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* For every pin, there is a space for a description. You can keep a comment short and sweet or you can provide a full description of the pin or a brief explanation of why you are pinning it (like "this would be perfect for Sue’s luau party"). Note that when repinning, the description from the person who pinned it before you appears in that space by default.
* Choose to receive email notifications from your Preferences. This will alert you to new followers, new repins, @ mentions, and likes.
* "Like" is a wonderful and helpful feature on Pinterest. If you come across something that you like but don't necessarily want/need to pin, you can simply Like it. This won't show up in the feed, but you can click on Likes from your profile to see a list of everything you have Liked on Pinterest.  You can use like when you want to review something in depth before pinning it.  You can even use like for everything you want to pin and then go back and sort the pins later.
* To tag another Pinterest user when you pin something, use @ just like on Twitter or Facebook.
* Pinterest has apps! You can use it for skimming your feed during downtime or snap a picture and pin-on-the-go.
*Can Pinterest really be addictive?  J
As with all good things, it's a good idea to set up some boundaries if you are prone to losing track of time!  You could decide on a time that works for you and you could set a timer to keep track of it. 
*Want even more Pinterest tips? Click here to read more Pinterest tips, tricks, & FAQs!
Many people have found the Pinterest beginner's tutorial to be helpful.
Pinterest FAQs:

? Is it rude not to change a pin's description when you repin?

No, in fact it seems most people do not edit the description when repinning. There is nothing rude about this at all.  J

What are group boards? Why would you create a group board on Pinterest?

Inviting other people to contribute to a board you have created is an easy way to collaborate on an event or project with others. Pinterest boards can be useful for lesson and theme planning for school, menus for parties, décor for reunions, etc. Book clubs can have a collaborative board where people pin future book club selection ideas. Anything where more than one person contributes ideas to a project could be easily organized on Pinterest.

Pinterest Pro Tips:

*When you click on the best and most helpful pins (click on the picture itself), it takes you directly to the original source.
When you create an original pin from a website (Pinterest can only pick up images - not text!), MAKE SURE that the address in your browser's address bar will direct other pinners to that exact spot.  If not, pinners will find this extremely frustrating and so will you.
*Be thoughtful when naming your boards.
Not every single board has to have a catchy or interesting board title, but who are you more likely to follow?
If you are wondering, "How do I get more followers on Pinterest?"  BE INTERESTING! Start with your board names and go from there.
*You can contribute to the Pinterest community with original pins rather than relying solely on repinning.

As you become familiar with Pinterest, you will see a LOT of the same pins coming up again and again in your feed. The most interesting pinners are the ones who constantly bring new material into the community to share with others.Pinterest is partly about you, but it's also partly about the community as a whole. You can help to keep it fresh!

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