~ Importance of a Business Analyst
A certified business analyst is trained to recognize problems and come up with solutions. He or she can listen to what the management is saying and turn it into facts and figures which can be incorporated into a project program. Listening is one of the best attributes a business analyst can have.
When the professional business analyst listens, he or she will hear what is being said. They will also hear what is being implied. The management may know what the problem is, just not how to fix it in a timely manner. Listening to all parties involved will give the analyst a broader scope of the problem. This may mean meeting with IT and other employees. Listening to lower level teams may lead to discoveries no-one knew existed.
The business analyst is removed from the situation, an outsider looking in. This does not mean the analyst has to be an outsider. He or she can be in the organization already. It is just that they can look at the project objectively and determine what is a waste of time and what is not. A different perspective is always a fresh start to any program. It is important to not follow in the same path. It did not work the first time, why would it work this time?
It is important to bring in someone who has a creative side. Someone with good people skills can manage a group of people to motivate them into action. A good business analyst will do this very thing. Acting as a liaison between different teams and departments, the business analyst can keep each unit informed of what is happening. He or she can delegate duties while explaining what must be done and why. He or she may allow freedom of expression and allow someone to generate fantastic ideas which may have been tossed aside in the past.
It can become frustrating to implement a plan of action only to discover when it is put into affect, it is no longer a viable solution. The business analyst will not allow this to happen. He or she is looking at the end goal and keeping up with changes which may affect the outcome. The perfect business analyst is abreast of what is needed and what is wanted. He or she can use this information to develop a flexible plan. Instead of a plan "B", the plan "A" will be structured to allow for change or new needs.
The reason it is important to have a business analyst is because businesses need "what if" people. They are the ones who determine if a market changes how to incorporate new ways to target it. The business analyst knows if a new technology is on the market, and how it may help the company. Looking at a "what if" situation, the business analyst can determine what will or will not work. The professional business analyst can put a floundering company back on top.
Is a Degree Necessary to be a Business Analyst
The lack of proper education can be a major drawback for someone breaking into the business world. Many people study business management and other business related courses. There are many diplomas issued each year to hopeful business prospects. When it comes to being a business analyst all the rules change. Although a degree can be helpful, it is not necessary. Experience is the key to success when it comes to a business analyst.
Many great business analysts did not even go to college. If they did it was not in the field of business but technology. A business analyst can earn a degree. There are certification classes one can take to hold the title of certified business analyst. Most have learned from experience not from books.
A good business analyst is one who has prior experience in the business world with trouble shooting. They will be able to assess a business proposal or project and determine needs from data gathered. A book or white paper may not tell a business analyst what needs assessments to to prepare. Only experience can do that in certain businesses.
To better understand what degree a business analyst must have consider it only takes 8 weeks to become a certified business analyst. 2 months of study can explain what the job description is and how to implement it. When you put it in those terms, it may be a little unnerving to some. Those 8 weeks are crammed with information straight from a text book. The real world is slightly different.
A good business analyst is going to understand the concept of code. He or she is going to know there is something amiss when they start researching the problems reported by management. There may be simple solutions which only require added code to justify the means. Other projects many require extensive analysis to determine where the problem lies and how to correct it. Someone with business savvy can figure it out. The problem lies in implementing the plan of action.
The reputable business analyst will be able to speak with management and other stakeholders to hear what problems and solutions have been ascertained. These issues may or may not be the root source of the conflict. The business analyst can determine this. He or she can weed through what management thinks is necessary information to glean the truth. He or she will be able to drop in on IT and see what their take on the problem is. The business analyst will also speak to other low end users who know more about the application of the program. This is where other departments fail in providing what works and what does not compute with real life scenarios.
Does someone need a degree or license to understand the issues of business? No. Does it help to have an understanding? Yes. It certainly looks good on a resume to list degrees and certifications. Past experience and a portfolio of solved issues will go farther than any framed paper.
The Job Market for a Business Analyst
Business analyst is not a new term in the business world. It has become extremely popular over the past few years. With businesses expanding world wide more emphasis has been put on the IT teams and departments to monitor and or expand with corporate peers. This has brought about changes in how business operates. A need for business analysis and systems analysts was born. Stakeholders wanted to know the money being spent was worth the expenditure. They needed someone to come in and tell them where to invest within the company to raise profits. The business analyst job was created.
The job of the business analyst was simple at first. He or she was nothing more than a monitor. Observe what was going on and try to improve on it. Look for problems and find a way to fix them. The position became complex when stakeholders started demanding things from IT and no-one knew what to do. The business analyst became the go between. Acting as the liaison for stakeholders and IT, the business analyst became the one who got things done. He or she acted as the motivator. He or she was the mover and shaker of the company.
Today a business analyst can have several different names. Systems analyst and project manager are just an example. The job of business analyst can be held from inside the company or with an outside research and consulting firm. Certain business analysts are independent business owners choosing to offer their experience to a broad range of clientèle. It is basically how the business analyst wishes to work which determines the job market for him or her.
There are those people who wish to ensure job stability within a corporation. They will feel more secure knowing they are a part of a dynamic organization they can grow with. The skill level will grow with the demands of the job. Emphasis will be placed on what the boss wants at any given time.
Other people breaking into the job market may wish to join with a group of individuals already working with several clients to fulfill the needs of stakeholders. A research and development firm may be just what is needed for this individual. He or she will want to learn with their peers, work with a trained team, and accomplish things as a team player. They will be able to grow and expand by learning from the years of experience the firm has to offer.
The business analyst who thinks outside the box may be truly happy on his or her own. He or she may want to develop their own kind of strategy for the job market. This kind of person may choose to open his or her own consulting firm. He or she may be very good at working alone while still motivating the teams and departments to get the job done. His or her success depends on the negotiating skills and other people skills one is born with. Some independent business analysts are very successful.
The job market is open to many who seek this type of position research should be done prior to just accepting any offer that comes. Questions should be asked. Is this the type of company I will be happy with? Is there room for advancement? Will I gain experience while working here? Will I be able to express myself freely when I foresee a problem with a project? What are they looking for in a business analyst? Do I truly fit the description?
Determining what the business analyst is looking for before he or she even starts career chasing will save quite a few headaches down the road.
Qualities of a Business Analyst
Analysts used to be the ones who had a technology degree but were able to back it up with some basic business knowledge. Now the times are changing. Business analysts are business people who specialize in technology. They can work both spectrum's of the field.
Qualities of a business analyst may include some degree in technology. They know that the business is to lead the way in technology, not the other way around. Just because it is a cool new thing does not make it a practical application for today's market. It may not fit the bill next month or even next week.
Another quality a business analyst has is the ability to be comfortable in the board room as well as in front of the drawing board. He or she will know how to address a meeting of the stakeholders, while still going back to IT and mapping it out for the department. A great quality for any business analyst is what some call bi-lingual speech. Being able to discuss issues in a clear concise language everyone can understand.
The business analyst is going to be a research person. He or she will always be doing something to gain more knowledge. Whether it is for the company or for their own personal gratification the business analyst will know knowledge is the key to success.
One of the best attributes for the business analyst is being able to supply options. He or she will know what is available and from whom. The business analyst is not a bobble headed yes man. He or she will state the facts and tell the stakeholders or department leaders if the idea is solid or not. He or she will let people know when a problem exists with a concept or idea. The business analyst will be able to tell why the problem occurs.
Being open minded is a good quality for the business analyst. He or she can impart an impartial viewpoint to theories and opinions. The business analyst will be able to choose vendors from an objective point of view.
Qualities bestowed on a business analyst include knowing the attributes of another individual. He or she can show that person where their expertise can help a project. The business analyst will not surround him self or her self with people who do nothing. He or she will find the people who can do the job. This may mean the large team stakeholders are expecting may only be a handful of qualified individuals.
The qualities of a business analyst will allow him or her to look into the future to see where business and technology are going. He or she will be collecting information all along the way to help with the next step or phase which is coming. He or she will be able to map market trends. The business analyst will be able to see economic bubbles before they occur and take steps to avoid disaster.
A good business analyst will be one of the best assets a company or organization can invest in. Finding a business analyst with these qualities is like finding a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. The business analyst will tell you where to invest it.
Reasons Projects Fail for a Business Analyst
Each day businesses call upon a business analyst to determine what must be done in order to accomplish a certain task. Each avenue must be explored and analyzed for a project proposal to be implemented. The project scope determines what the course of action may or may not be. Each person involved must answer to another until management is satisfied all has been done to rectify the situation. Everything stays on task. The project as a whole is coming together. Teams are co-ordinating with each other to apply the objective into the code. It is all going according to plan. At the end, it all falls apart. Nothing is as it seems. The project has failed to accomplish what it set out to do. The business analyst is hung out to dry. Every finger points to him or her. In actuality it is not the fault of the analyst.
It was a joint effort from the beginning. When the problem was recognized as such and something needed to be done is when the business analyst came into the scope of things. Management said get it done. IT said it is done. Low end said it just isn't what we need anymore. So what happened? The first thing is failing to disclose all information necessary do make a proper assessment of the situation.
A business analyst is not a mushroom. You can not keep them in the dark. They have to know the in's and out's of the company. He or she must be aware of the company vision or end goal. A few facts and figures just will not do the job. Disclosure can close the project tighter than a drum.
Acting as the liaison between departments and upper management, the business analyst must gather data from everyone involved in the project. When someone feels they do not want to be a team player this can cause a disruption in the scheme of things. Each team was delegated a task. Upstarts who think they know what is the end result and rush to meet the goal, may find themselves dead wrong. However there are times when up and coming management leaders do the same thing. Instead of looking at the big picture and realizing all the intricate parts are necessary, they view a segment as the solution. This can only lead to failure. Communication is the key to success.
If someone does have a better plan, a good business analyst will listen to the idea. He or she may find it a viable solution for one aspect of the entire project. Unless the business analyst is told of the idea it can go unused or worse yet misconstrued as the proper solution. Communication is most commonly the reason projects fail.
The business analyst is what holds the project together. He or she is what makes the teams work together as teams. The analyst is the one who takes all the pieces of the puzzle and puts it together so the end result is success. Think of the business analyst as the nails in a house. When you do not use nails to hold it all together you wind up with nothing more than kindling.
Techniques Available to the Business Analyst
The business analyst will utilize many tools when scoping out a project proposal. He or she may use basic, intermediate, or advanced techniques. Each company project proposal will be different. Similarities may occur allowing the business analyst to use past experience to implement a business plan.
Different businesses will demand varied techniques to implement a project proposal. If there is a company newsletter detailing IT production, this will help a business analyst with his or her research. Data collection can come from many sources. The news letter may give an insight into what the company is struggling with or trying to accomplish. A blog or website can also provide this information.
Financial statements will allow the business analyst to examine past successes and failures of the company. Statistics can be gathered which will inform the analyst of strategies used in the past. This will help in calculating risk assessment. The financial software available on today's market will allow the business analyst to establish where financial results can be improved.
The business analyst has the ability to utilize a feedback survey to determine specific needs of the company. Simple questionnaires can pinpoint management strategies and performance as well as give an employee and outside sourcing analysis. Added to information already gathered, the business analyst can compile a project program for acquiring higher profit margins and reaching set goals.
The certified analyst will take into consideration the cost of a project. At times the company can be spending money where it is not necessary. This is also true with project programs. A good business analyst will determine necessary needs and strive to keep project program costs within a set guideline.
The best technique a business analyst can use is creativity. Let them think outside the box. Allow the freedom of expression to flow freely. The business analyst is a creative do-er. Let them do what comes naturally. A true business analyst will create a project program as though it were a work of art. This is the parental instinct coming out. The technique is to develop the "baby" and nurture it into something workable. As with any great thing, an artist will look at all aspects to determine what will make a good model and a good subject.
Using both as a focal point, a masterpiece is created. Success will usually follow. There will be nay sayers. These are the ones who need to see the big picture and not each individual step. There will inevitably be fault with one or two points. The savvy business analyst will see the faults do not become cliff hangers. The issues will be dealt with in a timely manner.
Only good things can happen from that point. Allowing the creative techniques to be used has put many a business at the forefront of their industry. A good business analyst is always looking for something which will work to make a difference. When he or she recognizes a problem, the creative side sees what has or has not worked in the past and figures out a way to overcome the issue. As a motivational person, the business analyst will encourage creative thinking in the departments. Embracing new ideas and trends have produced record setting years for companies which use to struggle. The intelligent business analyst will know different can be dynamic.
The Role of a Business Analyst
The role of a business analyst can be very difficult. He or she must wade through the mass of information presented to determine the underlying problems. This information may or may not be correct. The business analyst much research to comprehend the true situation of the business. The information supplied to the business analyst is given from many perspectives. Opinions can influence how one perceives the related issues. At times, the opinions can add unrelated information which only complicates the role of a business analyst.
Problems can occur for the analyst when persons with the business know how try to explain what must be done. The role of the business analyst is to understand what is the desired outcome. He or she will listen and put into perspective what is being relayed. The business analyst will be able to determine what is feasible and what just can not be done. The role of a business analyst is that of a problem solver. Understanding both aspects as a user and as one affected by the application will allow the business analyst to perform his or her role.
The role of a business analyst is to merge the Information Technology (IT) department with the business departments. He or she will be able to separate the separate the individual teams while still maintaining a uniform team management system. Teaching these two teams how to work to overcome obstacles and strive for completion of a goal is a main directive for the business analyst. He or she will act as a liaison between the two. Performed correctly will result in project completion. Success will be achieved.
Management may be impatient when the business analyst begins resolving the project program issues. The role of the business analyst will allow him or her to understand the project scope. He or she will determine what the project objectives are and who is trying to implement them. The business analyst will assess the needs and determine the project goals. He or she will not jump ahead to the solution without utilizing the proper steps. A good business analyst will be skilled in explaining the structure of each step and co-ordinate them with each department. This will reassure management the job is being done in a timely manner.
The perfect business analyst is one who was a user. In other words, he or she understands the complications of being with the IT team. The business analyst will be able to explain the project scope from the lay person's perspective. He or she will not get lost or caught up in trying to explain technicalities or formulas. Rather the business analyst will explain each process as a stepping stone to reach the ultimate goal. The lack of communication has resulted in almost 50% of project failures. Informing each department involved, in a way they will understand, can mean greater success.
The role of the business analyst is not to jump to the end and start with the solution. This will only result in failure. Assessing the needs to determine what is actually required will allow the business analyst to implement the steps to success. There are times when management will think otherwise. The business analyst should try to make all parties understand what is important and what is not relevant. This ensures all information needed to identify the solution has been presented. In the end, the business analyst will be able to determine if the solution will meet the requirements designed in the project proposal. This will ensure success for the business analyst and the company.
What Are Use Case Studies?
A use case study is designed to describe a situation in which the program is being utilized by the end user. It will tell a story of sorts describing how the program works and the input of the user. It does not tell how the program was developed. The details of the programming are not included in the use case study. You are trying to express the concept behind the creation.
Use case studies are generally one of two types. Type one is the essential use case. This is the type of use case study which is created at the beginning of a project. The idea behind the essential use case is to show what the program is going to do. There is no technical jargon or reference to programming procedures in the essential use case study.
The second type of use case study is the real use case. This use case study will show the hands on of the application. Usually there will be slides showing how the system is operated. This use case study is developed mid-way through the development of the program. Stakeholders can see how the program is instrumental in it's usage.
There may be several use case studies written for every scenario the development team can think of. This way the application is put through it paces, so to speak, on paper. Notes can be taken or suggestions made to better the program. Allowing the stakeholders to see the end results of the program without going completely through the development stage can save time and money.
The business analyst will ask for suggestions when writing the use case studies. He or she will draw on the knowledge of the IT department. He or she will account for what the end user is asking for as well. The business analyst will draw up scenarios with the stakeholders in mind also.
Use case studies are communication tools used to allow end users to express what they feel is necessary in the system. The stakeholders can see how the user interacts with the system and can make suggestions to improve the system. The use case studies communicate to the IT department what the system is being designed for. It shows hands on applications the system will be used in. The user will be able to say the system program is doing what is required. The IT department will be able to say the system program is functioning as required. When the system program is done and in place, everyone will know what to expect. The stakeholders, end users, and IT should be satisfied with the outcome.
Use case studies do more than just show scenarios of the application. They can be instrumental in training documentation as well. The stakeholder or end user may want to keep the use case studies for training purposes or to help in developing training manuals. The business analyst who uses great care and painstaking intuition when developing use case studies may be rewarded in more ways than one.
What does a business analyst do
The qualified business analyst wears many hats. He or she is a negotiator, a skilled listener, a motivational speaker, and a team leader. His or her title may include that of systems analyst, requirements analyst, or project manager. The business analyst may or may not have a degree in business analysis. He or she may not be able to write code. However, the business analyst is educated in the process necessary to produce the code. He or she may even come from an IT department. But what is it they do?
The business analyst is someone capable of troubleshooting.. He or she will be able examine data and other information gathered to determine losses experienced by the company. The business analyst will be able to compare previous facts and figures to current numbers to deduce or predict where failure may occur. He or she will be able to examine information gathered by stakeholders to assess risks of certain project programs.
The business analyst is an objective listener. He or she will be able to speak to stakeholders and hear the needs determined by the management. The business analyst will be able to ask questions which could lead to certain discoveries once overlooked. The qualified business analyst gain knowledge of a situation by listening to team leaders and end users. He or she will hear the underlying message of what is being developed versus what is needed.
The business analyst is a negotiator. He or she will be able to involve themselves with departments and teams to allow the teams to work together. The business analyst will realize conflicts among departments. He or she will work side by side with each team to negotiate a compromise so the project is not jeopardized. The business analyst will motivate the teams to recognize their strength and weakness and allow them to excel and overcome. He or she will develop a rapport with department heads and stakeholders to rally the teams into completing the tasks at hand.
The business analyst may be asked to centralize services for more efficient work environments. He or she may be asked to reduce duplication processes occurring between departments. The qualified business analyst may be asked to develop relations with external sources when necessary to deliver services needed for project completion. The duties of the business analyst are never ending. He or she is a useful asset to the company.
The business analyst is a visionary. He or she usually thinks outside the box. Always in the know about latest technological advances, the business analyst will know when a program is capable of being utilized by the company. He or she will know how to determine a need when the situation arises. This way the business is not left behind and can keep up with corporate peers.
Sometimes the business analyst is forgotten amongst the bustle of corporate strategy. However the business analyst will be the always be the innovative link between each and every department and stage of development in the project program.
Why use a business analyst
There are some business people who are not sure why they would need a business analyst. This can be a hard decision to make. The easiest way to determine whether or not a business could benefit from a business analyst is to decide what the business wants to accomplish. If there is a problem that can not be pinpointed the use of a business analyst could be beneficial.
Not all business analysts have to be called in from the outside. There may be a qualified individual in the organization which can meet the qualifications of a business analyst. It may be someone in the IT department. It may be someone who is familiar with the workings of all the departments. A quick search of qualified applicants can determine this issue.
The business analyst can help with formulating a plan of action which allows the stakeholders to pinpoint where a problem exists. Narrowing down the problem can be handled by the business analyst through research and data. Once the problem has been uncovered, the business analyst will be able to determine which is the best course of action. A project report can be written outlining the steps needed to reach a pre-determined solution.
The good business analyst will be able to act as a liaison between departments. He or she will be able to speak with each department. At times the department teams may falter or second guess themselves. The business analyst will be able to motivate the teams. He or she will be able to point out the strengths each individual has. This will allow the teams to aggressively approach each task at hand. The qualified business analyst will be able to express the needs of the stakeholder and the end user in such a way for the IT department and others involved can understand.
There are times when stakeholders and the development team are on the same page but each is interpreting something different. The qualified business analyst will be able to set the wheels in motions which allow both stakeholders and development teams to understand what is needed.
Unless the business analyst asks questions and listens carefully, the entire scope of the project can be placed in jeopardy. It is up to the business analyst to weigh all the facts and do the research necessary for everyone to understand what is being requested. Once the teams know what is required of them the business analyst can keep each team informed of the others performance and completion of set tasks.
In the long run the business analyst can be an asset to the company for many years. He or she can build a rapport with each team and department within the company for future project programs being developed. As new technology becomes available the business analyst will be able to inform stakeholders what may need to be done to implement it into the workings of the company. Outside sources will be more easily obtained with someone familiar with the project programs and what is necessary to accomplish the task. The experience of a business analyst will show when it comes time to lead a meeting to explain what is happening. The vision of a company can be designed by the qualified business analyst.
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