However emergency medical care shall be provided to everybody.
In order to support migrants’ children and their families it is crucial
to develop cooperation among different branches of policies, educational
establishments, social services, and asylum and immigration services. The
content of education has to ensure respect for diversity, intensive
state language courses and e-programs for recently arrived migrant pupils,
adjusted study methods and programs as well as informative materials for
parents. It is vital to prevent segregation and facilitate progress of migrant
Migrant pupils with special needs are evaluated by the state medical
pedagogical commission which recommends studies in educational institutions
adjusted for pupils with motion, hearing, vision and language disabilities.
The Asylum Law and normative acts of the Cabinet of Ministers provides
the right to receive an asylum in the Republic of Latvia .
The status of an asylum seeker is granted by the Office of Citizenship and
Migration of the Ministry of the Interior. Education to under aged asylum
seekers is provided by the Ministry of Education and Science.
Under aged asylum seekers:
obtain the obligatory primary education
to the age of 18;
can continue studies after the age of 18;
have additional lessons of Latvian;
receive financial support to purchase study books;
get individual tutoring classes;
if asylum seekers’ children attend minority schools they study their
native language.
From January 2008 to
December 2009 acquisition of secondary school education has been ensured to 7
minor asylum seekers.
In 2010 the Ministry of Education and Science has been developing
adaptation program for under-aged asylum seekers, guidelines for pedagogues and
informative materials for parents. The program provides for an additional
number of Latvian language lessons, social science subjects and individual
tutoring classes.
The programs, guidelines and informative materials are financed within
the framework of the European Solidarity and Migration Flow Monitoring Program
The Ministry of Education and Science completes an agreement with the
educational establishment attended by the particular under aged asylum seeker.
The Ministry of Education and Science allocates additional funding from the
state budget for the pedagogues remuneration and purchase of study aids for
asylum seekers.
Upon entering an educational establishment an under-aged asylum seeker
submits education documents (if available) and an application. According to the
established procedure the principal has to admit a pupil who has studied
abroad. The principal is entitled to claim from the pupils documents that
certify the content of their education and the evaluation of their progress. If
necessary, the school can test the pupil’s knowledge to decide on the
appropriate grade for the pupil. Upon agreement with the parents of the child,
the school can take additional measures to facilitate studies of the child in Latvia
such as, for example, individual consultations.
The Ministry of
Justice is in charge of the European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country
Nationals under the Programme of Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows
in Latvia .
The activities implemented within the framework of annual programmes of the
European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals under the
Programme of Solidarity and Management of Migration Flows promotes access of
third-country national immigrants to language training, labour market and
public services.
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