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  1. March 14th Meeting Minutes Reviewed/Approved

  1. Fitness Center Hours
    1. Request for Extended Hours of Operation
                                                               i.      Requested by Jim Miller & Peter Pickering (on behalf of all facility users)
i.         Current hours of Operation
a.       M-R 7am-6:30pm, F 7am-4pm
ii.       Requested hours of Operation
a.       M-R 7am-8pm, F 7am-8pm
b.      Same hours during quarterly breaks
                                                             ii.      Reasons for Request
i.         Regular exercise provides both mental and physical benefits
ii.       Employees who exercise regularly get sick less often
iii.      Many SCC employees work “flex time” schedules
a.       Current 6:30pm closing time eliminates their use of facilities
    1. Background Information
                                                               i.      Prior Hours of Operation
i.         During Quarter – Mon thru Fri, 7am-8pm
a.       Shortened facility hours when staff position cut due to budget
                                                                                                                                     a.      Fitness room currently staffed by part-time student employee
ii.       Quarterly Breaks – Closed at 4pm
a.       Extended hours to 6:30pm effective Spring break 2006
                                                                                                                                     a.      Based on staff requests
                                                             ii.      2002 Survey on Fitness Room Participant Use
i.         About 50/50 used by students and staff/faculty
a.       6 pm: Average of 5.5 participants
b.      7pm: Average of 4.5 participants
c.       8pm: Average of 3.6 participants
    1. Discussion
                                                               i.      What is required to extend the hours?
i.         Additional hours of supervision
                                                             ii.      Who can supervise the fitness room?
i.         Only those who have received training (CPR, emergency protocols, etc)
ii.       Volunteers (staff/faculty/admin)
a.       Must consider risk management
                                                                                                                                     a.      SCC does not put into practice policies that would put a staff member in a position of liability
iii.      Student/Temporary Staff
a.       Possible workstudy position funding for additional student help
                                                                                                                                     a.      Limitation on number of hours that can be worked by temp/student help (69 hrs/month)
                                                            iii.      Other Considerations
i.         Security of Building
ii.       Safety of staff and facility users
iii.      Usage of facility, meeting participant demand
a.       Ken Burrus will request a new tally of fitness room use
    1. Committee approves extending hours as follows:
                                                               i.      NEW Hours of Operation
i.         M-R 7am-7pm, F 7am-4pm
ii.       Same hours during quarterly breaks
a.       New hours posted on DAAG

  1. Use of Standardized Meeting Agenda/Summaries
    1. All standing committees received samples of standardized agenda/summary formats
                                                               i.      Initiated by Strategic Planning Committee
                                                             ii.      Recommended by President’s Leadership Team
    1. Use is encouraged but not required
                                                               i.      Helpful identification of individual assignments
i.          Action items are clearly marked to delineate responsibility for task
                                                             ii.      Consistent format of information creates a consistent feel to data published
    1. Wellness Committee chooses not to use the standardized agenda/summary format

  1. Fitness “Release Time” Statistics
    1. 2006 Winter Quarter Data
                                                               i.      Faculty and Staff Participants: TOTAL = 53
i.         Cardio Conditioning: 30
ii.       Pilates: 6
iii.      Yoga: 9
iv.     Kickboxing: 8
                                                             ii.      Student participants not tallied
    1. Goals of release time report:
                                                               i.      Reminder to campus that Wellness Committee created this opportunity
                                                             ii.      Increase number of participants
    1. Committee will continue to advertise intramural courses available
                                                               i.      DAAG posting, list serve reminders, word of mouth, campus flyers
i.         Benefits of exercise as a method of stress relief and general well being
                                                             ii.      Additional information will be posted on:
i.         Rules of Participation
a.       Classified Staff, specific policy to utilize release time
b.      Admin/Faculty, can use whenever they want
ii.       Extended fitness room hours (see item #2)

  1. “Healthy Habits, Healthy Life” – Spring Wellness Symposium
    1. Location
                                                               i.      PUB and Fishbowl reserved 5/19 from 9am – 2:30pm
                                                             ii.      Event Setup
i.         Speaker faces east (allows better flow for incoming attendees)
a.       Burrus will check for tech needs (outlets, etc)

    1. Sessions
                                                               i.      10:30am-11:30am INJURY PREVENTION
i.         Lonnie Sellers, Integrated Manual Therapy - Wellness Contact: Burrus
                                                             ii.      11:30am-12:30pm HOLISTIC HEALTH
i.         Dr. Scott Buesing, Bastyr University - Wellness Contact: Strieck
                                                            iii.      12:30pm-1:30pm GENERAL NUTRITION
i.         Alison Leahy, Shoreline CC - Wellness Contact: Herself
    1. Tables/Booths
                                                               i.      Can use smaller 4x3 tables
i.         Contact Greg Angus to organize
                                                             ii.      Current Participants
i.         Nursing Students (SCAANS) - Wellness Contact: Linda Barnes
ii.       Dental Hygiene - Wellness Contact: Ona Canfield
iii.      Dietetic Students - Wellness Contact: Alison Leahy
iv.     Intramurals - Wellness Contact: Ken Burrus
                                                            iii.      Possible participants
i.         Advising/Counseling, Lake Forest Park, Library
ii.       Other student clubs
a.       No response from student clubs as of yet
    1. Refreshments
                                                               i.      Water, Oranges/Apples/Bananas
i.         Anticipated Attendance: 75 – 100 (throughout day)
a.       Purchased by Paulette Fleming (Wellness Committee funds)
    1. Door Prizes
                                                               i.      Donations By
i.         SCC Athletics, Bookstore, and Foundation
ii.       Third Place Books
a.       Donations gathered by Davis and Sneddon
                                                             ii.      Lots of little prizes, a few big ones.
i.         Should be able to give each attendee something with major prizes awarded on the hour
a.       Will pass out prize tickets, need not be present to win
    1. Advertising
                                                               i.      Event Flyers
i.         Color copies to departments/Colored paper posted around campus
                                                             ii.      DAAG/List Serve Posting (May 15th – 19th)
                                                            iii.      Event Signage
i.         Sandwich boards outside PUB
                                                           iv.      Wellness Committee Website
i.         Update and post symposium event info
a.       Coordinated by Botts

  1. State Employees Conference: Healthy Lifestyle Habits
    1. Attended by Arlene Strong
                                                               i.      Nutritionist presented info on eating right a prevention of cancer
i.         Weight Management/Portion Control
ii.       Healthy Active (exercise) Lifestyle
iii.      Realistic and Simple Rules to Follow for Healthy Eating
    1. Possible seminar topic for Fall 2006.

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