Computer Training For Emergency Services Personnel
Emergency Services personnel receive extensive training in their respective academy. In the initial phase of training, the subject matter is mainly academic. Law enforcement personnel, for one, cover topics such as state law, drug recognition, hazardous materials recognition, and more through hours of classroom instruction. The remainder of the training cycle is hands-on training. In a portion of the hands-on training, computers play a major role. For instance, for law enforcement there are 'shoot or don't shoot' scenarios: These are played out on a video game like system, in which the officer stands on a padded surface that detects every movement (ducking, kneeling, shifting side-to-side). While standing on the surface, the officer has a weapon 'holstered' and is provided scenarios in which he or she must decide whether or not to shoot a subject. During this training, the officers every action or inaction is monitored up to and including verbal commands given to the 'subject'. This type of computer training has proven vital over the years in terms of evaluating prospective law enforcement officials.
In the world of Emergency Services, certification is imperative. Included in the definition of Emergency Services personnel are police, fire, and EMS. In most states these personnel are required to maintain certification through a points system. Personnel earn points through course completion; annual certification in different subject matter and annual re-certifications. In addition to the points earned for required academic subjects, there are points awarded for similar training courses. These 'extra' subject matter are often considered an acceptable substitution for required subjects.
In the past fifteen years, due to budget constraints and other factors, annual academic subject matter is being rearranged to accommodate computer training. This has proven cost effective to state and local agencies: budgets aren't stretched thin, leaving funds available for special projects and such.
There are many examples of computer training received by Emergency Services personnel. Of the many important classes, for example, are Hazardous Material recognition courses. The benefit of completing a course such as this is twofold: the materials can be covered easily during a shift, and instant results are generated. The fact that a computer training course can be completed during a shift makes it cost effective for a small department in terms of travel expense, wear and tear on a vehicle, and time lost to training.
For policemen desiring to obtain training on subject matter that would normally require their attendance at a far off training conference, this is a boon. Computer training courses covering topics such as drug recognition are relatively easy to find. These courses are generally recognized by the respective law enforcement training division of the given state. While a policemen may be discouraged from taking such a course during duty hours, it is entirely possible to complete such a course during off-duty hours. Again, this type of computer training course benefits not only the officer, but the Department.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of computer training for Emergency Services personnel is the one aspect of their lives that become the most neglected: family time.
A Look At The Growth of The Computer Training Industry
It started with a math problem. That problem brought on the challenge of more complex math problems. Humans were performing these complex math problems using various methods. Then came the abacus: a simple instrument designed to aid in performing mathematical calculations. One might say that this is where computer training began: the first teacher training the first student on the operation of the abacus.
Many years hence, other devices were created to aid in mathematical computations, yet the original 'computer' - the abacus - remained. Through the aid of electronics came the first computer. This first computer could fill a room. In fact, there are many from that era in use to this day: they still fill a room. The purpose of the first computer was to complete complex mathematical operations in little or no time.
In the beginning, computers were the forte of scientists and mathematicians. Then they became more prevalent making their way into universities and other higher learning institutions. At the universities and other higher learning institutions sat students undergoing their first computer training classes. Students anxiously stood in line after line to sign up for computer training classes: many were turned away due to over-crowding.
As technology advanced, these super computers began shrinking in size. In fact, computers can now be found that are smaller than a cornflake: they are properly termed microchips or mini-computers. Along with the shrinking size of the computer came the shrinking price of a computer. Eventually, computers became affordable enough for the average Joe to own. Not only were they small and affordable, they were portable (think laptop).
With all of these computers, somebody needed to know how to use them. Universities offered computer training courses as well as small colleges and technical colleges. What was once considered an intellectuals pursuit only, has become commonplace. High Schools initially offered computer science's where basic computer programming and computer basics were taught. The computer then made it's way into middle schools and on into elementary schools. It's come to the point where everyone attending public schooling is exposed to some form or another of computer training.
It's gotten to the point where young school-aged students began having more experience than the older generation. In fact, it seemed they were outpacing their elders in at least that one area of expertise.
The older generation began to recognize the need for computer training. Many were busy raising the younger generation. This generation found it difficult to take time to attend formal computer training in a classroom environment. Still others, busied by a full time job faced a similar dilemma. Computers were in the workplace and the higher paying jobs were going to those with computer knowledge or outright expertise.
Companies, institutions, and computer experts recognized this and took advantage of it. The lack of computer training and or lack of time created a niche. Computer training took off. Online computer training courses became available for just about anyone that could find their way onto the internet. This truly brought computer's to everyone.
Considering the above account, one can't help but wonder what the next step in the growth of computer training will be.
Avoiding Improprieties In Online Computer Training Courses
Online computer training courses are offered by both reputable institutions and sometimes not-so-reputable sources. The problem in determining which is which can be determined through appropriate resources. The purpose of this article is to provide a few guidelines as to what to look for when you are looking for online computer training. Regardless of the course taken, this may prove helpful.
More and more students are taking to the internet to solve a common dilemma: lack of time to obtain classroom instruction. This has created a niche for education professionals: online computer training courses. These courses are numerous and cover topics from astrology to zoology and everything in between. Starting with the information provided below may prove helpful:
Reputation: One of the first signs or signals of impropriety to look for when evaluating an online computer training course is reputation. Are there reviews available for the company or group offering the training? If not, this may be a negative indication. If there are, do they post both favorable and unfavorable reviews? If so, this may indicate an open-mindedness towards criticism on the part of the staff.
Accredited or Not: Is the particular online computer training course accredited? If not, depending on your needs, this may prove to be a wasted effort on your part. Though you may feel as though you've learned something, it may prove to be worthless as it pertains to advancing a degree. Accreditation should be looked at with scrutiny. A good source for determining accreditation is through a Google search for accredited online colleges.
Physical Location: Is the staff located in one physical location or does correspondence go to a post office box? A company that doesn't have a physical location on a map could be another sign of impropriety. Without a physical location to visit and or lodge a complaint can prove to be difficult in the event of legal problems such as settling a dispute. Some online computer training courses offer interaction through electronic mail (Email), this should not be taken as a negative unless there is no corresponding physical address.
Contact Information: Is telephonic conversation done through a 1-800 number? Often times dummy corporations and other illegal activities are coordinated through 800 numbers. That's not to say that this by itself should be a deciding factor: some operate call centers through a network of 800 numbers to lessen expenses. Is there an alternate contact phone number? Again, not solely a disqualifying factor however it is a plus to find that there is a non 800 number available.
Catalog: Is the company offering the online computer course, offering only one course or do they possess a catalog of courses available? Providing a singular course is a bad sign. Just as a traditional college doesn't concentrate on one discipline of study, neither should a reputable institution offering online computer training courses.
As in any online endeavor that may have an effect on your future, due diligence should be taken prior to a financial commitment. The suggestions made in this article are not all inclusive and should not be taken singularly as an indication of impropriety; rather in whole or in combination.
Computer Consultant Training
There are a variety of things you can learn about computers. Some people go to school just to learn how to give other people advice about their computers. This person would be considered a computer consultant. Computer consultant training is becoming as popular as some of the other types of computer training that is out there. The primary reason for this is that computer consultants are in demand, helping people decide on what type of system and / or software is needed for their personal or business use.
Becoming a computer consultant is not exactly easy, as this is a field that is under constant change. Computer consultant training is something that a consultant should undergo at least once a year. While there is no 'official' industry standardized test or certification, there are several certifications that come to mind based on a manufacturers recommendations. For example, if you are primarily concerned with working with Microsoft software products and machines that are compatible with them, you might consider becoming a MCSE, or Miscrosoft Certified Systems Engineer. On the other hand, if you are a Dell man (or woman), then you would be more interested in getting Dell certified as a DCSE, or Dell Certified Systems Engineer. Basically both of these titles mean that you know how to tear down a system and put it back together again. Ideally, you would have some overall knowledge and idea of what type of functionality a system would be capable of, or what it can be used for.
Computer consultant training can be accomplished in a variety of ways. If you are looking for an actual certification program such as one of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph, you can go online and do a search. Simply go to one of the major search engines, such as Google, and do a search for 'computer consultant training' or the actual name of one of the certifications you are seeking. There are a couple of things you should know about certifications with big names, however. Most of these certifications are done in a strict testing environment at a local facility. However, the payment for the tests is usually done online. Shop around. Don't buy the voucher, or payment coupon, from the actual site itself. A lot of times if you take the time to shop around you will be able to find computer consultant training at a discounted rate, through a third-party vendor.
Computer consultant training can also be accomplished by the tried and true method of internship, or learning from someone else. If you are serious about becoming a computer consultant, but are short on cash and don't really feel like going through an official training program, consider taking a job in a local computer shop. You will be pleasantly surprised how much you can learn in a short period of time working in a shop where you have a computer consulting training mentor. Computer consulting can be a very lucrative field to get into, but you have to know your stuff. Taking a class or mentoring under someone are the best methods available to go from novice newbie to avid computer consultant in the shortest period of time.
Computer IT Training
Computer IT training seems to be one of the waves of the future. IT (or Information Technology) represents quite a broad spectrum of services within the computing field. A typical IT job may include network troubleshooting, upgrading PC systems, launching a software platform across multiple user terminals, or wiring up a dozen new terminals to the patch panel. Because of this multiplicity of jobs that an IT professional may encounter in the day-to-day grind, computer IT training must be just as diversified and broad, covering an extensive group of subjects.
In fact, a lot of IT professionals find it advantageous to participate in a continuing education program where they can continue to get updated computer IT training on a regular basis. Many companies, realizing the speed at which technology is changing in today's fast paced world, will actually require their IT workers to enroll in such classes. Some companies are going so far as to actually sponsor their employees in regularly scheduled computer IT training. This is seen as a win-win situation, as it is a free benefit for the employee, while the employer can ensure they have professionals who have received the most up-to-date information in the field.
Some areas receive more attention than others in computer IT training classes, simply because these are the areas that are more rapidly advancing than others. For example, in the networking arena, wireless networking has taken off. In many office environments, using wiring run through the walls and ceiling to connect the computers to a common server is considered 'old school' technology. More and more companies are transforming their workplaces into wired hot spots, allowing more freedom of movement and productivity of employees. In order to be able to understand and troubleshoot this type of work environment, the IT professional(s) working in the company making this transition will want to attend a computer IT training class that is tailored to meet their needs.
Often, there will be seminars in may cities of various sizes, sponsored by some of the larger hardware and software manufacturers. These computer IT training seminars will present the latest and greatest developments to the IT professionals in the area. Some times the seminars are free, in which case they will attempt to sell you something after the class. However, many of these computer IT training seminars are very professionally produced, and will cost hundreds of dollars to attend. This tab for this type of seminar is very often picked up by the company and accounted for as employee training costs.
Computer IT training is far reaching, and has an impact on the career of anyone who is involved in the Information Technology field. To stay on top of their game, it is no longer an option, but considered an necessity, for IT professionals to attend a regularly scheduled computer IT training class. Don't miss out on your next promotion or career opportunity because you are unaware of the latest and greatest development in your particular niche of the IT field. Sign up for a computer IT training class today, and check out the new technology that just might make the difference for you! Product - Microsoft® Office 365🔥Pro Plus 2019🔥LIFE Account 5 Pc🔥For Windows and Mac 5TB One Drive BY YOUR NAME ,FAST SHIPPING
Computer Networking Training
Computer networking training is a must have for any professional in the IT (Information Technology) field today. Networks are connecting almost everything we use in the computer world. Printers are connected via networks, computers are networked together, we connect to servers the world over through the largest network in the world (the Internet). Networking is the basis for some of the most revolutionary information sharing in the modern world. Computer networking training can provide the skills and knowledge needed to set up, troubleshoot, and repair networking issues. The technician who can successfully do this will be in great demand for some time to come. Even the home office worker will benefit from obtaining computer networking training, as many home offices are now equipped with pre-installed network jacks and / or wireless network systems.
Computer networking training is just like any other kind of training. You want to check out all of your options and available resources before signing the dotted line for any classes. In the IT industry, any type of training courses that you take should be taught by certified instructors, and even the school should have some certification behind it. It is important when evaluating computer networking training that you take both of these into account. It won't do you any good to take a class from an accredited school, only to be taught by someone who isn't fully qualified to teach the class. In fact, this could be a violation of the school's accrediting agency's requirements. Likewise, if your computer network training is provided by a top-notch certified instructor, but the school isn't accredited, then you will get a certificate of completing the course that is virtually useless. Don't waste your money if you're not sure.
You will also want to make sure that the school provides an affiliation with an outside certification for you once you complete the computer networking training. In the field of networking, the major players for certifications are CompTIA, Cisco, and Novell. While there is some debate among the various governing agencies, a quick glance on the search engines seems to point towards an edge for Cisco's certification and CompTIA's Network + certification. So why is your opportunity for certification so important when selecting computer networking training? It is simple. Certification is your means of proving you know what you say you know. Without being certified, you are simply another voice on the IT landscape, drowned out amongst the crowds.
So, as we have seen, computer network training is a requirement for any individual who is serious about being a computer professional. While the options may seem endless, the qualifications you need to look for are very specific, and should not be ignored. A final consideration to make when evaluating your choice of training providers is, of course, the final cost. This should include taking into account any discounted certification programs that are available at the end of the course. Obtaining good computer networking training does not have to become a chore, but should benefit everyone involved in the end.
Computer Repair Training
When you begin to evaluate the computer industry, one thing stands out. Getting the right computer repair training can lead to a rewarding career that will provide years of satisfaction helping others as well as provide an income to live on. While there are many schools who provide such training, the type of school or training method is not nearly as important as ensuring that the school provides the tools you need to succeed in the real world. Computer repair training is one of the most important steps in advancing your computing career, so don't take the review of your options lightly!
The first thing you should consider in your evaluation of the computer repair training school is the credentials of the institution. There are several main bodies that will issue recommendations in the IT (Information Technology) field, and you should become aware of them. For computers and software CompTIA is an important, universally recognized organization, while Microsoft, Dell, and HP all have their own certifications and credentialed programs. In the networking field CompTIA again is a universally recognized name, while Cisco is the dominant name brand certification used. Be sure that the instructors conducting the computer repair training are certified appropriately in their respective fields from a recognized certification source like those mentioned above.
The next thing you need to consider when evaluating your computer repair training school is whether or not they offer hands-on training for all of your classes. It is essential to fully grasping a concept, especially in the hardware field, that you have some hands-on training. You don't want to get out in the field on a service call, only to realize that you have no idea what you are doing. Some computer repair training schools will not only provide hands-on training but also provide possible internships with local service and repair shops. This allows not only hands-on with the equipment, but also a chance to work on your face to face customer service skills. While most technicians seem to get into the repair end of the industry because of the analytical skills involved in troubleshooting, there is still and aspect to customer service even in this part of the IT business.
The final consideration when evaluating a good computer repair training school is whether or not they provide a spring board for your own certification. It is all nice and well for them to provide you with a certificate showing you completed your classes with them. That's great, and looks good on a resume. However, it simply doesn't carry the same weight as one of the industry standard certifications we mentioned above. In addition, some computer repair training schools will provide you with what is called a voucher to obtain your industry certifications. Simply put, the voucher is a coupon code that allows you to pay a reduced rate to take your industry certification tests. Whether it is CompTIA, Miscrosoft, or Cisco certification you are seeking, a good computer repair training school will provide you with the resources to obtain a discount on the testing price.
Computer Security Training
For the average home user, there is probably nothing more important that you could learn about your computer than how to keep it secure. Computer security training is not just for the professionals anymore. Now before you get all worked up, we're not talking about how to keep your door locked and windows fastened shut. Well, we are in a way. What we're talking about is keeping your computer free from threats such as viruses, spyware, adware, and other malware. Because of the increase in the usage of the Internet, these things have reached an all time high. Surfing around online without the proper protection and know-how is the equivalent to driving down a dark alley in the wrong part of town at night. That is why computer security training is a necessity.
So what different types of security threats are out there, and how do you find the right solution? Let's examine the two most common threats to your computer, and then look at some computer security training solutions that will help you evaluate your personal risk, and find the solution providers you need.
The first and foremost issue that arises from breached security of a personal computer is the attack from a computer virus. In order to find a solution to the computer virus problem, you can find computer security training that specializes in virus issues. There are many software programs out there that will help with this type of issue. You can do a simple search on one of the major search engines such as Google or Yahoo and search for the term 'computer virus'. Top recommended software vendors include McAffee and Symantec.
If you are having a particularly nasty problem that you think might be associated with a virus, you should consider taking your computer to a local computer repair shop. They may also offer computer security training for the home user. If so, you can definitely benefit from the hands-on approach. They will be able to help you one-on-one to understand your software, how it works, as well as how to do the required maintenance and upkeep on your system.
The second issue that comes up a lot in regards to the need for computer security training is the spyware / adware issue. While most spyware will not ruin your system, it does tend to slow it down quite a bit. In addition, spyware frequently passes on information on your Internet surfing habits and tendencies that you may not want others to know about.
A good computer security training program will help you identify the threats to your system, as well as provide recommendations in order to make your system more secure.
Two of the most highly acclaimed services for spyware removal include Ad-Aware from Lavasoft, and Spybot Search & Destroy. These two software suites will provide the needed software and computer security training needed to rid your system of spyware and adware. The bottom line is that you need a good security system and an understanding of it in order to protect yourself online. Be sure and obtain computer security training, it is the smart thing to do!
Computer Software Training
Computer software training is essential in this day and age for anyone who is using a computer for more than just basic functionality such as word processing. In fact, it is recommended even for such tasks, as often times there are new methods that can be used to improve efficiency during your use of such software. Unfortunately, without some sort of computer software training, a lot of times these types of 'shortcuts' to improved efficiency are never learned. So, let's take a few minutes to look at the various types of computer software training available to the computer user today.
One method that is very popular today is the hands on method of computer software training. While this very popular, there are a couple of different avenues that this particular method can be approached. One method is to hire a tutor. While this is probably the most direct and successful method, it can also be the most expensive. Tutors for computer software training usually charge by the hour, although you will gain one-on-one training and attention from the tutor during your class time together. Another popular method is to take a community class that may be offered by some group in your area. Often computer clubs, civic groups, and local schools may offer introductory computer software training that will allow for hands-on learning. However, these are often followed up by attempting to sell you on another class, book, etc.
Computer software training can also become hands-on when you have a video or other on-screen directions to guide you through the learning process. One such program that has become very popular over the last few years is the Video Professor. His program is seen all the time on late night TV infomercials and is now online as well. Offering introductory computer software training for free, he follows up with a variety of paid sales programs to get the most bang out of his advertising buck. There is nothing wrong with this, just as long as you know what you are getting into. This is one of the most appealing methods of computer software training because you can do the training on your terms and on your time, on the exact software subject of your choice.
Probably the most simple, and the most cost effective method of computer software training is the most overlooked today. With almost each and every computer program that you purchase there are three types of documentation included in your purchase: the software manual, internal software help programs, and the online help program. Each of these is a mini computer software training course in and of itself. First you should read the entire program manual that comes with the software. This will contain many shortcuts and efficiency aiding devices that are built into the software. Next, you should take the time to read through all of the topics build into the software help program. This will be one of the best sources of computer software training for that particular version of software.
Last, but certainly not least, you will find the online support or help most effective in solving those few areas of troubled functioning you are having with the software. Perhaps there is a tough formatting issue that you are trying to solve. Oftentimes, availing yourself of the assistance of the online support forums can be the very best computer software training available. After all, it is from the people who actually wrote the software to begin with. You can't get any better computer software training advice than that!
Computer Training And The United States Military
The US Armed Forces has not always been as accessible as it is today in terms of information. Prior to the internet era, computer training was more of a luxury than the accepted norm. Manuals and directives were kept in paper form and was dependent on timely submission of changes and modifications. Service records were kept in the same manner. This system of record keeping was often tedious and even counter-productive. The military recognized this as a problem, but were not technologically advanced enough to solve this problem. Eventually, force reductions and other factors created an even bigger problem: records management without trained personnel.
Another problem began to surface as it relates to educating personnel. As anyone who served in the US Armed Forces, pre-internet era, knows it can be very difficult to obtain a formal college education. Considerations had to be made for duty schedules, missions, deployments and other things. The typical method of obtaining non-traditional education was through correspondence courses. While this was relatively inexpensive to the student, it was also very dependent upon the US Mail. Lost certificates, or course materials was a major problem. All of this often cost members points toward promotions. Eventually, top military leaders determined that online computer training was the way to go.
Online computer training would be another step towards taking the military training program from the 20th Century right into the 21st Century. Taking the military online would not only alleviate this problem, but would help prepare the military for other advances in technology.
In order to accomplish this task, the military had to recognize shortfalls and make steps towards alleviating them. Realizing that the military had members who were computer savvy, and trainable aided in the transition, however there were not enough personnel available. Often, members who had obtained computer training while in the military were leaving for higher paying jobs in the civilian sector.
The first step the military took to move forward with technology was to establish a military occupational specialty (MOS) for computer programmers. The military actively recruited from technical colleges, often offering monetary incentives to prospects. Incentives included: traditional tuition assistance and bonuses. These members were provided with computer training; hardware, software, networking and more. In addition to programming, members with that MOS were charged with maintaining computer networks. Individual commands created their own Information Services Management Offices (ISMO) composed of computer trained members. Through ISMO's local commands were connected via local area networks (LAN) and wide area networks (WAN). This proved to be a very intelligent move on the part of the military.
Once established, members holding this MOS were offered incentives to remain in the military service; bonuses, guaranteed duty station assignments, among others.
Having computer trained personnel in the military has provided the military with the ability to keep pace with technology. With the advent of the internet, and the subsequent technology explosion came several more advances. These advances have allowed the military to create online environments. Through these online endeavors, the military has stream-lined record keeping practices and made online computer training available to it's members across the globe.
With all of these advances, the US Armed Forces has become a military force of the future.
Computer Training Class
So you want to learn about some aspect of computers, and are looking into taking a computer training class? Well, there are a variety of computer training classes available these days, so finding the right class for your level of experience is very important. Most people who are simply looking into taking a class to better their personal knowledge of computers or perhaps looking for better skills to develop their career can be well suited through the courses offered at local junior colleges in their area. In this article we will examine what types of computer training classes are usually available for the various levels of computer initiate.
For those who are a complete novice, a basics in computing is highly recommended. In this computer training class you will learn how a computer works, the history of computing, computer configurations, etc. A basic class is just what it says - the basics. From keyboarding, using the mouse, different types of computers, operating systems, etc., it is the beginner's place to start when learning about computers and computing. Some basic computer training classes also offer information on the basics of networking, from network printing using the LAN or local area network, to the use of a WAN or wide area network, such as the Internet. If you have the option to take such a class and you are a novice to computers, this is highly recommended. The information can be invaluable in everyday troubleshooting situations when you are looking to save the high dollar service fees of on-site technicians.
For the intermediate computer user, there are a variety of computer training classes that are available. On subject ranging from the internal workings of the computer and upgrading various components to building a system from scratch, there is a lot to learn at this level. Perhaps you know about the internal workings of a computer, but don't know much about how software works and runs.
At this stage you can also take a computer training class covering the basics of programming. While there are a variety of languages available today to program in, it is highly recommended that you learn C# (pronounced C sharp). It is on the cutting edge of programming and is a new object oriented language developed by Microsoft based on the older C and C+ programming languages. Perhaps you are more of a rogue, however, and are more interested in going against the flow of 'big brother' and 'big business'. Another highly recommended computer training class would be in the programming language of PERL (Practical Extraction and Reporting Language). This language is used to create CGI (Common Gateway Interface) programs that are in high demand and use on the web today.
For the advanced user, you will find there is always something to learn in a computer training class. Maybe you are very experienced in programming, hardware configuration, operating systems, upgrades, troubleshooting, etc. Depending on your level of expertise, you might consider taking a course of action to get your certification in a various field of computer knowledge. Not only will this improve your resume and look good as far as expanding your career horizons, you will gain a great feeling of accomplishment when you complete the computer training class needed for certification.
Computer Training Course
There are several types of computer training course available to the person seeking to learn about computers today. In fact, the whole arena of computer training can be so intimidating that it is good to take your time in selecting what courses you are wanting to take. In this article, we will examine the outline of a computer training course that would appeal to the computer newbie. This course outline is not meant to be all inclusive, nor is it meant to be professional advice for someone looking to enter into the computer technology field. It is simply a broad outline of which subjects are suggested, and in what order, for someone to learn about computers. That being said, let's take a look at our suggested computer training course.
To start, it would be a good course of action to look at classes teaching the basics of how to operate a computer. Information for this computer training course should include things like the basics of using an operating system, how to save information on a hard drive, floppy drives (although they are quickly becoming obsolete), and CD / DVD ROM drives. It is a good idea in the computer training course to also learn some basics about the internal operation of the computer (i.e., what makes it tick, how it works). It may seem like it is best to leave information on how the memory works and what RAM actually stands for to the professionals ... however, this would be a mistake.
It is important even for the average home computer user to understand some of these basics, as it will impact how they use the computer and their expectations of performance under certain work loads and software compatibilities, among other things.
Moving on from the basics, a computer training course should teach more advanced concepts as well. Some of these concepts would include back-up procedures, file maintenance, and data recovery. Security issues are also on the rise, with the increased usage of the Internet, and safeguarding your computer against viruses and other attacks should also be covered in a computer training course. All of these are items that the average computer user should be aware of how to operate. Just knowing this information can save you in the long run from calling that professional for a service call that could literally cost you as much as the computer did in the first place!
Last, but certainly not least, every personal computer user should learn how to install and replace the basic plug-and-play circuit boards or cards that are in every personal computer. A computer training course would simply not be complete without this information. There are many parts that are truly user-replaceable, but unless you know how, you will end up paying that tech big bucks for a simple part swap. Things like that newest video card, an upgraded modem card, installing a firewire card, network card or extra USB port card are very simple.
Unfortunately, unless you are selective in your outline of courses, many basic computer training courses will fail to train you in these aspects of computer maintenance. Product - Adobe Creative Cloud 2020 Master Collection Windows / Mac OS Livraison instantanée préactivée en version originale et complète
Computer Training Job
One of the best career opportunities in the IT industry is the computer training job. Computer training jobs can take place in a variety of environments. However, these type of jobs are very stable, the hours are scheduled in advance, and the reward of helping someone succeed in advancing their career are among the top reasons for working in the field. In fact, it is even possible to work a computer training job from home, as a personal tutor to those seeking training in a variety of arenas in modern computing.
In other areas of the computer technology industry, work can be unsteady, depending on the incoming work orders to stay busy. In addition, in many capacities, IT professionals find themselves on call during all hours of the night, the weekends, and even major holidays. With a computer training job, you're set! There are no weekends, no night classes, and no holidays (unless you sign up for them in advance - there's no last minute calling you in).
So what type of computer training jobs are available, and where do you find them? Some local mom and pop repair shops would be glad to host a weekly class aimed at the community to bring in business. They might not pay you directly, but you could charge an admission fee for your class and any reference material you might provide. While this type of computer training job seems more on the entrepreneurial side, it is all up to you.
Another opportunity for someone wanting to work in a computer training job could be working as a consultant for the small businesses in your area. Most small businesses use computers in their day to day operation, but many cannot afford a full-time IT person on staff. This presents an opportunity for the right person to come in and present weekly or monthly employee training classes. There is a wide variety of topics that could be coverd in such a computer training job, such as basic network troubleshooting, file maintenance, Internet security, and the like. If you want to be your own boss and have a computer training job, you will have to think outside the box.
Of course, there is the formal type of computer training job. These positions usually present themselves at the local college or university level, as well as at the corporate office of bigger companies. However, the one downside to this type of computer training job is that it will most certainly require a degree, not just a certification in your field. Any of the aforementioned computer training job ideas would present well just having a major certification under your belt in the area you are looking to conduct classes in. The halls of higher learning, however, require a much stricter criteria for hiring the teachers for their classes.
The bottom line is that if you want to experience a fulfilling area within the IT industry, finding a career in a computer training job is one way to certainly do it. From the standpoint of the entrepreneurial computer expert, there is no better way to take back control of your time and your life than developing your own career path. Put your best foot forward and come up with a great idea. Remember, think outside of the box, and you can find yourself working in a computer training job in no time at all!
Computer Training Resources - A Brief Overview
Advances in computer technology has created an increased need for Information Technology (IT) specialists: persons trained to handle all problems computer related. As technology advances, the overwhelming need for more advanced computer training has progressed at an equally fast pace. It would seem that on a daily basis, a new advancement has been made.
Whether you are just beginning your IT career or simply desiring to upgrade your computer training, there are many options available. A Google search for computer training will return several options. This is a brief overview of a few typical and atypical computer training resources.
Information Technology (IT) Boot Camp. In recent years IT Boot Camps have become increasingly popular. The appeal of this training style is the hands-on environment, and the relatively short amount of time required to complete: ranging from one day to one month in length. These IT Boot Camps concentrate on one particular computer discipline and don't deviate, thereby emphasizing the one topic without disrupting the students thought process. Selecting the appropriate IT Boot Camp is dependent upon which computer discipline you desire. These computer training courses are intense, and chock full of opportunities for personal enrichment. The classes are taught and overseen by trained IT professionals whose sole purpose is to instruct and assist the student in achieving their goals. Most even go so far as to guarantee certification at the end. If traveling to a site for an IT Boot Camp is not practical, there are yet still more options available.
If time constraints are a factor in deciding which way to go, online may be the appropriate answer. There are numerous web sites and institutions dedicated to helping you meet your goal, at your pace. The typical online training site offers instructor student interaction through email or live chat. The student typically logs in to a secure server with a userID and password. Progress, and test results as well as other student records are maintained on their secure server. This method allows the student to complete a given computer training course to save their work and complete the course at their own pace. In addition, accredited online programs are eligible for government grants. For military members, certain programs of study are eligible for reimbursement through the Montgomery GI Bill.
Formal school training is available for those interested in obtaining a degree; be it an Associates, Bachelors, or Masters Degree. Many colleges offer computer training or IT degrees. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) stands out as one of the preeminent schools dedicated to IT. Of course not everyone will be accepted for enrollment at MIT. Another popular avenue of approach has been ITT Tech. Similar to other schools for computer training, ITT Tech offers job placement assistance upon successful graduation.
If you are recently graduated from high school and your options are limited for whatever reasons, there is at least one more option available. This option would be to obtain your desired computer training courtesy of the US Armed Forces. The military boasts computer training that is in many ways superior and no less than equivalent to top colleges and universities. Through service in the military, numerous opportunities for computer training abound. Experience and training in exchange for service to your country.
Computer Training Schools
There are many different types of computer training schools available to anyone who is interested in learning the various aspects of the computer field. If we take a few minutes, we can examine some of these in depth, and you can get a good feel for what would be a match for you. There are a few factors that are always important to think about when considering going to any type of school. Money is always an issue when deciding which computer training school will provide the most bang for your buck. Time is another issue. If you take traditional classes in a classroom, then you will have to make sure that the classes will work with your other schedules, such as work, family, religious, and others.
The first type of computer training school to consider would be your local area college, or junior college. In this type of environment you will be able to pick classes that you are interested in, and set the schedule to match up with your home schedule. Often times, however, a traditional computer training school is not the best option for those with families and a lot of external commitments. There are other real-world, brick-and-mortar computer training schools that are also available. In some metropolitan areas these schools offer full-time students a chance to get the training they are looking for. While these schools will usually not provide a degree when the course is completed, a lot of times you can get a certificate of completion or certificate of training from the computer training school.
The second type of computer training school to consider would be the correspondence course. There are quite a few of these that have come up over the years. You can look in almost any magazine and find an advertisement for schools that offer 'career training' in a variety of fields. Usually these will include things like paralegal, court reporter, medical transcriptionist, and, you guessed it, computer training. Just like the traditional schools, these will usually not provide a degreed program, but will provide a certificate of completion and perhaps some sort of certification program to follow up with. These computer training schools are much more flexible than the traditional schools, and usually work well for those people with family commitments, because they can easily work around their home schedules.
The last type of computer training school that we will look at is the online computer training school. This option is very similar to the correspondence courses, as you will find them to be very flexible and less restrictive on the home time environment. However, one big difference is the completion time factor. Most correspondence courses will let you drag them out as long as you want, as long as you are making progress towards the goal. With online computer training schools, you usually have a time limit to make the completion of the course and complete any required tests. Once again, these schools do not provide a degree, but will usually provide the completion certificate. Online computer training schools are much more likely to offer a transition to a certification program, however, than the correspondence courses mentioned above.
Computer Training
In today's modern world, computer training is considered to be of vital importance to almost everyone. Whether you are entering the workforce, are on a senior management team, or you are a recent retiree, computer skills are a must. Around the world over, it's not just about basic word processing and balancing your check book anymore, either. The computer has invaded almost every facet of our modern lives, and thus it has become a necessity to be able to use and understand the computer.
Computer training can take place in a variety of methods, and can cover a variety of subjects. Let's take a brief look at some of the options out there that are available to the novice, the average user, and even the self-proclaimed 'expert' computer user. Many long term computer users find that occasionally taking a computer training class of some sort helps them to stay on top of the ever-changing technology and software of the computer industry, not to mention the terminology used in day-to-day conversations about computers.
Traditionally, computer training has taken place in a classroom. In high schools across the country, many young people are being trained in computer use. In fact, it starts much earlier today in developed countries like the United Stated, Australia and the United Kingdom. Colleges also offer courses on computer use, and some of these are geared towards the adult who has never been on a computer before.
Another method of computer training could involve a correspondence course. These type of courses have also had their heyday, in which they were very popular as well. Distance learning of this type allowed the student to learn at their own pace, and at their own location. While the attraction of distance learning is still a top request for those seeking to learn about computers, there are a couple of additional methods that lend themselves to a more hands-on approach.
Online computer training is emerging today as a force to be reckoned within educational circles. Not only is computer training taking place online, training for just about anything else can be done online as well! Online classes are available for many colleges, and some offer complete course loads online, so you can get a college degree completely from home, through training conducted on the Internet.
One final method of computer training that is worth noting is that of software tutorials using video and/or software. This arena was unknown in the beginning of the quest for computer knowledge (as was the online training), largely because the computers of the past did not possess enough power to run such programs. However, today you can purchase specialized software or videos that will provide you training at your own pace, hands-on, without having to be online.
In conclusion, it goes without saying that computer training is an invaluable service that needs to be on the 'to do list' of anyone who is serious about communicating or being productive in our modern society. There are an endless variety of ways to get this training, and some people even prefer to teach themselves based on specific subjects of interest and their ability to conduct research.
Evaluating Computer Training Courses
Computer training courses are easy to find: a simple Google search on the internet for computer training provides numerous 'hits'. Deciding which course to take, however, is a bit more complex. When evaluating computer training courses, several questions may come to mind. Each plays a major part in the decision making process. The most commonly asked questions include, but are not limited to the following:
What is the method of course material delivery? It has long been accepted by education professionals that there are three methods of human learning: visual, audio, and physical. Audio: the student learns by hearing. Visual: the student learns by reading or other visual cues. Physical: the student learns by doing. There are those however who learn by a combination of two or more of these. Online computer training courses offer all three. The students learning style plays a large role in determining which kind of computer training course to take.
Time considerations: how much time is necessary to devote to course completion? Is the computer training course available 24 hours? Is there an instructor available to answer any questions the student may have? Oftentimes students who are taking computer training courses are doing so beyond time constraints of work. Military members are especially subject to time constraints with deployments and duty schedules playing a major role in making this decision. Time considerations are also a consideration for potential students who do shift-work or are on a rotating schedule.
Self-paced instruction or scheduled: self-paced instruction is especially attractive to students who are unavailable to attend scheduled classes. Self-paced allows computer training courses to be completed at the students convenience, yet requires self-discipline.
Location: is the computer training course available online or will the student be required to attend formal classroom instruction? Depending on the students work schedule or other personal considerations, online computer training may be the best option. Opportunities abound for hands-on instructor led instruction if location is not a factor. A potential problem with a formal classroom training environment is seating availability. Having online computer training available alleviates this potential problem.
Financial: What arrangements can be made towards financing the computer training course? The majority of educational programs are eligible for government funded grants provided they meet certain requirements. Will the computer training course require a down payment and offer monthly payments? Are there other payment options available? Some employers even offer tuition assistance depending upon what type of computer training course taken.
Certification: What certifications can be attained through the particular computer training course? Knowing the relevance of information being taught is of high importance. After all a student wanting to learn a Microsoft application would want to learn about the most current program available.
Other evaluations or course reputation: What have previous student experiences been? Knowing what past students experiences with the computer training course is invaluable. Did they find it challenging? Were they satisfied with the material presented? The lack of this information is often a deterrent. Along with this, is the student provided with an opportunity upon completion to provide an evaluation? In other words, opinions count in evaluating computer training courses as with any other training.
Finding the answers to these questions will provide the prospective student with the tools to make an educated decision.
Free Computer Training
Free computer training can take many different shapes and forms. The most common forms of free computer training usually include things like online forums, community classes, online resource bulletin boards, etc. However, there is a little-discussed option for free computer training that can boost your computer knowledge and make you one of the few, the proud, the people in the know about computers!
The method of free computer training we will discuss in this article is self-teaching. Now, obviously, in order to teach yourself something about computers (or any other subject for that matter) you must have access to some sort of reference material, right? While most new reference material will cost you an arm and a leg (especially in the computer field), there is a way around this! In order to get material for your free computer training, one area that is most overlooked is the used book store.
Now wait a minute, I can hear you saying, "That's not free!" Ah, but when you get the right kind of used book store, it literally can be free! You see, there are many used bookstores that offer book exchanges, or in-store credit for books that you may bring in for them to have. They are, after all, in the business of selling used books. Get the idea? So, free computer training material can be found at either no cost, or very low cost to any one seeking to be self-taught in the computer world.
So the next question becomes, "How exactly do you go about teaching yourself?". Well, admittedly, there is a knack for this sort of thing. However, anyone can attain free computer training through self-taught methods if you apply yourself and get organized. One method that I would recommend is the overview method. Get your materials together and go over all of the table of contents to find the exact topics that you are interested in. Then you can develop an outline for yourself, basically creating your own free computer training course. As you study the material, you can check it off of your outline, until you have completed your course.
It is important when you are teaching yourself through free computer training that you ensure that you are developing a firm grasp on the material. One way that is recommended to make sure you 'get it' would be to put into practical use whatever it is you are learning. Fore example, if you are learning HTML (website coding language), then a great way to test and practice what you are learning is to put together a web page from scratch! Another example of testing your knowledge that you are learning from free computer training is to upgrade your computer! If you are learning about how to install additional RAM or a better sound card, then take on the challenge!
If you fail to firmly grasp the things that you are learning through your methods of self-taught free computer training, then you will never know how much you really know. Only through self-testing and practical application of this type of knowledge can you be confident in your ability to 'talk it up' around the water cooler, or even help a friend with their computer problems.
Free Online Computer Training
So you are on a tight budget and you want some computer training, right? In this day and age there are a lot of options for people seeking to better themselves through various training programs and certification classes. However, some folks just don't have the cashflow to make some of these options possible. That is where free online computer training comes in to play. Where else can you go and get enough information to teach yourself all about computers? From learning HTML (hyper-text mark up language, used to build websites) to how to tear down and rebuild a CPU (central processing unit)?
If you can plug in to a free online computer training system or set of resources, you can literally teach yourself almost anything. There are a variety of different ways to go about this process, so let's start at the beginning. The very first thing, before you ever embark on your online adventure, is to determine exactly what you want to learn from your free online computer training. Pick out your base subject, and then you can get started researching online sources for free training. For our examples, let's take the subject of HTML and see where we can get some free online computer training to learn HTML.
For the first step, let's get on a major search engine like Yahoo or Google and do a search for the term 'free HTML training' or 'free online computer training'. You will find quite a few results come up in reference to these terms, but don't be fooled. Most of these won't really have free training, maybe just a free sample class or two. Some of these won't have anything free at all, they either buy an advertising slot or they develop their website in a way to show up higher in the results to get your attention. Remember, what you are looking for is a site that is truly going to give you free online computer training.
Sometimes the best results for free online computer training can come in the form of free forums or bulletin boards. For those of you who are really new to the Internet, let's talk about this for a minute. Forums and bulletin boards are web pages that allow visitors to sign up as 'users', usually for free. Once you are registered with these sights, you can then post and respond to others on the forums or boards and ask questions. The beauty of these resources is that there are literally hundreds of them out there on almost any subject imaginable, especially dealing with computers. So, for someone looking for free online computer training, they are a great resource and should definitely not be overlooked. They can contain a great wealth of information from other users who have asked questions and had them answered on the boards.
Another great source of free online computer training consists of e-zines and newsletters. Do another search and use the terms 'e-zine' and 'newsletters' in conjunction with the free online computer training you are looking for. Most of these will be free as well, and you will have to subscribe for a short time to separate those that truly want to share some information with you versus those that are really only looking to sell you a product or a service through their correspondence. Overall it can be said that where there is a will, there is a way, especially when it comes to free online computer training. Product - Stainless Steel USB 3.0 pen drive 4gb 8gb 16gb usb flash drive 32gb 64gb pendrive flash drive usb stick with key ring thumbdrive
Home Computer Training
Welcome home! You're so excited to have your new computer system up and running. It is pretty exciting, isn't it? So what's next? For some of you, you're off to the races, ready to go to the ends of the Internet. For others, you may be staring at your new system like a calf staring at a new gate. This is why most home users of personal computers can benefit from home computer training. So what are some of the things a home computer user should get trained on? Let's take a look at a short list of things you need to know to be efficient on your home computer and keep it running in tip-top shape.
Home computer training should always include how to do back-ups. It goes without saying that if something is important, you should have two copies of it. It's nice to have a hard copy (print-out) of a document or file, but it's also nice to have a back-up of the actual computer file. Just imagine what happens when the spreadsheet you've been using to balance your accounts suddenly get corrupted. If you don't have a electronic copy of the file, then you will be stuck with re-entering all of the information by hand. With home computer training you can get the skills to know how to best back up your files, which files to back up, and what utilities will best meet your needs.
Another area that should be covered through home computer training is that of file system maintenance. At this point, we've already covered back-ups. In this area, let's look at two areas that often get overlooked until the system slows down so much it is basically at a stand still. One is disk cleanup and the other is file fragmentation. Home computer training will help the new computer user learn how to recognize when a hard drive is becoming cluttered, and what to do about it.
Often, third party software creates temporary files while you are using it, and then conveniently neglects to delete these files when you are done. In addition, trash can collect in your recycle bin as well. Combine these with temporary internet files and cookies and you can be bogged down pretty quickly. Home computer training will also help you understand what causes a file to get fragmented into dozens of pieces on your hard drive. While this doesn't destroy the file, it sure does slow down the computer's access time to it, which increases your wait time while using that software or opening that particular project.
A final area that is often overlooked by the new computer user is that of Internet security and setting up of the firewall. A good home computer training class will cover how to set up your firewall, and how to optimize your Internet browser to ensure a good experience while online.
All of these areas are important when operating a computer in this modern Internet age. So be sure and address these when you are signing up for home computer training. A good home computer training class will not only address these main issues, but go above and beyond in bringing you up to speed on modern computing.
Employer Sponsored Online Computer Training
Most human resource professionals would agree that the most vital aspect in maintaining a good employee is through training. Keeping personnel trained on the most up to date aspects of their profession creates a more valuable employee. The downfall to this is that in a budget crunch, an experienced employee seeking more compensation will have numerous options available. The reasoning: a trained employee is a valuable employee. Unfortunately this is true. In actuality, the employer must hope for loyalty in their employees. Without this loyalty, the doors can be virtually blown off their hinges. An answer to this dilemma may be in providing online computer training to employees for the basic requirements of the job at hand where practical. Certifications expire but don't require classroom attendance. Many online computer training courses are available covering everything from archaeology to zoology and everything in-between. One only need do a Google search for online computer training that covers the given subject to discover this.
A dilemma faced by many employers as it refers to training is expense. In a lot of training situations, class reservations, hotel reservations, meals and other expenses become a factor. Sometimes these expenses overshadow the expense of the course alone. In addition to this, the employer loses the employee for an extended period causing a slow down in production. Another consideration is the travel expense; gas, wear and tear on a company owned vehicle that make some training cost prohibitive. All of these expenses add up, sometimes into an astronomical amount that may discourage an employer from sending an employee for training.
Online computer training is beneficial in many ways and answers many facets of this dilemma. For one, there are no hotel reservations, or meal expenses. That alone can save money to make online computer training an attractive option. Productivity will be only minimally affected depending on the arrangements made for time to take the online computer training. Given the aforementioned, travel expenses; gas, wear and tear on the company vehicle are eliminated. The only true expense is that of paying the employee while they train. If accomplished properly, the expense can be negated.
Many online computer training institutions provide group discounts, thereby lightening the load on the employers wallet even further. In addition, most provide instant or relatively instant course results to the employer. As part of the majority of marketing schemes, these institutions also keep the employer up to date with their latest training schedules thereby building a rapport. Whatever the case, having this information hands-on allows an employer abreast of potential training opportunities.
Training an employee builds the employees value. This may increase the possibility that the employee may leave for 'greener pastures'. However, the more optimistic thought process implies that a trained employee is a happy employee. Keeping employees happy through training makes for loyal employees. In keeping with this, employers should not only be productive and proactive towards company goals. By providing not only training, but online computer training the expense bourn by the employer is lost.
Online Computer Training - Education At Your Fingertips
With the advent of the internet came online gaming, dating, mail (Email), auctioning and many other forms of commerce. One major step was making online computer training available. Today there are many sites dedicated solely to computer training. The US Military has gone so far as to make classroom learning available to it's members through online computer training. There are countless member of the US Armed Forces on a daily basis connecting to the internet and taking online computer courses. The military has gone so far as to take the majority of their military related training and put it online. Members either take online computer training to earn points toward a promotion or their degree. They do this from different points across the globe - even while at sea. In this way a soldier stationed in a foreign country doesn't lose the opportunity to obtain a college education. Also, there are numerous military bases that have set up 'internet cafes' for this purpose. From these locations, those without their own personal computer (PC) are also provided the opportunity to participate in online computer training.
Not only are the US Armed Forces taking advantage of this capability. Persons involved in shift-work such as police officers, and firemen take advantage of online computer training. A typical police officer working a 12 hour shift often find it difficult to obtain traditional education due to their schedule. Through online computer training, this problem is alleviated. Often online computer training can be found to be less expensive than classroom training, thereby eliminating an additional financial burden.
It has long been established that there are three methods in which a person learns: listening, reading, hands-on, or a combination of any three. Computer training takes advantage of listening, and reading. Hands-on, is simply not an option. Online computer training is especially helpful with taking courses directly related to computers. There is a plethora of different computer training courses available online: learning a foreign language, writing courses, computer courses, degrees, certifications and more.
A Google search for online computer training opportunities results in numerous online institutions. Not only institutions, but certification in the various computer programming languages are available as well as computer applications.
A typical computer training website offers training courses in office skills, business skills, technical skills, web design and formal Microsoft training. In addition to this discounts are usually available to large groups such as a company per se. Through these sites, a student can learn at his or her own pace, save progress and generate course completion certificates instantly.
For those wishing to obtain certificated training only, there are many sites available. The Professional Education Institute is a prime example for this type of computer training. This particular company provides licensing for various subjects.
Aside from online computer training, there is also offline computer training available. Often, the student pays for the course in advance. A Compact Disk (CD) containing the course materials is sent to the student. In most instances, there are quizzes and mini-tests leading up to a final exam. Upon completion, the student emails a file to the originator and a completion certificate is returned to the student.
Online Computer Training And The US Armed Forces
Today's military is on the leading edge of technology. Leaders in the US Armed Forces have long recognized that a trained soldier is a good soldier. Along with this: a good soldier is a happy soldier; a happy soldier is a retained soldier. With advances in technology, and the advent of the internet, it was only a matter of time before the military would come online. Due to this steadfast belief, the military evolved. If mother necessity were the mother of invention, then education was the necessity. Military members now have access to advanced training and other educational materials through online computer training.
In the military of old, training was conducted primarily in a classroom environment: no online computer training whatsoever. The alternative to classroom instruction was correspondence courses. While some training requires the student to be under direct supervision of the trainer: other's don't. To alleviate this, the military designed correspondence courses. Each correspondence course had attached a pre-test and a final test: the member would mail in the pre-test and receive a final exam to complete and return. Correspondence courses alleviated the stress put upon training commands and allowed students to study at their own pace. At the time, this was a boon to the military and it's personnel. Problems arose with this program, though. Problems such as lost or misrouted mail often prevented members from obtaining much needed certificates. The course completion certificate was considered the only proof required for course completion. Also, the certificate often served as a substitute for training requirements. In addition to this, certificates were the only requirement for obtaining points toward promotion. With the aforementioned problem came personnel problems. Personnel problems were an issue that if not solved expediently added to retention problems. The military recognized this issue and determined to do something about it.
Another issue faced by military members of the past was obtaining a college degree. Members were often deployed or stationed in locations where access to college was not possible. Due to this problem, members attempting to obtain a degree had issues with continuity of their education. A simple change from one duty station to another created problems also: one college not accepting another colleges curriculum. Eventually, the military recognized both problems and determined that providing military members to online computer training would benefit everyone.
Nowadays, on any military installation one can find an 'internet café'. These locations were established to serve the member with the opportunity to access the internet. Internet access provided the opportunity for accessing online computer training. Members now access courses that were previously offered only through correspondence. Through online computer training, members can now complete an online degree no matter where they are on the globe. That is, of course, provided that they can access the internet. Generally the only places that have problems with internet connectivity are submarines, yet with technology advancing that may not be a problem for long.
And the problem with correspondence courses? Online computer training resolved all of that. Members now have instant access to completion certificates. Certificates lead to points, and points lead to promotions. All of these combined makes a trained, retainable soldier. Therefore, online computer training has helped keep the US Armed Forces truly a force to be reckoned with.
Online Computer Training
You've decided that it's time to join the 21st century, or perhaps you're simply looking to brush up on your skills. Either way, it is time to get some computer training, and you are looking at all of your options. One of the most popular options available today for getting training of any kind (computer training included) is the Internet.
Online computer training is one of the easiest and most convenient methods of training available, provided you have a good Internet connection. In fact, it is probably a good idea to have a high speed Internet connection such as DSL or cable service in order to get the most out of this method of training. While a few training sites will work with the standard dial-up service speed, most will not. Add that to the fact that many people who are on dial-up do not achieve the maximum FCC allowed speed of 56 kbps, but average something much slower. That being said, if you've got a good, high-speed service, you are ready to sign up for some online computer training!
Online computer training usually consists of several features that appeal to the person wanting to learn from home. One such feature is that you are on your own schedule. Usually there is not a specific time of the day or day of the week that you are required to do your learning or testing. However, there is usually a time limit for completing the course, especially if it is training that you have paid for. The resources and any reference materials from the course are only available while you are training and /or testing, and cannot usually be accessed after the expiration date of your training or subscription.
Materials are presented in many different ways as well. Some online computer training sites have quite a bit of information available for study as e-books in the almost universal PDF format. This format from Adobe has been popularized mainly because of its wide adaptability to different operating systems and computing platforms. It will work with the PC running almost any version of Windows, as well as the Macintosh from Apple. In addition to e-books, a lot of training sites take advantage of the broadband revolution by presenting material in various video formats. This is one of the principle reasons why it is recommended that you have broadband Internet access if you are going to take advantage of online computer training.
Another way to take advantage of online training is to locate training that may be available for free. There are many forums and websites that will present information that will provide great online computer training. This information is free, but it is up to you to dig in and learn. This type of 'training' is best utilized by those who are self-starters, motivated to teach themselves as much as they can by reading and researching the vast array of material available online. There have been many cases of people who are self-taught using this method to learn everything from HTML and CSS to how to build a computer.
Sharpening Your Skills Through Online Computer Training
Information Technology (IT) professionals require training to stay proficient in their occupational field. More often than not, not only training is required, but constant refreshing with up-to-date materials is essential. With the ever-expanding world of computers this can not be over-stated or over-emphasized. Just as other professionals in other fields run into a dilemma with time constraints, so do IT professionals.
More and more there IT pro's look online for their computer training; whether it be for an upgraded skill or a new one. The manner of obtaining this new or upgraded skill online is a relatively simple process. A Google search for online computer training in the desired field will return numerous results. Computer training institutions have long recognized the need for online training. At first online computer training was a niche market filled by few institutions, but as the demand grew so did the number of these service providers.
Before registering for an online computer training course, due diligence on the part of the prospective student should be accomplished. A quick check of the credentials of one of these institutions is relatively easy. A Google search for accredited online computer training schools will provide a good and viable starting point. While this may seem to be a common sense move, there are those who have failed to diligently research this area. These persons have been duped, or even completely scammed out of their education dollars by less than reputable 'learning' institutions. Fortunately, nowadays there are checks and balances in place for reducing the possibilities of fraud. In some cases, financial institutions and government lenders require proof of accreditation before releasing funds to any learning institution. Even more firm requirements are placed on online 'learning' institution
Some of these online computer training schools purport to teach in two weeks what normally requires a month to accomplish. They promise twenty-four hour support through 800 numbers an email. In this manner they provide computer training mentorship with a trained IT professional. As in many other endeavors, the worth of this has a direct correlation to what you put into it.
Whether you are looking to for a new certification or to upgrade, it is a relatively simple task to accomplish through online computer training. These online courses are often structured to provide the student the opportunity for self-paced instruction. The self-paced portion of instruction has more than helped in the growth in popularity of such online computer training pursuits. Generally, through self-paced instruction require a minimal time for completion as opposed to a maximum. What this means is that to obtain 14 hours training in a requisite skill, the student is prevented from completing it in anything less than 14 hours, thereby maintaining the integrity of the certification. Another aspect of this type of training is in progress tracking. The student's progress is saved along with other pertinent data. In that manner, the student may stop at any given point and pick-up where they left off from later on.
All tolled, whether sharpening a skill or obtaining a new skill through online computer training is a viable and relatively simple process. Product - New Usb3.0 Wansenda OTG USB flash drive for SmartPhone/Tablet/PC 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB Pendrives High speed pen drive Usb stick
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