“Healthier eating”:

 Image result for eat healthier

There are many things that a person can do to have healthier eating habits.  They can be broken into 5 categories: Variety, Proportionality, Moderation, Preparation and Time. 

            Variety means to eat a wide range of foods.  Foods should be spread across all of the food groups in order to get the nutrients you need (Complex Carbohydrates, Protein, some fat, Vitamins, Minerals and Water).  Be sure to Limit your intake of sugar and fats overall.  Eat leaner cuts of meat, nuts, and beans for your protein.  When drinking milk, choose low fat or fat free milk.   At least half of your grains should be from whole grain sources.  Also, eat 5 vegetables and fruits a day making sure to eat different “colors”.  When possible, select fresh or organic food rather than mass produced food. 

            Proportionality refers to the size of your portions. Generally, eat more of the foods from the “larger” foodgroups from “my plate” and less from the smaller food groups.  Water is not included in the pyramid but your should drink at least 64 ounces of water a day.   Also, try to eat 5 smaller meals a day rather than 3 large meals.   Don’t let your eyes want to eat more than your stomach.  Choose less food for a meal.  Then, wait 10 minutes after eating.  Still hungry?  Now, take seconds.  In addition, when snacking..take a little of the snack instead of the whole bag. For example, if you are eating Doritos…don’t carry the entire bag into the living room and plop them next to you on the couch watching your shows..  Take a little bowl of them.  You may think twice before getting extras.

            Moderation means how much of everything you eat.  As with portions (paragraph above), amounts of food should be indicative of what the plate says to do.  One should limit sweets and fats and any foods in the “discretionary category” also known as the “sometimes foods”.  However, it is ok to eat things like cupcakes, candy, etc…just not everyday and every meal.  Example, soda intake should be limited to no more than once a day.  It is filled with sugar and should be considered a treat. 

            Preparation is important because once a food is selected, it needs to be prepared correctly to stay safe.  Try to limit the amounts of salt you use when cooking and never add salt to a meal once it’s cooked if salt was used in it’s preparation.  When cooking foods, grill, boil, or broil rather than fry.  Frying foods sometimes is ok but not all the time.  In addition, cutting away fat from meat before it’s cooked is another way to limit fat intake.  Furthermore, keeping food stored at it’s proper temperature, in the proper containers and cooking food completely will help to keep food safe to eat.

            Lastly, time food is eaten is important for healthier eating.  Start every day with a healthy breakfast.   Your meals should be around the same time every day to ensure consistency with your digestion and if possible, never eat a meal after 8:00pm or anything right before bed to ensure proper digestion of the food eaten.  In addition, eat your meals slower.  Fast food was created because people needed meals in a hurry SOMETIMES.  It is not meant as food everyday.  Slower chewing leads to better digestion and many times, your body will “feel” full before it eats extra.

            Following these tips will help you to eat healthier which will allow your body to stay physically healthy by providing it with the proper nutrients it needs and keeping digestion working right.


2 MORE THINGS.  Although not eating specifically, it is very important to stay active to ensure good Healthier eating.  Why?  The more you eat, the more “calories” you bring into your body.  If you eat more calories than your body uses, the extra calories are stored as fat for future use. 

Also, keep eating.  Don’t try starving yourself because if your body gets into starvation mode, it actually tries to store as much fat as possible when you do eat.  This will screw up your metabolism and keep

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