Social Care and Social Work
Improvement Scotland
3.7.1 From 1 April 2011, the regulatory functions
of the Care Commission were transferred to two new scrutiny bodies: Social Care and Social Work Improvement
Scotland (SCSWIS) and Health Improvement Scotland (HIS). The Public Services Reform (Scotland ) Act 2010 (‘the PSR Act’) set up SCSWIS
to regulate care services and HIS to regulate independent healthcare in Scotland .
3.7.2 Care services are defined in Schedule 12 of
the PSR Act. They are regulated against the provisions in that Act, its
associated regulations and taking account of the National Care Standards for
each service type.
3.7.3 The National Care Standards are published by
the Scottish Ministers and set out what people using care services can expect
from their provider. Relevant accommodation is exempt from HMO licensing when
it is provided as part of any one of the following care services registered
under Part 5 or Part 6 of the PSR Act:
- Care home service
- School care accommodation service
- Secure accommodation service
- Independent health care service
3.7.4 These types of services are inevitably
provided in dedicated accommodation. Other categories of care services are not
necessarily provided in dedicated accommodation. In these cases SCSWIS
regulates the service, and the standards of accommodation are, where
appropriate, controlled by HMO licensing. The most common example is a Housing
Support Service, which might be provided to people leaving institutional care or
who have been homeless, to help them develop the skills to manage their own
3.7.5 They might start in hostel-type
accommodation, move to a house shared with three or four other people,
including support workers, and finally move to a home on their own, where
support workers continue to visit for as long as necessary. This is a process in which the individual may
have the same support worker throughout, but moves from dedicated HMO
accommodation, to non-specialist HMO accommodation, to a mainstream, singly
occupied house.
3.7.6 SCSWIS may raise issues with the service
provider about, for example, the appropriateness of the accommodation or
equipment in place, for the provision of the support service where this impacts
on the quality of care provided. The
local authority would not normally be party to such comments, unless they are
mentioned by the licence holder. If licensing officers have any queries or
concerns about HMO operators who are also providing care or support, they
should contact SCSWIS’s local office and ask for the person dealing with
housing support services. A list of contact details is available on SCSWIS’s
website at
Local authority
social care and homelessness services
3.7.7 Care
and support services regulated by the SCSWIS are often funded through contracts
with local authorities, under a range of programmes which include social work
services and services for homeless people.
3.7.8 HMO
licensing officers should work with colleagues to ensure that all non-exempt
HMOs used by such services are licensed.
For example, three or more homeless people regularly staying within a
Bed and Breakfast could trigger the need for the owner to licence the premises
as an HMO.
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