Relationship to compliance with the Building Regulations
Physical Standards included in this guidance cover a range of issues, many of
which are also addressed by Building Regulations. Guidance on Building
Regulations is given in the new Technical Handbooks.
4.5.23 It should be borne in mind that the
HMO licensing regime involves different considerations from the regulation of
Building Standards, so the fact that a building meets all relevant building
standards does not necessarily mean that it is suitable for occupation as an
4.5.24 In cases where the local authority
is considering requiring the applicant to carry out work on the living accommodation
prior to granting the licence to make it suitable for use as an HMO, or as a
licence condition, officials should liaise with building standards officers so
that the applicant can be advised of any relevant permissions that may be required,
in order that they may be sought and obtained prior to commencement of the
4.6.1 Local
authorities must also consider any amenities the accommodation contains. This is likely to include matters such as
whether there are appropriate cooking and sanitary facilities, white goods such
as refrigerators and washing machines, as well as adequate and appropriate storage for
rubbish and recycling and facilities for drying clothes and bedding.
4.6.2 This
should be considered in conjunction with the number and type of persons likely
to occupy the dwelling. Acceptable levels of provision are indicated below,
however a local authority should take be willing to take into account
alternative proposals for provision to suit specific local circumstances.
4.6.3 The
condition of the amenities should also be considered, e.g. are they in good
working order and able to be kept clean and maintained.
4.6.4 Suggested
standards which the authority should apply in considering this factor are as
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