~Apartment Renting Checklist
Before you begin your search for an apartment, you need to make an apartment renting checklist. This list will be your guide to inspecting the premises, finding out your responsibilities and will help you decide if the apartment is right for you. Your checklist should include, premise condition, yard usage, parking information and utility costs. If you take the time to follow this apartment renting checklist you will have a better idea about whether the apartment is right for you or not.
The first section on your list should be the premise condition. This will include, wall conditions, bathroom conditions, kitchen conditions and appliance conditions if they are included. Take a good look at the flooring, carpets should be clean, wood floors should be free of deep scratches, or this should be noted on a lease report. Check the windows, to make sure they are sealed properly and are the newer or older windows. Older windows seem to be a little less energy efficient.
If you do find windows that are in need of repair because of drafts or deterioration, you should comment on this the property owner. In some cases, he or she may decide to replace the windows, but more so, they will probably have someone come in and fix the existing windows. If the glass is cracked, you will want this to be fixed as well. Note if there any storm windows as well what there condition is before finishing with the windows.
The next part of your apartment renting checklist should be the parking and yard conditions. You need to find out if you are entitled to a parking spot, were it is as well as what, if any, are your responsibilities for yard work and can you use the yard to entertain if you want. Sometimes upper flats do not have yard privileges unless specified in the lease agreement. This is always important to find out before signing any lease.
If you are renting an apartment with pets, you will be responsible to clean up after your pet. If the other apartment has a dog, you need to know what the expectations are for both of you as tenants. You will also need to know about garbage collection as well as who is responsible for taking the garbage to the curb or do both of you do your own.
If you decide to rent the apartment, you will want to take pictures or a video of the entire apartment and mail it to yourself and keep it sealed until you move out. This protects you and the property manager as well from any questions about the condition of the apartment and anything that is included with the apartment.
Mailing it to yourself and keeping it sealed, protects you any cases there are questions about the condition when you moved in and it will have a postmark saying when the tape or pictures were taken. This important step should not be forgotten about and needs to be done before you move into the apartment or house.

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