First Source Jobs Agreement - City of Atlanta

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THIS AGREEMENT REGARDING THE USE OF THE FIRST SOURCE JOBS PROGRAM BY CONTRACTORS WITH THE CITY OF ATLANTA TO FILL ENTRY LEVEL JOBS is made and entered into by _______________       _________________________                                      ____

This_______________________ day of____________, 201__.

The City of Atlanta requires the immediate beneficiary or primary contractor for every eligible project to enter into a First Source Jobs employment agreement.  The contractor agrees to the following terms and conditions:

·         The first source for finding employees to fill all entry level jobs Created by the eligible project will be the First Source Program.

·         The contractor will make every effort to fill 50% of the entry level jobs created by this eligible project with applicants from the First Source Program.

·         The contractor shall make good faith effort to reach the goal of this employment agreement.

·         Details as to the number and description of each entry level job must me provided with the bid.

·         The contractor shall comply with the spirit of the First Source Jobs Policy beyond the duration of this agreement and continue to make good faith attempts to hire employees of similar backgrounds to those participating in the First Source Program.

·        The contractor as a condition of transfer, assignment or otherwise shall require the transferee to agree in writing to the terms of the employment Agreement.

Upon a determination that a beneficiary or contractor has failed to comply with the terms of this Agreement, the City may impose the following penalties based on the severity of the non-compliance:

·         The City of Atlanta may withhold payment from the contractor.

·         The City of Atlanta may withhold 10 percent of all future payments on the contract until the contractor is in compliance

·         The City of Atlanta may refuse all future bids on city projects or applications for financials assistance in any form from the City until the contractor demonstrated that the First Source requirements have been met, or cancellation of the eligible project.

·        The City of Atlanta may cancel the eligible project.

All terms stated herein can be found in the City of Atlanta Code of Ordinances Sections 5-8002 through 5-8005.

The undersigned hereby agrees to the terms and conditions set forth in this agreement.

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