Tax Preparation Checklist

Your Tax Document Checklist: The No-Stress Guide To Filing Your ...

This is a detailed listing of the forms and information that is needed to prepare all types of individual tax returns.  Not every one will have all of the information listed, so please use the checklist as a reminder to gather the items that apply to your tax situation.

1.         Car registration renewal form
2.         If new car, need first registration form (usually from dealer).

Employment & Income:
1.         W-2 Forms,
2.         Alimony received, if any (also social security number for ex)
3.         Unemployment compensation (1099-G)
4.         Miscellaneous income (1099-MISC),
5.         Jury duty pay stub
6.         Scholarships and fellowship totals received
7.         State and local income tax refund amounts
8.         Prizes, awards, lottery and gambling winnings (W-2G forms)
9.         State income tax refunds from the previous year (1099-G)

Financial Asset Income:
1.       Interest income (1099-INT, 1099-OID)
2.         Dividends (1099-DIV),
3.         Proceeds from broker transactions (1099-B)
4.         Retirement plan income, pensions and annuities (1099-R)
5.         Social security or railroad pension income (SSA or RRB 1099s),
6.         Passive income from a partnership or S-Corporation (K-1 forms)

Financial Liabilities: 
1.         Student loan interest paid
2.         Early withdrawal penalties on CDs or other time deposits
3.         Educator expenses
4.         Federal and state estimated tax paid during the year (records)

Deductible Expenses: 
1.         Unreimbursed medical expenses paid by you (records)
2.         State income taxes paid or sales taxes (if more than state income tax paid)
3.         Mortgage interest (1098 forms)
4.         Charitable amounts (include receipts from charitable organizations)
5.         Unreimbursed casualty or theft losses (records)
6.         Unreimbursed employee business expenses, travel, union dues, job hunting expenses
7.         2011 taxpreparation fees, investment management and planning fees
8.         Uniforms, safety gear required for your job but not paid for by your employer
9.         Education required for your job, professional licenses, journals, memberships.
10.       HSA/MSA contributions.

Homeowner/Renter Information: 
1.         Your current address, and phone number
2.         Total rent paid if you rent your home
3.         Real estate taxes paid
4.         Sale of a home or real estate (1098-S), second mortgage(1098)
5.         Moving expenses
6.         New home closing costs, - settlement form
7.         Can you claim an energy savings credit (new windows or doors, solar power, new furnace, water heater or air conditioner, insulation or roof replacement)
8.         Did you claim the first time homebuyers credit in 2008?  If so, what is your repayment amount? 

Personal Information:  
1.         New Clients:  Social Security numbers and birthdates for taxpayers and dependants Bring all Social Security cards to your appointment.  Also bring driver’s licenses or other picture ID (for primary taxpayers – not needed for dependents).

            Returning Clients:  Your Social Security and identification information is on file.  Only bring Social Security cards for new taxpayers added to your tax returns (ie. If you were married in the last year) and new dependents.
2.         Any alimony paid (include ex-spouse’s Social Security number)
3.         Childcare provider information (name, address and Tax Identification or Social Security number and amounts paid for each child).
4.         Adoption expenses
5.         Did you or your dependent attend college in 2012?  Please provide tuition and expense details and amounts. 
6.         IRA contributions?

 Trent Accounting's 2017 Tax Preparation Checklist

Any other information related to your tax returns.

If you are a new client, please provide a copy of your last tax return.


Self Employment Information   

Use this checklist to gather small business and self employment information for your tax return.

Basic Information:

1.         Business name and address and type of business ie. Photography, florist, childcare, hairdresser, etc.
2.         Tax identification number

Business Income:

1.         Gross receipts or sales total
2.         Returns and allowances
3.         Inventory at beginning of year
4.         Cost of merchandise purchased during the year
5.         Labor costs for employees
6.         Materials and supplies used in production
7.         Other costs
8.         Inventory at end of the year

Business Expenses:

1.         Advertising costs
2.         Car/truck expenses/mileage – beginning miles, business miles, ending miles
3.         Commissions/fees
4.         Depreciation information
5.         Insurance costs
6.         Interest
7.         Legal/professional fees
8.         Office expense (postage, supplies)
9.         Rental equipment/vehicle information
10.       Rental information for office, buildings or warehouses
11.       Repairs/maintenance
12.       Supplies not included in inventory
13.       Taxes and licenses
14.       Overnight travel expenses
15.       Meals/entertainment
16.       Utilities (water, electricity, gas, phones)
17.       Other expenses

Startup costs:

1.         Legal fees
2.         Consulting fees
3.         Market survey costs
4.         Expenses incurred to secure suppliers, distributors, etc.

Office in Home Information

In-Home office space must be used exclusively and regularly as your principal place of business.
It may be a room or designated part of a room.  If your business qualifies, then a percentage of your home expenses based on square footage are deductible.

Equipment such as computers, desks, work tables, etc. are depreciable as part of your business.  You must keep complete records of date placed in service, purchase price, freight, sales tax, installation charges and repair costs.

Please use the checklist below to gather the information needed to prepare your tax return.

Basic Information:

1.         Area of home in square footage, used for business
2.         Total square footage of your home

Expenses:  if the expense was for your business only then that amount will be used on your tax return, however if the expense was for the whole house, then a percentage can be claimed as a business expense. 

1.         Electricity –  total home amount
2.         Heating – total home amount
3.         Insurance –  both business only and total home amount
4.         Repairs –  both business only and total home amount
5.         Rent –  both business only and total home amount
6.         Painting/decorating – business amount only
7.         Other    business amount only


1.         Equipment – If you purchased new equipment in the current tax year, we will need the date acquired, purchase price and associated costs such as sales tax, shipping, installation costs, etc.

2.         Furniture, desks, cabinets, etc. purchased in current tax year – need the date acquired, purchase price and associated costs.

3.         Vehicles – date acquired, purchase or lease price, and associated costs.

4.         Home improvements made for business –  need description, the cost and the date completed.
5.         For depreciation of the part of your home used for business, we will need the date the home was bought, the cost or basis at the time of purchase and the value of the land.
6.         For all depreciable items please note the percentage of business use 

If you have depreciation schedules from the previous tax year, please provide a copy of each.
Rental Income Tax Prep Checklist

Separate records should be kept for each rental property and if you have a second home that you spend vacation time at as well as rent out, keep track of the days that you use the home as well as the days that it is rented out during the year.  Below are the items that are needed to prepare your tax return.

Basic Information for each rental:

1.         Address
2.         Type of property – single family residence, multi-family residence, vacation or      
            short-term rental, commercial rental, land or other rental property
3.         Total days rented during the year
4.         Total personal use days during the year
5.         Total merchant card and third party payments
6.         Total payments made by other means (check, cash, repairs made by renters)

Expenses for each rental:

1.         Advertising costs
2.         Mileage for rental property management (need total mileage for the year, business
            mileage and personal mileage)
3.         Cleaning and maintenance costs
4.         Commissions
5.         Insurance
6.         Legal and other professional fees
7.         Management fees
8.         Mortgage interest paid on rental property
9.         Other interest
10.       Repairs
11.       Supplies
12.       Taxes
13.       Utilities
14.       Depreciation
15.       Other – please list

For Depreciation Calculation – Please provide a copy of the prior year’s worksheet. 

1.         Month and year placed in service
2.         Basis


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