Five Worst and Five Best Ways to Search for Jobs

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The Five Worst Ways to Search for Jobs

The five worst ways to try to find a job, listed in order from worst-worst to least worst.

  1. Using the Internet. The success rate of this method is about 4%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters 4 of them will find a job by using the internet.
  2. Mailing Out Resumes. The success rate of this method is about 7%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters 7 of them will find a job by sending resumes.
  3. Answering Ad’s in Professional or Trade Journals, Appropriate to Your Field. The success rate of this method is about 7%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters 7 of them will find a job by using this method.
  4. Answering Local Newspaper Ad’s. The success rate of this method is about 5-24%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters 5-24 people will find a job by answering local ads.
  5. Going to Private Employment Agencies or Search Firms for Help. The success rate of this method is about 5-28%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters   5-28 will find jobs using this method.

The Five Best Ways to Search for Jobs

 The five best ways to try and find a job, listed in order from least best to best-best.

  1. Asking for job-leads from: family members, friends, people in the community, and staff at career centers. The success rate of this method is about 33%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters 33 of them will find a job using this method.
  2. Knocking on the door of any employer, factory, or office that interests you. The success rate of this method is about 47%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters 47 of them will find a job using this method.
  3. By yourself, using the phone book’s yellow pages to identify subjects or fields of Interest to You. The success rate of this method is about 69%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters 69 of them will find a job using this method.
  4. In a group of job-hunters, using the phone book’s yellow pages. The success rate of this method is about 84%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters, 84 of them will find jobs by using this method.
  5. Doing a Life-Changing Job-Hunt. The success rate of this method is about 86%. That is out of every 100 job-hunters 86 of them will find a job by using this method.

You also want to notice the comparisons. As mentioned, studies show that 47% of those who knock on doors find a job, while best only 7% of those who send their resumes do find employment. In other words going face-to-face, you have almost 7 TIMES BETTER CHANCE OF FINDING A JOB! 

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