colombia
by the UNDP's APPI programme (Anti Poverty Partnerships Initiatives),
implemented with the financial and technical support of Italian cooperation.
Launched in August 2003, in
collaboration with the UNDP Country Office and the Ministry of Commerce,
Industry and Tourism, the APPI programme focused on setting up local
development agencies in the various departments of the country. In particular
six LEDAs were activated and now operate in the following territories: Oriente
di Antiochia, Velez, Bucaramanga,
Boyaca, Nariño, Uraba. Another two LEDAs are being set up in the departments of
Cartagena and
ACOPI, association of small enterprises, the Colombian International
Cooperation Agency of the National Planning Department and Colciencias, the
operational arm of the Ministry of Science and Technology also took part in
activating and supporting the LEDAs.
During 2005, at the end of the APPI programme, the UNDP Country Office
contributed its own funds to keep the programme going with a technical team to
look after ongoing initiatives.
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