~ Informative Information Regarding Warts Of All Types

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As a small rough tumor, the warts can occur mainly in hands and feet. It is the skin infection by a virus known as HPV or the human papilloma virus. Studies have shown that this common virus, on the hands or the feet, can infect three out of four persons. The warts simply stay for months or year and disappear naturally, but in some cases, they develop cancer.

It is advisable to wash the hands after touching the warts. There are some remedies for the warts removal, though sometimes the home remedies can be there too. Keratolysis Treatment: Salicylic acid is required to be given to the area affected by the warts. You can get the Salicylic acid in the drugstore or in the supermarkets in two forms: adhesive pads concentrated with the Salicylic acid and bottle of liquid Salicylic acid.

Wash the wart-affected area properly with a medicated cleansing solution, rub the area with a pumice stone or the emery board, and then apply the Salicylic acid. It would take nearly 12 weeks for any solid wart to disappear. Cryosurgery or the Cryotherapy: This treatment consists of freezing the warts by the liquid nitrogen; the wart and the surrounding dead skin will fall off easily.

Laser Treatment: When all other treatments turn out to be ineffective in removing the warts, doctor might use laser; the whole process is quite painful and it would leave scar on your skin, too. Imiquimod: A soft and topical cream, known as Aldara, is applied on the warts. This will create interferon production that will enhance the body immunity system to ward off the warts.

However, it has some side effects also like the redness and irritation to the skin. Candida Injections: The body immunity system can be raised by injecting the Candida solution. The body will then fight off the warts. Chemical Treatment: Cantharidin is a popularly known chemical to be used in the warts area; the warts will be blistered. After that, the doctor, at his next visit, will remove the dead skin totally.

A home remedy: Duct tape occlusion therapy or the usage of the Duct tape to remove the warts is another effective way. You can get the Duct Tape in the drugstores and it is found to be a successful removal treatment. Studies show that some use banana skin, vinegar, hot water and washing liquid, aerosol sprays, tea tree oil, potatoes or cauliflower juice in the warts effected area.

Genital warts have no bindings on sex but women are the major victims suffering from this problem. In males the genital warts are quite visible around the penis but in the females they circle even in the inner layer of the vagina and thus become difficult to detect. And the warts get hidden in these layers. The virus spread faster in the warmth of the area and if the woman is an infection carrier, she can outspread the disease easily to her partner's body.

Make Your Warts Go Away!

Thousands of people are resorting to Topical Treatments before they take the plunge on medical treatments. These can be applied by yourself and usually at home. Now this goes without saying that they may or may not work for you. Also, not just one treatment will work at one time. It is up to you to experiment over time with various treatments: Goldenseal contains all-natural antibiotics within in it.

It is used widely to destroy hundreds of viral infections.
Garlic Oil is just another topical treatment that is widely promoted and used for clearing up genital warts. More importantly it is said that raw garlic is supposed to stimulate the white blood cell's ability to fight infection.
You must take in the fact that these topical treatments for genital warts have not been clinically proven.

You should not think they are clinically effective treatments for genital warts. These treatments have shown through numerous studies that they contain benefits that are necessary and widely used in preventing, reducing, and fighting off viral infections. Your diagnosis, lifestyle, and stress will play huge factors in determining what will and will not work for you. Because one treatment is said to have worked on genital warts before does not necessarily mean it will work 100% for you.

Your best bet is to get a diagnosis from a doctor or physician. Let the professionals have a look at your situation first. After all is said and done, inquire about these treatments and get a clinical opinion. After all, if you already have genital warts then there really is not anything to lose, only everything to gain from that point.

If you are looking to treat yourself or experiment a little to see if these treatments can or will work on your genital warts, there has been no studies that suggest that these topical treatments have shown any dangers, harm, or side effects. But, remember that these are researched remedies past on from people to people and clinical proven effective treatments.

Genital warts are caused by the HPV virus, and there is no cure. Yes I said it, "there is no cure". There are however, some remedies and treatments you can use that will reduce the risk and could eventually clear up the genital warts. It will not be a "quick fix".

Pregnant women, infected with HPV and suffering from genital warts, almost always run a high risk of transmitting this extremely contagious disease to the child. Presence of genital warts during pregnancy sometimes leads to a number of problems.

The warts, during such times, often increase in size and make urinating difficult and even painful. Blame it on hormonal changes during pregnancy that cause genital warts to multiply in number, enlarge and even bleed. If the warts are inside the vaginal passage, they reduce the elasticity of the vagina and cause obstruction. This makes delivery difficult.

Although very rare, it poses a great life-threat to the newborn, requiring immediate medical attention and frequent laser surgeries to prevent blockage of the breathing passages. According to modern research, the use of interferon therapy along with laser surgery often slows down the course of the disease, warts.

Pregnancy And Genital Warts

One of the beliefs associated with the condition is that in case of women, they are probably linked to pregnancy. So genital warts and pregnancy - is there a connection? Let's investigate. Pregnant women, infected with HPV and suffering from genital warts, almost always run a high risk of transmitting this extremely contagious disease to the child. It is therefore highly advisable to treat the genital warts before the baby is delivered. Presence of genital warts during pregnancy sometimes leads to a number of problems.

The warts, during such times, often increase in size and make urinating difficult and even painful. Blame it on hormonal changes during pregnancy that cause genital warts to multiply in number, enlarge and even bleed.Genital warts and other types caused by the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), are surprisingly common among men and women. But the reasons behind their attacks are still open to some degree of speculation. In such cases, it is advisable to seek the help of a health care provider who can provide relief.

An abnormal Pap test may indicate the presence of HPV. To begin with, genital warts and pregnancy is not a happy mix.So if there has been a test recently, seek expert medical diagnosis and advice. Genital warts and pregnancy pose other risks as well. This is because the body's immune system gets weaker during an HPV infection and this makes the lady vulnerable to viruses and infections. If the warts are inside the vaginal passage, they reduce the elasticity of the vagina and cause obstruction. This makes delivery difficult.

 It is a comforting thought that pregnant women carrying an HPV infection usually do not give it to their babies. However, in some rare cases, mothers infected with genital warts may give birth to infants who develop warts in their throats, a condition also known as laryngeal papillomatosis. Although very rare, it poses a great life-threat to the newborn, requiring immediate medical attention and frequent laser surgeries to prevent blockage of the breathing passages. According to modern research, the use of interferon therapy along with laser surgery often slows down the course of the disease. Finding a treatment that works is what you need to think about doing because everyone is different in how they treat their warts. For all the (disagreeable) reasons above, it is strongly advised to abstain from sex with a partner who has HPV.

The infection spreads primarily through contact. If however abstinence is difficult, be choosy about the partner and stick to the dedicated partner. This minimizes the chances of contracting the disease and safeguards the pregnant mother as well. Remember, although condoms offer a modest degree of protection against the infection, but they are not foolproof. Pregnancy or no-pregnancy, genital warts are a nasty condition to have. Don't do anything that might spread the infection or delay the process of cure. Do seek medical help as soon as possible. And pregnant mothers of course need to be more alert. After all, you owe it to your unborn child.

Recognizing Different Types Of Warts

There are many myths and truths about warts. I remember like most of you as a child to not
dare pick up a frog or you will get warts. I really don't know who came up with that theory. The truth is frogs have nothing to do with warts. To be perfectly honest most warts are really painless. They can be referred to as a lump that is noncancerous.Most of us have a immune system to the warts and usually can't get them.

Some people however can be susceptible however they usually won't last long and they will soon disappear. For those that might be susceptible to them I will go over the different types of warts and how to treat the type you
may have. The first type is what we call the most common ones. These warts will have show up on your skin usually on a rough raised surface that can appear anywhere on your body but most of the time they can be found on the top part of your hand.

Another type of wart is called a flat wart. Unlike the common wart that makes your skin feel rough this type will make your skin feel smooth and is a very small type of wart that that can appear in a cluster form and will mostly develop on a part of your hands, legs,and mostly will appear on your face.These warts are usually so small that you may not notice them.

There is also a wart known as the plantar wart. This type of wart can feel like a callus and will show up on the bottom part of your foot.If you have had a callus you know how painful that can be when you put pressure on it. This type of wart can be painful similar to what a callus will feel like when putting pressure on the foot. A fourth type is a wart known as the filiform.This type of wart will show up around your face area such as your eyelids and even your neck.

These warts are very small but also can be a very long shaped wart.One more I want to mention is for
the woman reading this. The wart called genital warts.These are another smaller type of wart that will be very uncomfortable and will appear on your genital area and can also show up on your anus area.I know these
warts are very bothersome but there is some self-care options that might help.

If you have a wart that is not very noticeable and is taking longer then you want to go away you can just use a medicine you can buy over the counter. You can find these over the counter medicines in a liquid form or even a pad. When you start to use this medicine put this medicine on the top part of your wart and also put some of the medicine on the side of the wart.

Make sure you do not put this medicine on directly on the skin that is around the wart you are treating.Look on the directions to see how long it will take to work. If that time has past and the warts are still there it is recommended that you see a physician.

He may can prescribe you a prescription medicine that will work better or may even remove it from
you. Whatever kind of wart you may have make sure you do try to treat it before it can get infected. They can be annoying but also can be treated without going through a lot.

The Causes Of Warts

When you are trying to detect a wart the first thing you should look at is try to compare it with your normal skin.A wart is a type of virus that will start to show up on your skin.Whether you know it or not we are all exposed to viruses and since warts are a type of virus we can get them like any other virus. A lot of us cannot tell if someone may have a virus when we are around them unless they tell us they have been sick or exposed to someone who has been sick.

The same goes for a wart.If you cannot see a wart on someone and you come into contact with them by just shaking their hand you can get a wart. Even if the person you come in contact with does not have a wart he could be exposed if he has been around a person who has a wart. We really don't know why some of us are more likely to get a wart then others.

The myth about catching a wart from a frog is just that a myth.You cannot get a wart from a frog.There are methods a person could use to get some relief from a wart. Your dermatologist can suggest some of these methods that would work on you. One method is called the acid method. Using this method will destroy the tissue in the wart.Your dermatologist will give you a prescription that is a solution that you can apply to your wart for a month or two.

The acid that your doctor will use is combined of salicylic and also of an acid called lactic. Another way your dermatologist might tell you is called a freeze method. I know all about this method because my husbands dermatologist does this method for his skin cancer. I will say this method is a little painful but is the fastest way to clear the warts up. The doctor will use this spray can with a lot of force.

The spray comes out pretty heavy and will freeze the warts.The freezing actually will burn some.This procedure does not take long usually only a few minutes. You will also notice in a few days that you may have some blisters that appear after this procedure. Do not be alarmed they will go away in a few days. This procedure may sound very painful but it is not that bad.It will get rid of the warts.

The burning of the procedure won't last very long. In fact when my husband has it done he is able to drive back home. One of the last resorts you may consider is what the doctor calls the slash and burn method. If you have tried all the other methods and they just won't work on you this method will.

Your doctor will apply to your skin a local anesthetic. After your doctor has applied this to your skin you will feel nothing. He will use a needle that is electric and by this type of minor surgery will cut the warts out. He can also use a laser to vaporize the warts.The only thing that you may have to deal with is a little scarring. So if you are susceptible to getting warts remember that you do have an option of many different treatments.

The Difference Between A Wart And A Mole

Although warts and moles may appear to be the same they are not related conditions. They are thought to be because the often look alike. Warts are defined as small areas of a long
standing viral infection. Moles are described as areas of the skin that are heavily pigmented
with melanin,the substance that is responsible for general skin coloring.

Warts will vary in their appearance. Warts are not dangerous but can most definitely become a nuisance. A mole that you have from birth may eventually develop into a malignant melanoma. If this occurs it should be removed by a physician immediately. Some types of warts are as follows.We all probally know about a common wart. These will appear on your hands or feet.

The typical common wart is a hard lump that has a roughened ,cauliflower-like surface. Moles can appear anywhere on the body. They are small,roughly circular areas of skin that are much darker than the surrounding skin.The larger moles may have course hairs growing out of them. Some moles are present from birth.In some people a few have developed during their childhood. Look for different changes in your childrens skin to make sure that you always know that they do not need medical attention of any sorts.

There is also a wart that may be mistaken for a mole that is called molluscum contagiosum. These are tiny pale lumps that are filled with cheesy material. These can be confusing because they are not true warts but they are just like warts. these appear in groups that are usually in children,especially children who have eczema.The appearance of a mole  is a dark patch that constitutes a mole. A mole may be flat or raised above the surrounding skin.There is also a sebaceous cysts. These cysts are sometimes mistaken for warts.

A sebaceous cyst typically will appear  as a soft,smooth,yellowish lump just under the surface of the skin. Sometimes a tiny dark dot can be seen in the skin over the center of the cyst. Your scalp is the most common site for these harmless growths.Most warts will disappear on their own within a few months but sometimes in rare cases it may be several years. If you are concerned about any spots that have come up on your skin then please do not ever hesitate talking with your doctors about these concerns.

If you have warts that you may think are unsightly or annoying go to a dermatologist who can recommend a treatment that is right for your situation. In older people ,what looks like a wart may be a more serious skin condition such as a type of skin cancer such as basal cell carcinoma, So if you are a person who knows a elderly person that might see this as a wart please get it checked out immediately. It could make a great deal of difference in their health.

Things you should know about genital warts.

Genital warts are usually found around or on the penis or vagina. They are pink or red growths found around the genital areas. They can be spread to other parts of the body as well as other people by contact with the infected places. Genital warts vary in size from barely noticeable to the size of large pimples. They often appear in groups of three or four and may grow and spread rapidly. Sometimes mild pain, itching, and bleeding can occur.

Genital warts are caused by a virus that is called HPV. This is also know as Human Papilloma Virus. This virus is a sexually transmitted disease. If you find out that you have HPV do not be too upset. Over half of middle-aged America has some evidence of being infected.  In most cases genital warts will go away on their own, but as there is no cure for HPV they could come back. Usually people that are infected wait to see if they spread or go away on their own. If they spread then there are many treatments options to get rid of genital warts.

As long as genital warts are present you should not have sex. If you do you should always wear a codom. Warts can easily be passed on when they are present. They are consider contagious when they are present. Some warts can be passed on even if you wear a condom. You are taking a risk either way. You just want to take every step there is to take when having safe sex and portecting the person you are with, because you do not want to give something to anyone.

Certain types of HPV are known to cause cervical cancer, anal cancer, vulvular cancer, and cancer of the penis. Though rare, if you are a woman then a simple Pap test will detect any abnormal cervical cells. If you believe or know that you have genital warts it’s a good idea to see your doctor for regular checkups so any abnormal growths can be treated early.

There are a few ways to get rid of them depending on how you want to go about doing so. Regardless of which method you choose, you MUST see your doctor first. Ask your doctor to prescribe you a topical medication to take home so you don’t have to feel awkward having a stranger perform the application.

These are the different types of ways to get rid of warts. There is cryothreapy, it is where they are frozen off. Then you have electrocautery. This is where they are burned off with electricity. Then there is laser surgery. This is where they are burned off with a high-intensity laser. And finally we have surgical excision. This is where they are cut out. These all can be very painful. They will give you something for the pain. All of these procedures can leave scars, and may be very painful depending on the warts location so choose carefully.

Topical Treatments For Different Types Of Warts

Are you sexual active? Are you worried that you run a huge risk of contacting genital warts? Have you already got the dreaded news from your doctor or physician that you already have genital warts? Well, if you are a person that falls into any one of these categories, then you had better listen up. There is no way to break it softly to you, so I will just come right out and say it.

Genital warts are caused by the HPV virus, and there is no cure. Yes I said it, "there is no cure". There are however, some remedies and treatments you can use that will reduce the risk and could eventually clear up the genital warts. It will not be a "quick fix". It will be a tedious process that could only provide help on getting rid of those "disgusting and embarrassing" warts over time.

Thousands of people are resorting to Topical Treatments before they take the plunge on medical treatments. These can be applied by yourself and usually at home. Now this goes without saying that they may or may not work for you. Also, not just one treatment will work at one time. It is up to you to experiment over time with various treatments:

Garlic Oil is just another topical treatment that is widely promoted and used for clearing up genital warts. More importantly it is said that raw garlic is supposed to stimulate the white blood cell's ability to fight infection. Tea Tree Oil is just strong aromatherapy oil. It is an essential oil that contains an abundance of anti-viral as well as anti-bacterial ingredients that are used to fight infections.

You must take in the fact that these topical treatments for genital warts have not been clinically proven. You should not think they are clinically effective treatments for genital warts. These treatments have shown through numerous studies that they contain benefits that are necessary and widely used in preventing, reducing, and fighting off viral infections.

Your diagnosis, lifestyle, and stress will play huge factors in determining what will and will not work for you. Because one treatment is said to have worked on genital warts before does not necessarily mean it will work 100% for you. Your best bet is to get a diagnosis from a doctor or physician. Let the professionals have a look at your situation first.

After all is said and done, inquire about these treatments and get a clinical opinion. After all, if you already have genital warts then there really is not anything to lose, only everything to gain from that point. If you are looking to treat yourself or experiment a little to see if these treatments can or will work on your genital warts, there has been no studies that suggest that these topical treatments have shown any dangers, harm, or side effects.

But, remember that these are researched remedies past on from people to people and clinical proven effective treatments. Warts of all sorts can be bothersome, so do not feel bad if you are now wondering how to treat some sort of warts that you have discovered.

Treatments For Facial Warts

No matter what we do or what we are even up to, one thing is for sure. The fact remains that our faces would unfailingly reveal the true contents of our mind. A clean untarnished face speaks a lot for the person who holds it. Besides, whoever is unaware of the fact that a lovely face can launch a thousand triumphs when things look bleak and dreary for the run of the mill?

However, we are not the sole masters of our face and sometimes the most charming face tends to lose its charm when facial warts suddenly appear to tarnish the beauty. The worst part of the whole story is that the facial warts affect the young at a time when they are mostly judged by their face value.
To begin with, facial warts may form due to a viral infection (human papilloma virus or HPV) and it can also happen through one of nature's own freaks. Also, these warts disappear as frequently as they appear, to the consternation of the host. Facial warts usually begin as small raised bumps on the soft facial skin.

These bumps may range in color from pink to red or often yellowish, though at times, a wart may also appear as a dark dot on the face. Facial warts are sometimes mistaken as pimples as well. Since they are not associated with intense pain or other complications, people usually are less bothered by warts, except of course from the cosmetic point of view. Facial warts are removed in a number of ways. Such as cryotherapy, electrosurgery, keratolytics, bleomycin, hypnosis, X-ray therapy, laser therapy, interferon, retinoids and antiviral agent.

 Immunotherapy has several advantages like the option of bringing many lesions at a time under treatment as also controlling the frequency of relapsing warts. It starts by sensitizing, which is followed by weekly maintenance course of 0.001% to 1% DPCP in acetone on the facial warts till a mild form of contact dermatitis is achieved. As an immediate result, all of the facial warts would become inflamed and resolved. Today there are good remedies for facial warts and many of them are natural solutions that are safe, effective, painless and gives quick results.

Facial warts can make any beautiful person feel very unattractive at that time. It is important that you find some form of treatment to reduce the signs of your warts or to remove them completely, which is what most people would hope for anyway. Check out some books at your library or continue doing more research on the internet, to ensure that you know more about warts so that you will know how to treat them if they ever appear on your body.

Warts of all types can be very irritating, not necessarily because of feeling them on your skin but just because of the looks of them. Most people associate warts with some sort of yucky disease or something like that and that is simply not always the case at all. Anyone can get warts and anyone can treat them as well. Do not continue letting yours bother you or make you feel bad about yourself, do something about your warts today, so you too can feel better when you look into the mirror.

Warts Can Be Aggravating-Learn More Now

Indeed the warts, moles, skin tags etc. can be unsightly. They might not be painful so much physically but they do generate emotional pain. The ugliness that is most often associated with warts and also at times with moles is detestable particularly from the cosmetic point of view. No wonder why so many people desperately seek worthy treatment measures for removal of the skin lesions. Any treatment course for moles and warts need ideally start with checking the right causative factor. The warts viruses cause the skin lesions.

These are responsible for producing the bumps on various parts of the body including the soles at times. The warts formed display a granular nature. Medications aimed at controlling the infection ought to be administered in consultation with specialists/physicians. Being a viral disease the warts are contagious too. So, it is also important to check the infection before it spreads to other persons who are susceptible.

Deficiency of potassium in the system can also be the cause of wart formation. In such case potassium rich foods like meat, fish, milk and vegetables should be taken in aplenty in diet. Mineral (potassium) rich nutritional supplements/pills may also be taken in on a regular basis. The surgical measures are usually considered if the medicines, creams, lotions etc. applied for treating warts fail. This is also considered if the skin lesion formed is showing signs of becoming cancerous. For example, a mole may have changed shape and color.

The surgical procedures enable removal of warts more precisely. They also help take on larger lesions. Surgical procedures commonly followed in cases of lesions are generally pretty quick and simple. Not even an overnight stay is required. You need to be careful too. It can be that a margin of the skin around the lesion may need to be removed while removing the warts thus creating the risk of leaving a bigger wound that is more conspicuous than the original wound. A treatment measure commonly followed is freezing of the lesion with liquid gas.

The wart area may also be treated with salicylic acid and other chemicals that are 'painted' on the area. This is later washed off and the affected area is dried and perhaps covered with some protective strip. You may be suggested to check your smoking and dietary habits for fostering better wound healing and reducing chances of infection. It is local anesthesia that is applied for wart treatment and soon after the operation this loses effect and pain can be felt. So, pain killers are prescribed.

You need to be careful too. It can be that a margin of the skin around the lesion may need to be removed while removing the warts thus creating the risk of leaving a bigger wound that is more conspicuous than the original wound. Warts are pretty ugly little fellows but there is no need in you feeling ashamed, you can do something to get rid of them if you really want.

Wart Treatments That Work!

Warts are harmless, non-cancerous skin tumors that can occur singly or in groups on any part of the body. The type of wart is named as per the region of their occurrence. Warts are caused by different strains of the fiendish papilloma virus. It conjures the body into providing it with room to flourish; this is known medically as the wart proper. Warts are non-malignant skin tumors that can appear on any part of the body.

It is named depending on the region of its occurrence. Seventy-five percent of the population encounters warts at least once in their lifetime. Plantar warts are the ones associated in the foot region. Most of the natural remedies for warts are associated with plantar warts. As a reminder, it must be ensured that the so called wart is not a corn, callus, mole, or cancerous lesion. If there is the slightest doubt about what it is, a doctor must be consulted. To help identify, warts are pale, skin-colored growths with a not so smooth surface.

Sometimes it has even borders and blackened surface blood vessels. Normal skin lines will not cross the warts surface. Warts are, however, very shallow growths and do not extend up to the bone. Most warts disappear on their own within two years. Children get rid of them faster. However warts are infectious and if left untreated, may increase in size or spread to other parts of the body. Normal medical wart treatments are associated with nasty-sounding destructive methods such as burning, freezing or destroying with laser.

These techniques are not necessarily effective. It is usually painful and may leave scars. Worse still; warts often reappear, no matter what treatment is used. Alternative medicines for warts, especially home remedies are therefore encouraged before heading for the doctor. Special precautions should be taken when attending to genital warts. One common home remedy is to buy vitamin A capsules and apply the oil directly to the affected area.

Fish oil or fish-liver oil capsules are the best source for Vitamin A. Fish or Fish liver oils capsules should be broken open and the oil massaged into the affected area once a day. The vitamin should not be taken orally; large doses of it can be toxic. A paste of Vitamin C tablets and water is one suggestible home remedy. The affected area should be bandaged after applying the paste so that it does not come off. The acidic property of the vitamin, particularly when in ascorbic acid form, affects the skin too. Therefore it is important ensure that the paste does not touch the skin.

Another popular home remedy is the onion method. In this method, a small onion piece is cut and kept dipped in vinegar overnight. In the morning, this onion piece should be placed over the wart and taped up tight. Another similar piece must be kept dipped in vinegar, ready for the next change. The onion should be changed at least once a day. Warts are bothersome, so do not let them irritate you any longer. 

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