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نتيجة بحث الصور عن self-publishing
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« How to Research the Competition Before Your Write Your Book

Remember, it is all up to you, you are in charge, you hold your destiny and the ultimate success in your hands, and no one is going to do it for you, ever.

Okay, so what now, you are doing articles, increasing your overall exposure, your readership and general audience, so what now?

Ah yes, what now, how about really understanding how to market your books or products, how about knowing what the insiders in the world of marketing know, would you like to become one of those insiders, of the “in the know community?”

If you answered yes, that is great, but the true question is, “Are you willing to put in the work, and are you willing to invest in your books, and yourself.

If so, the following is the path of least resistance, and the path to opening your mind to the possibilities that are available out there, and waiting for you the author.

The sites I will provide for you at the end of this final post shall be familiar to some, and foreign to others, however they will provide you the tolls needed to succeed, as they have me, and many other authors.
And yes, these sites will answer 99% of your questions, and provide you the secrets and the true world of online marketing, unlike most of you have ever known exist.

This is not a sales pitch; I have no interest in these sites or forums other than the fact that I am a long standing member in all of them. 

Yes I have participated; yes I give advice and counsel from time to time amongst the peer members there. And yes I know many of the members online there.
I need to say, these forums enhanced my marketing abilities further than I ever imagined or thought possible.

The expertise and overall sub-forums and main forum structure have answered and indemnified countless questions and perspective campaign processes.

They have been invaluable as a tool, as well as the learning curve and endless technical knowledge they have to offer. It is in fact a truly remarkable find for those who wish to learn how to, where to and who to market and target.
And most of all how to do all of it, and do it right.

These sites I pass on to you, you now will have the keys to open many doors, and further all of your careers as authors.

The sites are as follows, but the last one is castle, it is the one that is the top site of its kind worldwide, and it is where the new private Kindle Club is, right in the middle of the vastest overall marketing site in the world today.

And finally the granddaddy of them of all, “The Warrior Forum” :

Be notified, the Warrior Forum has a total cost of about $50.00 to become a member, but it is the best fifty you will ever spend.
And you can visit the forum as a non-member but you will not get inside the exclusive clubs or forums, where all of the real action is.

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