Google Adsense: How to Explain the Google Adsense Program to Others
We’re not talking about strangers here. For the strangers that visit your site, your content will have to do all the talking for you. But for the people in your daily life, the ones you want to click on your referral button, the ones you want to read and comment on your blog; these are the ones you want to be able to enlighten about the Google Adsense program.
First, excitement breeds excitement. Get excited about your new venture and others will too. Learn everything you can about the Google Adsense program, not only will this increase your earnings, but you’ll be better equipped to explain the mechanics of the program to others.
Show them the money. There’s nothing like a little proof to make a believer out of someone. You don’t have to wait until you’re making thousands per month, although that’s a healthy goal. But even a small deposit in your piggy bank is enough to intrigue most people. Can’t you just count those referrals now?

Google Adsense: Computer Knowledge and Direct Deposit
Do I Need to be Computer Savvy to Use Google Adsense?
You don’t have to be a techno-geek to use Google Adsense. In fact, you don’t need any more technical knowledge than you do to surf the web. Google Adsense is very user-friendly with a comprehensive support site to answer any question you might have.
You are first walked through the sign-up process where you are prompted for any and all information needed. You will then have a couple of days while you are waiting for your account to be approved. This would be a good time to familiarize yourself with the program policies, which of course you read before you signed up. But look again. Make sure the site you are registering doesn’t have any of the no-nos listed. For instance, some profanity is allowed, but nothing excessive. What is excessive? That could be a gray area, but if you’re in doubt, don’t register that site. There’s plenty of sites with little or no profanity.
Look at the support site while you are waiting on Google Adsense and see what other’s are saying and doing. Most of all, have fun. Your Google Adsense dollars are just waiting to be counted.
Does Google Adsense Offer Direct Deposit?
Google adsense offers various payment options for publishers.
Electronic Funds Transfer (ETF) is offered in 16 countries whereby your payments are deposited directly into your bank account in your local currency. Check Google Adsense support to see which countries participate in this option. You will need to sign up for this option after your application is approved by signing into your account. You then click the edit link adjacent to the payment header. After you fill out the bank information, Google Adsense will make a small test deposit into your account. This is for security purposes to assure the account is really your own.
Watch your account for the test deposit to post, usually within just a few days. After you have received the deposit from Google, log back in to your account and in the Payment Details section, click Verify Account. You then will need to enter the amount of the test deposit. If you do not complete this step, your payments will be on hold. Once you enter the test deposit amount correctly, your bank will be approved and selected as your form of payment.
Google Adsense: Do I Need A Pin Number For Google Adsense?
When you accumulate $50.00 in earnings, Google Adsense will send you a Personal Identification Number (PIN) to the payment address you supplied when you signed up. This is just another security precaution that Google Adsense has in place to protect their publishers but it is important.
Once you’ve been mailed a PIN number, your account payments will be on hold until the PIN is entered in your account. You can still have access to your account and earn money; you just won’t be paid until the PIN is entered. If it hasn’t been entered within 1 year, your account will be disabled.
To enter your PIN after you receive it in the mail, log into your Google Adsense account. Click on the My Account tab, then click on edit. Update the appropriate field and click submit changes. It would also be a good time to check your contact information and make sure it is correct. You’re now well on your way to receiving your first Google Adsense check.
Google Adsense: Don’ts for Using the Google Adsense Program
Google Adsense is a fun and easy way to make extra money. It’s important to follow the rules though as Google is serious about the integrity of this program. Not following the rules could result in your Google Adsense account being terminated. Here are a few Don’ts for using the program:
Never, ever, ever click on your own ads. Google Adsense makes it very clear this won’t be tolerated.
Don’t ask your friends and family to click on your ads. Rather, earn money by referring them to the Google Adsense program.
Don’t participate in the Google Adsense program strictly for the money. This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. It will take time and hard work to make a profit.
Don’t worry if you don’t understand everything the first day. Although the Google Adsense program is extremely user-friendly, it may take a little time to integrate all the facets of the program. Be patient and above all, have fun!
Hopefully, these helpful tips will ease you into using the program and help you avoid mistakes that could possibly cost you a lot of time or money.
Google Adsense: Dos for Using the Google Adsense Program
Google Adsense is a fun and easy way to make extra money. It’s important to follow the rules though as Google is serious about the integrity of this program. Not following the rules could result in your Google Adsense account being terminated. Here are a few Dos for using the program:
Read the Terms and Conditions and Program Policies thoroughly.
Read everything you can about Google Adsense. Learn from others’ experiences and mistakes.
Learn how to optimize your site for the most enjoyable and profitable Google Adsense experience. Realize it does take some time and hard work. That’s why it’s so important that you write about something you care about. Hard work is even harder if you don’t like what you’re doing.
Visit other sites that are benefiting from Google Adsense. Click on the ads only if you are truly interested in the product or service being advertised. Read other people’s blogs and comment on them. Only offer a comment though if it is truly sincere.
Hopefully, these helpful tips will ease you into using the program and help you avoid mistakes that could possibly cost you a lot of time or money.
Google Adsense: Familiarize Yourself with the Google Adsense Preview Tool
The Google Adsense Preview Tool allows you to preview the ads that may show on any web page thereby letting you make an educated decision on whether to add Google Adsense to your existing pages.
You can also view sample ad formats and colors which will allow you to see how the colors and formats you want to appear in your ads will look before they actually launch on your pages.
You can also view borders, backgrounds and text colors from the preview tool and by clicking preview you can see how these will look with actual ads.
You can also see geo-targeted location ads meaning you can see what ads users in Canada can see even if you live in Japan.
The Preview Tool is available in all active Adsense languages and is easy to install. For specific installation instructions, you’ll need to go to the Google Adsense Support site. Follow the instructions and click on the link provided and you’ll be a previewing genius in no time!
Google Adsense: Google Adsense Themed Ad Units Can Brighten Up Your Holidays
What are Themed Ad Units. Simple. They are ads that have special colors and graphics to celebrate the season! For instance, you might see your ad with orange print with a picture of a black cat for Halloween. How about red print with a green mistletoe for Christmas?
The Themed Ad Units are specifically tailored to users in the appropriate locations as determined by their IP address. For instance, a user in the United States might see colors and graphics appropriate to the Fourth of July while users everywhere could see colors and graphics for New Years Day.
Again, it’s your choice and your page. You can turn Themed Ad Units on or off by yourself. Just log in to your account, go to the My Account tab. On the Account Settings page, scroll down to the Ad Type Preferences section and click Edit. You can now enable or disable the Themed Ad Units. Click save changes and Voila! Your selection will apply to all your Google Adsense Ads.
Google Adsense: Having Multiple Sites For One Account and Buying Google Adsense “Secrets”
Is it Possible for Me to Have More Than One Site For My Google Adsense Account?
Yes. In fact, the more sites you have displaying Google Adsense ads, the more money you will make. You don’t even have to notify Google of the new sites. Make sure though, that any new site you add conforms to Google Adsense Program Policies, because if your account gets terminated for any reason, you would not be able to display the Google Adsense ads on any of them.
All you have to do is copy and past the same ad layout code you previously copied and pasted to your original site.
The same rules apply when adding an Adsense for Search box to your new site. Simply choose all the parameters from the choices displayed, copy the code to the new site or new pages within the old site. As in the beginning, Google’s webcrawler will detect the code and you’re all set.
Will It Help Me to Buy Google Adsense “Secrets” E-books and Reports?
As with any money-making venture, there are pitfalls, pros and cons and some outright cons. As popular as Google Adsense has become, it’s no surprise there is a wealth of information for sale. Try it. Google Google Adsense and you’ll see what I mean. There are those promising they make thousands and thousands of dollars a month from Google Adsense and they are willing to share their “secrets” with you – for a price.
The fact is Google Adsense will tell you everything you need to know – for free. They have a support site that covers virtually everything you would need to know about the program and experience will teach you the rest, although I admit I have seen a couple of interesting books on
There are a lot of people out there in cyberspace who will gladly answer your questions for free and there are many forums where you can post questions. You can even email the Google Adsense Support Staff if you have questions that their Support Site doesn’t answer.
Experience will probably be your best teacher anyway. And the good news is the Google Adsense program makes that experience painless in that you have nothing lose. So just take a chance on yourself for now. Learn everything you can to maximize your earning potential.
Google Adsense: How Much Money You Can Make and URL Channels Explanation
How Much Money Can I Make With Google Adsense?
How much do you want to make? How hard do you want to work? And how much time do you want to spend working the Google Adsense program?
These are the questions you must ask yourself in order to answer that question.
Look at it this way: how many business opportunities come your way where the only requirement is hard work and the time it takes to work hard? Not many. Almost any business venture requires some kind of start-up money.
If your total earnings is showing 0.00 after a week, not to worry. Keep reading and learning and working. If however, you’re still showing 0.00 after a month, it may be time to implement some of those optimization tips you’ll find on the Google Adsense Support Site. Play around with the placement of the ads on your site. Consider changing the colors. Look again at the content. Is it interesting?
As with any other business, with the Google Adsense program, the sky is the limit. Work hard. Work smart. Have fun. After all, you’re the boss.
What Are URL Channels and How to Organize Them in Google Adsense
URL Channels allow you to view detailed information about the performance of your Adsense for Content pages.
Suppose you have a blog at and you also have a blog at It might be interesting and profitable to track which one is getting more clicks. Log in to your Adsense account and click on Adsense for Content. Scroll down until you see Channels and click on manage channels. You may need to scroll up when the next page loads. Under Manage URL Channels you would type and click on Create New Channel. You will immediately see in the Active URL Channels dialogue box Now type in in the same channel text box and again click on Create New Channel. You now have two channels and you will be able to track your progress on each channel. You can view channel reports from the Advanced Report page under the Reports tab. Choose Adsense for Content, choose the date range and then select the Channels Data radio button. Choose any number of active channels by holding down the CTRL key. Next click on Display Report. It’s as easy as that.
Google Adsense: How to Apply for the Program and Important Info on Paying Taxes
How to Apply to the Google Adsense Program
Applying for a Google Adsense account is quick and easy for any interested webmaster. Just point your browser to and click on apply. Click on the drop down arrow under account type and select whether you’re an individual or business. If you’re not sure which one to choose, click on the question mark to the left. Next, select your country or territory.
Under website information, it asks for your primary URL. If you have your own website, list it here. If you are using a blogging site such as or that URL goes here.
Select your website’s primary language. Google adsense supports Chinese (simplified), Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, and Turkish.
Select the product you want on your pages. Adsense for Content means you will have advertising targeted to the content on your pages. For instance, if you write about flooring, you might have carpet ads on your page. Adsense for Search is for you to add a Google search box to your pages. To maximize your Google Adsense earnings, you will want to have both.
After that, it’s just the regular contact information and you’re all set. You should receive an email in 2 or 3 days letting you know if your application is approved.
Do I Have to Pay Taxes on My Google Adsense Earnings?
Google Adsense is required to collect tax information from those who participate in the program. If you’re a business, you’ll need to put your EIN number on your application. If you’re an individual, all you’ll need is your social security number. If you don’t have that information when you initially sign up, you can still apply for the Google Adsense program. But be advised that Google Adsense will withhold payments to you until they receive your tax information.
While Google does not withhold taxes or provide any tax advice, they will send you a 1099 once your earnings reach a certain amount. Of course, if you are a Non-US business and have no activity in the United States, you will not need to provide this information. For more tax information regarding the Google Adsense program, visit the Google Adsense Support site. For other tax-related questions or concerns, you can log onto
Google Adsense: How to Write Great Blogs and Watch Your Adsense Dollars Add Up
The best thing about blogging is that there are no rules. You can write about anything you want. A self-publisher’s dream! There are some things you can do though to maximize your Google Adsense profits. Narrow your subject. Don’t just write about shopping. Write about shopping for antique dresser drawer pulls. Write every day. Have a blog at more than one site. If you develop a readership, you’re more likely to increase your profits.
Write about something you know or want to know or at the very least care about. If you try to write a great blog based on a “hot keyword” yet it’s something you could care less about, you’ll likely not stay with it long. Experiment and see what works for you. You can write based on your own opinion or something factual. You can review a product or service or a movie. Read other people’s blogs and notice how many reads they’re getting. Above all, have fun. After all, it’s free and if you’re persistent you’ll see your Google Adsense dollars adding up.
Google Adsense: Keeping Your Account From Being Disabled and Useful Books About the Program
How Can I Make Sure That My Account Will Not Be Disabled?
Google Adsense Program Policies make no allowances for deceptive practices. The most important thing a publisher can do to ensure the integrity of their site is to be aware of what is happening on your site.
Google has made it abundantly clear not to click on your own ads or ask others to do so. But what about practices a publisher may not purposely carry out?
Make sure that ads associated with Google never appear in an unrequested pop-up. Don’t be talked into purchasing traffic for your site that may contain adware.
Respect the Google trademarks. Don’t use any Google trademarks or logos without their consent.
Don’t change the Adsense code. If you’re a pro at html, don’t assume you can add your own code. If you’re new to html, simply copy and paste the offered code. Don’t mess with it.
Provide a good environment for advertisers and a positive user experience. Don’t try to be deceptive in any way. Google’s rules may sound strict, but believe me, protecting the integrity of the Google Adsense Program is in your best interest as well as Google’s. After all, a positive, honest Google Adsense program means more money for all of us.
Useful Books About the Google Adsense Program For Users of All Stages
Do you need to buy a book to use Google Adsense? Not necessarily. Google’s support page has a wealth of information. But you might consider it if you want to read a personal account of an Adsense wizard such as Eric Giguere or say, if you want to learn more about HTML. ‘Who Let the Blogs Out: A Hyperconnected Peek at the World of Weblogs by Biz Stone has a lot of information on blogging as well as information about Google Adsense. The following is just a few books you can find at on the subject:
Make Easy Money with Google: Using the Adsense Advertising Program By Eric Giguere
The Google Adsense Handbook By Angus McLeod
Google Advertising Tools: Cashing in with Adsense, Adwords, and the Google APIs by Harold Davis
Top-Paying Google Adsense and Adwords Keywords for Pharmaceuticals (In Digital Format) [Download: Adobe Reader] By W. Frederick Zimmerman
The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Growing Your Business with Google By Dave Taylor
Google Adsense: Learning About the Program and the Most Important Rule
How Does Google Adsense Program Work For Webmasters Wanting to Earn Income?
Advertisers pay Google when someone clicks on their ads which are placed on pages that contain text. For example, if you write content about lawn mowers, you will likely see ads from lawn mower manufacturers and/or retailers on that page. When someone clicks on those ads, the advertiser pays Google and Google pays you. Of course, the advertiser is hoping the person that clicked on the add will actually purchase the lawn mower or whatever they’re offering.
In fact, Google is very strict about the integrity of this process. You are forbidden to click on your own ads. If you do, your Adsense account will be terminated and you might never get it back. You are also prohibited from asking others to click on “your ads”. It makes sense. Why would advertisers want to pay just so your friends and family could click on your ads when no one is really interested in purchasing the lawn mower or subject of the ad.
The good news is that it’s not necessary to “cheat.” Google Adsense is so easy you’ll make more money just going by the rules. Have or write interesting content that will turn up in search engines and you have “targeted” the right people to read those ads. Just think, somebody in Indiana buys a lawn mower and you get a commission!
What Not to Tell Others About the Google Adsense Program – The Most Important Rule
Sympathy only goes so far. Not only is it against the Google Adsense Program Policies but if you rely on friends and family members to click on your ads instead of diligently working the program, you’re cheating yourself – and the Google Adsense Program.
The “help me out” wail may work when your kid is selling outrageously expensive candles for the end of the year school party but it has no place in the Google Adsense Program.
Besides, if you’re asking people to click on your ads, that means you’re not optimizing your site for valid clicks as well as referrals. Use that same energy to polish your content and your site. When family and friends ask what you’ve been up to, you can proudly show them your hard work. When they see how excited you are, you’ll see your referral revenue go up.
Google Adsense: Rules Surrounding Invalid Clicks and Being in Control
What Is So Important About An Invalid Click and How Will It Affect Me?
More than anything, an invalid click is a big no-no and it will get your account terminated faster than anything else. Having said that, an invalid click is when a publisher clicks on their own ads to add to their earning potential . It’s also when a publisher asks others to click on their ads just to raise their revenue. It also raises the advertiser’s costs and Google won’t tolerate this. Google Adsense has state of the art technology and they know what’s going on.
Invalid clicks also happen when someone uses robots to click on ads or automated software. It is any deceptive practice used to click on ads.
Invalid clicks are also unnecessary as there are plenty of money-making opportunities with valid clicks. With an optimized website, useful content, and attractive ads, there’s no reason for anybody to even entertain the idea of using invalid clicks.
Having Control Over Your Adsense Account
You the publisher, have complete control over the advertisement that runs on your site. You can choose to run only image ads, only text ads, or a combination of both. Google recommends that you choose a combination of both to maximize your earning potential, but the decision is yours.
When making your ad decision, you also have the freedom to choose which type of ads run across your entire account (image or text) or you can narrow that decision to what type of ad might run on a particular page.
As of right now, you are not able to differentiate your image ad click rate from your text ad click rate. You can of course, differentiate your click rate from one site as opposed to another site. Say, for example, you run only image ads on one site and only text ads on another site. By setting up channels to track both sites, you can see which site has the better click rate. Of course, you have to take into consideration there would be more factors than whether you were running text or image ads. The content, the placement of the ads in general, even the color could make a difference.
Refer to the Google Adsense Support Site for specific instructions on how to enable or disable image ads. Remember, it’s all up to you!
Google Adsense: The Google Adsense Report and Why the Program is Original
Understanding the Google Adsense Report
When you log into your Google Adsense account, you are automatically taken to the page where you can view all your Adsense activity. On the Reports tab, you’ll see “Today’s Earnings.” This is the approximate amount you have earned today in your Google Adsense account. Earnings are not final at this point and could be adjusted for invalid clicks or fees.
It’s interesting to look at the breakdown. As you can see, Adsense for Content, which refers to the targeted ads appearing on the pages in which you have written content, is listed first. Here you will see the number of page impressions listed in the first column. While a page impression is generally the same as a page view, that is not always the case. For a more detailed definition of a page impression, see Google Adsense support, click on Your Adsense Account and then click on Your Adsense Report.
Next, you’ll notice the number of clicks. This refers to the number of times “your ads” were clicked on.
Page click through rate or CTR is in the next column shown as a percentage. It represents the percentage of the time an ad was clicked on after viewing your page.
Page eCPM which stands for effective cost per thousand impressions. It is calculated by dividing total earnings by the number of page impressions in thousands.
Don’t be intimidated by these statistics. The bottom line, your earnings, is what really counts. As you become more familiar with Google Adsense, statistics will become like second nature. First, just start.
How is Google Adsense Different From Other Ad Networks?
Primarily because it is Google and that carries a lot of clout just with name recognition alone. But here are some advantages to being a part of the Google Adsense network:
Getting started is fast and easy and requires no technical knowledge. Google Adsense even provides html code for easy implementation with clear instructions.
Google Adsense has both the Adsense for Content feature and the Adsense for Search feature.
Google Adsense not only provides keyword targeted ads but site targeted ads as well, maximizing your potential for revenue.
Google Adsense provides a filter so that you can choose not to run your competitor’s ads on your pages as well as filter other unwanted ads.
Google Adsense provides an extensive support site that is easily understood.
Google Adsense: Tips for Using Google Adsense
Like anything else, you’ll get out of Google Adsense what you put into it. The following optimization tips can help you grow your Google Adsense dollars:
Write interesting content and write every day.
Have more than one site. The more sites you have, the more ads have the potential
to get clicked.
Set up channels and monitor your statistics across all sites. If one site is performing
poorly, consider changing the content or the ad layout. Experiment!
Change the ad layout and notice which layout works the best for you. There are
many different layout options and there’s no way you can know going in which
one will perform the best.
If you’re blogging, has a list of profitable topics. They state that
you don’t have to write on those topics but you might give it a try or at least plug
some of them in to the search engines.
Google different key words and phrases and notice how much and what kinds of content and ads you see.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions.
Google Adsense: Understanding Image Ads and Making Google Adsense Dollars with
What are image ads?
Image ads are graphical ads. Unlike traditional banner ads, image ads are also targeted to the appropriate audience, just like text ads. A publisher that has a combination of image ads and text ads has a greater revenue generating potential.
Image ads are only for Adsense for Content pages and not available for Adsense for Search results pages.
There are 5 major formats of image ads. The Leaderboard, which is about twice the size of a banner ad, the banner image ad, the skyscraper, the wide skyscraper and the medium rectangle. Google’s technology determines on a page by page basis whether image ads, text ads, or a combination of both will make you more money and then delivers the appropriate format.
You can choose to run only image ads, but Google recommends selecting both, thereby giving them a better chance to target the right advertising for your page, generating more revenue for you.
Bottom line: taking these two methods together will give you the best chance at making the most revenue.
How to Make Google Adsense Dollars at
To get started blogging at, first you’ll need to create a Google Adsense account. If you’ve already done that, you’ll just give them the same publisher id you got when you originally signed up with Google Adsense. Since you can only have one Google Adsense account, you will always use the same publisher id on every site you add. Next, you’ll create an account at and within minutes, start blogging!
You still have to follow the Google Adsense rules as to the type of content not acceptable but other than that you have carte blanche as to what to write about in your blog. Paste your URL into your email signature and every time you send someone an email, you will be referring them to your blog, thus increasing your traffic on
Comment on other publisher’s blogs. If you interact with the blogging community, you are more likely to have your blog read more often. Again, traffic. has a list of successful topics you can write about. You don’t have to choose from that list of course, but it’s quite extensive and if you look it over, you’ll probably find something that interests you. They are successful topics because they turn up in search engines a lot. More traffic.
Google Adsense: Using Google Adsense Without a Complete Website and Promoting Your Blog to Earn Money Through the Program
Can I use the Google Adsense Program if I Do Not Have a Personal Website?
You don’t have to have your own website to use Google Adsense. Google doesn’t usually approve personal pages but that is not written in stone. Consult Google Adsense support pages for more information on what kinds of pages are acceptable. If selling a product or service doesn’t appeal to you, you might consider blogging.
Blogging initially meant web log but has gradually come into its own. There are as many different kinds of blogs as there are blogs themselves. A blog can be like a cyberjournal in that you make daily “journal” entries or it can be more like a newsletter set up to inform or communicate with other people. There are several blogging sites in cyberspace that will allow you to create your own blog pages and have targeted Google Adsense ads running on them.
A few of the most popular :
You can also search for an extensive list of blogs. Not all of these carry Google Adsense ads and if you’re going to write a blog you may as well make some money at it. Look around and you’ll find the perfect site for your Google Adsense ads to nest.
How to Promote Your Blog When You Are Using it to Earn Google Adsense Dollars
Promote your site or blog. You could write the great American novel and if there’s little or no traffic to your site, you won’t make any money. Not only that, but no one will know what a great writer you are.
There’s several ways to promote your blog.
- Include the URL in your email signature. Now you’ve just invited everyone you email to read your blog.
- Link to other sites and ask the webmasters to link to yours. Network!
- Read other blogs and notice who is getting the most reads and comments. What are they writing about?
- Comment on other people’s blogs but only if it is sincere. This will increase your overall traffic as you will pique others’ curiosity and they will want to read your blogs.
- Write a newsletter and offer a free email subscription to your blog.
- Put a Referral button on your site.
- Put an Adsense for Search button on your site.
Google Adsense: What is Google Adsense for Search
Google Adsense for Search is different than Adsense for Content but it is just as important to your earning power with the Google Adsense program.
Just like Adsense for Content places targeted ads on your content pages, Adsense for Search places targeted ads on the results page of the search set in motion on your page.
You can use the standard Google search box on your site and the user can then search the web or even your site. When you feel more comfortable, you can change the look of the Google search box, essentially customizing it by changing the colors and using your logo.
The best thing about Google Adsense for Search is that you can track what your visitors are searching for. That is, if the search has two or more hits. Unique queries will not be tracked. But you can see the top 25 searches performed from your website by clicking on the Advance Report from the Reports tab and specifying a date range.
Google Adsense: What Other Forms of Payment Does Google Adsense Offer?
You can elect to have your Google Adsense payments mailed to you via check in your local currency. Google Adsense offers this option in 42 countries. Check the Google Adsense support center to see if your country is included in this list.
To select receiving your check by postal mail, log in to your Google Adsense account, click the edit link near Payment Details and then click the Check – Standard Delivery radio button. Then click continue. Now you can select your currency, if available or you may select US dollars. When you’re satisfied with your choices, click save settings.
You may also choose to receive your payment through Secured Express Delivery. There is a fee for this service but you can expect to receive your check within 5-10 business days after it has been sent. If you choose this option, you will need to contact DHL (the courier service) to make sure they offer service to your area and that your address is in the proper format. For more information, log on to
Google Adsense: When Do I Get Paid Using Google Adsense?
Google Adsense pays you approximately 30 days after the end of the month in which you become eligible to receive payment. You become eligible for payment only when your Adsense account reaches at least $100.00. Suppose, for example, you started in January and at the end of the month you had not yet accumulated $100.00 in your Google Adsense account. You would then need to wait and see if your January and February earnings combined equal $100.00. If they do, you would be paid approximately 30 days after the end of the month of February, that is, you could expect payment near the end of March.
Another good reason to also use Adsense for Search is that you get to combine the earnings to reach the $100.00 payout minimum. So if your earnings for Adsense for Content do not reach $100.00 in time for the current payout, but when combined with your Adsense for Search earnings they do meet the payout minimum, you will be paid accordingly.
Google Adsense: Where to Place Ads on Your Web Pages and a Profile of
Deciding Where to Place Your Google Ads on Your Web Pages so That They Will Be Most Profitable
This is one of the best parts of the whole Google Adsense experience. No one else gets to make this decision except you. It’s your page. You get to decide how many ( up to 3 ads per page), what colors and shapes you will use and on what part of the page the ad will be placed. Should you place your ads at the top or bottom? In the middle of the text? To the left or right?
The most important decision should be based on the needs of the visitors to your site? What are they looking for? Are they there to read or merely to browse. If they are there to read an entire article, say, you might try placing your ads at the bottom of the page so they will have something to do next. Some publishers swear by placing the ads at the top left of the page because they think customers look there first.
The fun thing is experimenting with all the possibilities. Try different ad locations and different colors for a week and note the differences in your reports. When you hit on something successful, you’ll see the difference.
Blogger Party is another blog hosting website where you can make money with Google Adsense. You create an account and use the publisher id you got when you created your Google Adsense account. If you have not done that yet, that is the first step to making money with your blogs.
At, targeted Google Adsense ads will be displayed on your blog pages. Fifty percent of that time, the ads will have your Google Adsense publishers ID and the other fifty percent of the time they will have Blogger Party’s Adsense ID or split between them and the person who referred you. That’s right, referrals get 25% of the ad time, which comes out of Blogger Party’s share and not the original blogger’s or the referral’s.
Blogger Party promises “party points” any time you write something or comment on someone else’s blog. They don’t do anything as yet, but later you will be able to trade them in for prizes according to Blogger Party’s admin.
Google Adsense: Why Do I Need Google Adsense?
Because it’s there, it’s fun and it’s free. If you’re reading this, you obviously have some interest in the internet. You don’t even have to have your own site, although the more sites you use Google Adsense on, the more money you will make. For example, anyone can write a blog even if it’s just your own opinion on something.
You can also make money referring other people to Google Adsense. By placing a referral button on your site you increase your earnings potential. When a publisher that you referred makes their initial $100.00 within 90 days of sign-up and is eligible for payout, your account will also be credited $100.00. Additionally, they must never have registered for a Google Adsense account before.
Don’t be intimidated by the html code. It’s already formatted. All you have to do is choose the language and kind of button you would like, and copy and paste the html code to your site. Look for the referral code and more information under Adsense support.
Google Adsense: Why it is Important to Get Approved for the Program and the Advantages of Not Getting Your Own Blog Site
Why Do I Have to Get Approved for the Google Adsense Program
It’s not really about you. Google has standards to which they adhere and there are certain sites that they don’t want their advertiser’s ads on. Check the Program Policies for an exhaustive list of what kind of content sites are not acceptable. For the most part, they do not allow ads to be placed on any site that has excessive profanity. This is probably the hardest one to decipher as the word “excessive” could mean one thing to a publisher and another thing altogether to the Google Adsense program. To be on the safe side, if you notice more than a couple instances of profanity on a site you are considering using for the Google Adsense program, you might want to consider another site.
Sites that contain ads for beer, liquor or tobacco products are not allowed to participate in the Google Adsense program.
Sites that promote hate or racist attitudes are not allowed to participate in the Google Adsense program.
If the site you are considering promotes gambling, drugs, even prescription drugs then it is not suitable for the Google Adsense program.
A good guideline to go by might be if a site is family oriented. That may not cover everything but it’s a starting place. Again, check the Program Policies for more information.
Why Your Should Not Pay for Your Own Blog Site
If you already have a website that showcases your wares or you’ve been thinking about getting one, that’s great. Since you’re working on building a business anyway, you can only profit more by implementing Google Adsense on your site. As long as it conforms to Google Adsense Program Policies of course.
If, however, blogging is your interest, I say stick with the most popular blogging site you know. Or even two or three of them. Why? Traffic. Lots of it. Blogging on an already populated site versus dreaming up your own blog site is like the difference between 5:00 traffic in New York City and an old dusty country road. Not only do the owners of, and others like it bring in the traffic, they even help you make money when you bring in more traffic.
Remember what they say in real estate: location, location, location.

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