3d computer network connection picture 3


1.                  Name

1.1             The name of the organisation shall be the “National Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) Network”, (hereinafter called “the Network”).

2.                  Aim

2.1             To promote a clear understanding of the wide range of matters associated with parts 1, 2 & 3 of the Housing Act 2004 and to share information, skills and experience amongst interested parties. This will be achieved by:

2.1.1   A membership of interested individuals who subscribe to the aims of the Network.

2.1.2   A Steering Group to provide direction and focus for the Network

2.1.3   The delivery of conferences and other training events for members promoting good practice

2.1.4   A website to promote the Network, provide and share information and provide a communication channel with a wider audience

3.                  Powers

3.1             In furtherance of these aims, the Network may, by itself or through the steering group:

-                     publish and distribute information
-                     promote or carry out research/training
-                     arrange conferences
-                     raise funds
-                     make representations and comments about legislation, government proposals and consultations
-                     do all such other lawful things as are necessary

4.                  Membership

4.1             Any interested person may be a member of the Network.

4.2             Members of the Network must subscribe to its aims.

4.3       Membership shall be open, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, political party, race, disability, religious opinion, age or sexuality, to all persons who share the aims of the Network.

4.4       The Steering Group may refuse or terminate the membership of any person whose new or continued membership would not, in the reasonable view of the Steering Group, be consistent with the aims of the Network, (but only after notifying the prospective or actual member concerned in writing and considering the matter in the light of any written representations which the member puts forward within 28 days of receiving the notice.)

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