~3 Useful Free Blogging Features

 نتيجة بحث الصور عن ‪Blogging‬‏
The number of internet users is increasing everyday. This is because there are interesting and knowledgeable discoveries found online. What most people like on the internet is that they are able to send messages in an instant. In addition, they are getting more and more fascinated with other sites.

Sometimes, people use the internet as their online diary or journal. Others would use it to promote a product.  Either way, there is one site that is famous for these things, we call it as Blogging or the Internet Blogging. There are many website providers who are now offering free usage of blogging software packages because of the rapid increase of blogging users.

Examples of the free blogging software are B2evolution, Nucleus and the WordPress. These programs have the same features. This is why most internet users ask which of the software is simple to use and would suit the needs of a specific website.  

However, the answer to which one is the simplest depends on the real purpose of the free blogging website. If your main objective is to share your point of view and opinions to the public, you can use different blogging software. However, if it is for promotional purposes, use software designed such purpose because a blog for promotion has completely different requirements.

Below is the list of the free blogging software and their features:

•           WordPressFree Blogging Software

WordPress is usually used for personal blogging. It has an open source, modern personal publishing design which is focus on the appearance of the blog. By only using the WordPress, there is no need to gather or your journals and compile it as one. Just write your article. And choose which features you want and the blog will be published immediately to your site.

This software is easy to customize and it offers different functionality. As you get used to it very well, you will learn to add fresh features which will make your site interesting and trendy.

•           B2evolution Free Blogging Software

Like the WordPress, this is also an advanced internet blogging software. This free blogging software has a skinning system which lets the users to make many blogs in separate groups with different look or appearance for every blog.

B2evolution has the capability to change skin to make the blog get a new appearance. This software is good for promotional purposes. Therefore, you are planning to create and publish many different themes, B2evolution is the right software for you.

•           Nucleus Free Blogging Software

Nucleus has dominant features which is applicable in promoting your blog. It is capable to optimize the URLs. This helps the user create a blog that is easy to use.

One great feature of the Nucleus is that it is capable to present many blogs using a single page. The Nucleus also has a feature that is very good in promoting a particular site.

These three blogging software provide the best feature that you need to create an effective and interesting blog.  Remember they are all free, so there is no need to be hesitant in using them.

However, you must choose the software that will be a great help to you in achieving your main objective in creating a blog. In this way, you are making sure that your blog is unique and it will satisfy you and your needs.

Become The Top Blogging Site Tips

If you are blogging and you want to build a top bloggingsite, you are reading the right article. Do you want to be the top most blogging site? With more pictures and more traffic including revenue? Of course, everyone in this business aims to be the most famous blogging site.

Being on the top will determine the traffic that your blogging site has produced. To make your blog rock in this business and be the top blogging site, you must give your readers a reason to visit your site. But how? It’s easy, the answer is just a moment away.

Blogging can be the easiest way to gain money; tips can be taken from it when the readers of your blogs enjoy the blog that you have written. To be the top blogging site, you need to give your reader a reason to frequently visit your site. Make a quality blog by including the following in your blogging business. These are very useful tools in making your blogging site the top and the producer of more traffic.

Pictures and photos must be included in your blogs. These are very important [parts of your blogging. You should at least give one photo in every blog you do. This will attract more readers to browse your blogging site. Make sure to add quality photos not the once that contains blurry images. This will not make your blogs to be on the top. Plus, colorful photos are more appealing to readers so include them in your blogs.

Traffic patterns are also important in this kind of business. You should not only manage one site, it is much better if you are affiliated to other sites. You can write blogs to them as well, as long as you put your link in the end of your blogs. This will serve as the link to your site. You can promote your site by using other blogging sites. This will sure to grab more readers attention that will keep the traffic to flow.

Include templates in your writings. Numbers of different associated templates in your blogs will be useful. Uncluttered template is weak compared to bright templates that can attract more readers. Templates will make your blogs look more attractive and inviting. Make sure to choose good quality and nice looking templates to add more traffic in your blogging site.

Advertise your blogging site. Make appealing site advertisements to promote your site. Ads can be helpful in bringing all the traffics to your blogging site. You can also advertise using banners ad space that you can sell. This will bring you more income as compensation to your hard work.

You cans end newsletters to your readers whenever a new blogs are posted. By this way, your readers will always be updated of what you write in your blogging website.  Press release can be done to invite more readers to your blogging site.  Give your blog a unique, interesting and on of a kind touch. This will make loads of traffic to your website.

These are very useful tools in making the top blogging site. With plenty of ways, you are sure to reach the peak of success in this business. Start up and gain more money by blogging.

Blog Site Talk

With the freedom of speech and expression, man continues to discern for a means to communicate everything that pops up their mind. They can even maximize the recent inventions in technology.

Everybody is aware about the electronic mail, the friendster and other services in the Internet. This is where people of all ages enjoy sharing common stuffs and experiences together.

Blogging on the different websites have acquired its popularity that greatly affects the mass media all over the world. From the time that it was introduced in the year 1995, many people started to become curious about it and as they discover more about blogging, they show a great interest on it.

These are sometimes referred as online diaries. It is a combination of texts and images. A typical blog also focus on a particular topic and discusses anything under the sun.

Blog is also considered as a distinct website. Every blog entry is consists of the following important parts namely:

·           Title
This states the topic that is being discussed on the blog. Remember that it concerns the main title or the headline of the entire content of the blog. This is one of the main parts that cannot be eliminated in a certain blog.

·           Body
From here, you will read and see the whole content of the post. It will consist of everything that will discuss the main topic of your post.

·           Comments
Remember that you are not alone in reading the content of your post, thus other readers can also have an access to your blog. They also have the chance to place comments that can be added in your post by the reader.

·           Permalink
This will pertain to the URL address of the entire individual article found in your post.

·           Post Date
From what the name suggests, the exact date and time when the post was published will be reflected here.

If you will try to trace the history of the website blogging, you will see that it is greatly influenced by realistic events. The early website blogs are interpreted based on chaos created by the soldiers serving particularly in the Iraq war.

Thus, most of the blogs are based on the current events, depending on what is hot and in demand for the people.

The types of blog will also depend on your preference. There is actually more than one type of website blog that are available. Among the types are:

·           PersonalBlog
This is the most applicable blogs for the teens today. Since blog is sometimes called as online diary, this is where facts and issues concerning teens are reflected. This usually constitutes topics about trends.

·           Career Blog
This is dealing on the profession of a person. It can also include topics about the past experiences of a person with an employer and others.

·           Paid
This type of blog is simply for business purposes and majority for product advertisement and promotion.

Aside from the types of blogs mentioned above, there are still many other types of blogs.

The bottom line is, each of the blog cater to your needs, if you want to know topics that deal on a specific topic you can make a choice of your own type of blog. 

Blogging Incognito

Will you believe that blogs are just powerful enough to do different things? For instance, if you want the world to know that you have a beautiful little baby girl, all you need to do is to post a blog on your site or on a blogging community saying such proclamation. If you are not yet contented, you can display the picture of your baby girl by means of photo blogging. Simply post her picture and the whole world will know.

It is good if that will be the case. However the power of blogging is now beginning to be used for black propaganda. In what sense? Take the following instances: There are individuals who are using blogs to exercise their political rights by revealing some horrible expose about certain federal officials that generates personal revenues from a government-funded infrastructure project.

The point here is anyone can actually make a blog without any censorship that will prevent him to post what he wants to post. Much worse, the identity of the blogger is at great risk. What if that federal official founds out your real identity and will make way to eliminate you out of his way? Not only your identity is at stake, but also your life as well.

But the above-mentioned concerns should not prevent you from writing blogs especially if you have good intentions in doing so. Instead, you should be inspired to keep your blog private or accessible only on particular trusted individuals.

This article will show the simplest precaution you can take on how to maintain your personal privacy so that you can still express yourself without facing worse or even fatal consequences. If followed correctly, these precautions can save you from the consequences and from embarrassment or just from plain weirdness in front of your friends and co-workers.

Blog Anonymously

The safest way to express yourself especially when your blog contains uncensored or weird items is to blog anonymously. It is just like writing a poem and taking the “Anonymous” as your author’s name. However, being anonymous in a blog is not just as easy as you might think.

For instance, you want to make a blog that tackles your terrible working environment in your company without risking your boss or co-workers discovering that you are eventually writing about them. Here are some of the techniques and technologies you can use to make it hard for anyone to trace your uncensored blog back to you.

Avoid Mentioning Exact Details about your Blog’s Subject

If you will be creating a blog about your work, never give exact details that will pinpoint directly to your workplace. Details such as where your company is located, how many employees are there, and the specific work it offers should not be revealed. Be generalize in everything that you will place in your blog.

Use Pseudonym to Hide your Identity

Obviously, you need a pseudonym to hide your real identity. However, you need to use pseudonyms that are not related to any information about yourself. For instance, do not use pseudonyms that contain the jumbled letters of your name or jumbled numbers of your birthday. One small personal detail can give your identity away.

Use Anonymizing Technologies

If you are still uncertain of the first two techniques, there are several technical solutions you can use to keep your identity anonymous.

•           Invisiblog- a web service that offers anonymous blog hosting for free. You can create blogs without giving out your real name. Even service administrators do not have access to your name as well.

•           Tor- it is an anonymous network that routes your Internet traffic through a so-called an overlay network that hides your Internet provider address. It makes hard for anyone to follow the path your data takes.

•           Anonymizer- it works as the same as Tor, only that it hides your IP address from the services hosting your blog.

By just following the techniques and technologies suggested in this article, you can now blog without fearing that your real identity will be revealed.


Blogging Really Is An Exciting Way To Write On-Line

What is a web log?

A web log or blog is personal web page allowing an easy inputting of text, images and other features creating a log of the owner’s views and opinions. It is accessible to the owner wherever they are thus it became the most popular democratic online developments today.

 It is also referred simply as an online diary and is designed to be shared with as many people as possible.

Blogs are usually open documents on the web providing interesting opportunities to experiment for young’s people own recording of their involvement process. Session recording is a facility offering an interesting on-line version fro project workers and a regular youth work practice.

Blogging became the common way of expressing and communicating on the net, along with e-mail, chat rooms, message boards and instant messaging. 

The use of blogs was encouraged among young people and youth workers thus approximately 50% of all blogs was crated and maintained by 13 to 19- years- olds. The space is available for personal use, free of charge and is not accessible to others without the owner’s permission to view it.

How to get started?

You need the diary, images, links to websites that people likes and links to other blog sites to attract visitors and create an interesting experience in a blog however, awareness of attracting unwelcome visitors should be observed properly treating any communication or contract from a stranger with extreme caution. HP is not liable for any contacts or communication connected with the use of web log.

How to blog in five easy steps?

1.         Sign-up for a weblog account. The easiest way of blogging is having an access to the different free web log publishing sites.

You can find them by typing ‘weblogs’ or ‘web logs’ into a search engine besides it is normally free and provides you with all the publishing tools needed like an area to type your text into before the blog goes live.

2.         Choose a name for your blog. To give your blogging site an interesting title, using pseudonyms that most people use is encouraged. It is also recommended to tell your kids not to put any personal details into their blogs for safety purposes.

3.         Create a weblog template. This is not a problem because the weblog publishing site made this very easy. Ranges of templates to get you up, running it as quickly and easily possible are provided however creating your own template is another option to choose from. This is often attractive to kids because they have the fun of choosing the colors, designs and type of fonts used.

4.         Startblogging. You can start writing after the template has been chosen. The fun part was you, your kids or whoever is blogging can write anything that comes to mind. It sometimes advised to write about their day at school if the kids are a bit stuck.

5.         Don’t just write. Remember blogging is not only writing down thoughts or descriptions of the day thus good blogs made links to other blog sites and interesting websites that suits your personality.

Kids could links to their favorite football team or band adding links to blogs set up by their friends. Among the bloggers, these links provide a real sense of community.

Build Site Traffic With Free Blogging

Don’t have enough readers for your free blog website?

Do you want to create your own blog the fast and easy way?

If you answered yes to any of these questions then free blogging sites are for you. Firstly, you might be wondering what blog is all about. A blog or a web blog is like an online log where you can use to build traffic for your website. It can contain any topics you want and it can even contain your diary.

So just how do you start blogging for free?

Creating your own blogging website is very simple. You can visit websites that offer free blogs which has step by step process on creating your blogging website. It will usually just take a few minutes of your time to create a blogging websites in sites that offer free blogging web pages.

However, before starting to go to websites that offer free blogs, you should first determine several factors for your blogging web page.

Firstly, you have to think of a name for your blog. To do this, you must first determine what kind of topic you will dedicate your blogging webpage to. Ask yourself what you want to discuss, what are your interests or hobbies or if you have a website that is dedicated to a particular topic, you can discuss that to. It can be anything, it can be dogs, cars, casinos, food, travel, and you can even create a blog about yourself.

After knowing what name your blogging site should have, the next step would be what to put in it. Basing from your title, you will have an idea on what to put on your blog. You can put in any comments you want with different topics regarding your title and headline. You can even post in surveys as your topic; this is very useful if you sell a particular product where you can get consumers opinion on how to sell your product more effectively.

Another way to generate interest in your blog and attract a lot of readers is to make your blog a bit controversial. People like controversies and making your blog one, can create a lot of curious people to read your blog. You should post comments that can be controversial and this can result in many people wanting to post in their comments too.

Now that you have finished creating your blog, with title or headline, a comment, how should you attract people into reading your blogs? One of the best ways is to write an article about a particular topic in your blog and post them into article submission websites. This can generate a lot of targeted traffic and in no time at all.

To make this work, you should write the article with your blog site URL included at the ending of the article or in the footnote. With a good article and a little bit of luck, your blog will be discovered by people and chances are, your blog will create a lot of traffic by word of mouth.

Free blogging websites are one of the most useful tools to generate targeted traffic to your website. It can even generate a lot of loyal readers or fans of your work to post in comments and suggestions regularly to your blogging website and will often recommend it to other people. The best thing about this is that it’s easy, convenient, fun, and as the name suggests, it’s all for free.

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