~The Vivid Spirit Tarot Cards: My Own NFT Collection

 The Vivid Spirit Tarot Cards: My Own NFT Collection by [Angela G. Knutson]

 Some people are turning to tarot to help support their mental health. Tarot cards may help you spark a conversation with a therapist, find meaning in your life circumstances, and identify solutions.
There is a spiritual component to tarot cards, which may appeal to those who don’t associate with organized religion. That said, tarot may go against your faith, or you may find it hard to believe.
It’s also not a replacement for therapy, though it can complement it.
Because the cards have multiple meanings, it can be tempting to see what you want to see. Experts say that getting a second opinion can help alleviate confirmation bias.
The bottom line? If tarot cards make you feel more at peace and help you feel better, they could be a good resource. If they don’t, it’s OK to move on to something else.
Tarot may not be ideal for individuals with certain mental health diagnoses, especially those including symptoms like paranoia, psychosis, or obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
Created: Jan 2023
Creator earnings: 5%
Chain: Polygon·
Category: Art


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