~ Designing Courses Using Books
The emphasis in this booklet is on books and the importance
of selecting meaningful and manageable books for every adult education
class. Books have the potential to
address key issues in adult education.
Here are a few:
Reading development, vocabulary learning, and awareness
of English language syntax depend on volume. No matter how good our instruction about
reading is during class, becoming an automatic and fluent reader rests on real
practice. Given the limited amount of
time most adult education students spend in classrooms, reading outside of
class is imperative to their development.
Students need to see the words over and over again, put their reading
strategies to use over and over again, to develop. Second language students who are placed in BE
and GED classes need repeated exposure to the syntax, vocabulary and idioms of
the English language.
Books help focus teachers and students on meaningful
ideas instead of solely on skills. When
a teacher designs courses around books, discrete and sequential skill work is
less likely to dominate classroom time.
Skill work is an important part of instruction, but it can be
integrated, for the most part, into real occasions for reading, writing and
speaking. The inclusion of whole books
in the curriculum gives meaningful direction to classroom planning and
activities. Students want to talk about
the ideas in the books. Teachers can
then use books as a way to organize instruction.
Books help both the students and teacher answer the
question: what are we doing here? Even when a teacher painstakingly attempts to
clearly define a theme, students are often unable to follow the larger
developmental objectives of a course. Reading, discussing and
writing about books helps give students markers with which to talk about their
progress and what they have learned.
Reading whole books develops readers. Adult education students are flooded with
photocopies. Although necessary, the use
of copies alone can not powerfully initiate students into the habits and
pleasures of reading. Neither can
workbooks. Books must be held, borrowed,
given, carried in a bag, stacked in a corner and browed through on the subway
to become a part of life. We hear again
and again from students about the ways in which their reading of books has
transformed them. They start
conversations with strangers on buses; they begin looking at the atlas with
their children; they pass on a book to a relative. These habits are exactly what we want to
foster through our inclusion of whole books.
Questions To Ask Yourself
When Planning a Class
Step #1: Asking
Books are part of a well-designed course. Choosing which books are right for what
students means putting some thought into the overall aims of the class. Consider, as a way to select books, what an
individual group of students needs to know more about or to do better than they
did when they started the class.
Teachers need to have a good sense of what their particular students can
probably already do well and what they might want or need to do to develop
further. Having very particular goals
and/or objectives for students is very important. One of the first steps when planning a course
is to ask yourself the questions below:
How much time will I have with students every week? Are there are any things that need to be
worked into the class such as computer time or counseling sessions? How much time will students need to work
outside of class and what types of activities are most useful?
What kind of material can my students read now without
missing more than 5 words per page? What
strategies do students already comfortably use when reading? What kinds of topics interest them?
What does my students’ writing look like? What kind of writing are they most familiar
with: narrative, letters, essays? Is it more important just to get them
comfortable writing more now or should they be developing their ability with a
specific form? If you can, ask for
writing samples during the intake assessment.
How much formal education have my students had either in the
or in another country? The amount of
formal education students have already had, even if it is in another language,
will greatly influence the amount of discipline-specific knowledge and literate
practice they can draw on. Students with
less formal education will have gaps in background knowledge and may lack
habits necessary for reading and intellectual development.
What do I already know about the theme, content or genre I
am planning to teach? There may be
things you need to find out more about before planning your course. Try consulting books and people that can
help you figure out the most important information related to your course. Once you have this information, you can start
sequencing activities and readings in a way that allows students chances to
build on their knowledge and return to ideas throughout the semester. Students should have many opportunities to
learn the same key concepts in a variety of ways.
Planning a course before it begins is important. A planned course can still be
student-centered. Part of the planning
process takes into account students’ interests and needs. In fact, a course that is more planned out,
with definable learning goals, has a better chance of being more centered on
students/ individual needs. If a teacher
does not need to think about what to read tomorrow, she is less likely to
choose reading material that is too difficult.
She has more time to think about how a particular student and what might
help him/her improve.
Planning a course also helps focus both teacher and students
on definable goals, rather than vague objectives. A goal such as “to improve reading and
writing” is too vague, but goals such as “students will practice the strategy
of note-taking” or “students will read three books,” are more defined. Similarly, goals such as “students will
understand when and where the Civil War took place and what caused it” is a
specific goal. Having definable goals
that are articulated when a course is planned helps both teacher and students
to track their progress.
Step # 2: Finding
There are a number of resources for teachers who are
planning courses. One thing you may want
to when planning a theme- or content-based course is to read about the subject
you are going to teach—photosynthesis, the Great Depression, etc.—in a number of sources until you know what the
important concepts are. Children’s and
young adult sections of public libraries are a good source for this, as is the
internet. Once you’ve gotten the basic
concepts, you may want to go to more advanced sources to deepen your knowledge
of what you are going to teach.
Once you’ve decided on the important concepts, you’ll have
to think about texts for students to read.
Once again, children’s and young adult sections of public libraries, the
internet and the CUNY Resource room are places you might find books to
read. Public libraries now have online
catalogs and there are a number of websites (try the “Links” section of this
website) that list young adult books in different subject areas. CUNY curricula are another resource you might
want to draw on. At this point, there is
a large reserve of CUNY-developed curricula on a variety of content areas and
levels. It’s not necessary to adopt a
whole curriculum in order to use it—you may just want to draw on a few
lessons. An annotated list of CUNY
curricula is attached to this website.
Choosing Books that Students
Will, and Can, Read
Here’s a list of questions teachers say they ask themselves
when choosing a book for their students to read:
Ø What is the book about?
Will it be engaging to students?
While students from one type of background may love a particular book,
students from another kind of background may find a book distasteful or simply
boring. Teachers must think carefully
about their “audience” when choosing.
Ø How familiar is the subject matter? Does this book have a setting that is
familiar to students or not? How much
background knowledge will students have to build in order to understand the
story’s context? (“Red Scarf Girl,” an
easy-to-read memoir written by a Chinese girl who survived the Cultural
Revolution is a riveting read, but students must have a chance to build background
knowledge about Chinese communism in order to understand it)
Ø What is the book’s genre?
Mysteries can be page-turners, but can be challenging to teach. Science fiction is a genre that many students
are not familiar with and may not like.
Teachers must also consider literary conventions that students may not
be familiar with, such as flashbacks or play format.
Ø How long is the book?
Many students in adult literacy classes do not have a reading habit; a
book that is too long is a risky choice, especially first time around.
Ø How challenging is this text?
Text difficulty is a complex matter, involving many factors that
include: (1) number of words per page, (2)
length of words; (3) size of print; (4)
amount of illustrations and other visuals; (5) page layout; (6) amount of words
with unfamiliar meanings; (7) complexity of syntax; (8) amount of “literary
language;” (9) amount of dialect, if there is any; (10) prior knowledge needed
to understand the book (students may need to build background knowledge about
setting, themes, historical context, literary conventions, specialized
language, etc.).
Why level is so important
Reading books helps adult students develop in a number of
ways. Students learn new words; learn
about times, places and concepts they may not have known before; and improve their abilities to use reading strategies
such as getting the “gist,” connecting personally to a text, and making
inferences. But all books are not
created equal—though it might seem reasonable to think that a more difficult
text will help students learn more in a shorter time, the opposite is
true. Books that include a lot of
difficult vocabulary, or in which students must labor to sound out every fourth
or fifth word, are actually working against
students’ progress as readers. Competent,
fluent reading involves taking in an even flow of words in which the mechanics
of “sounding words out” is generally automatic.
When a developing reader is required to devote a lot of energy to
sounding words out or following a syntactically complex sentence, meaning
actually breaks down. Reading researchers have made it clear that
in order to develop speed and fluency as readers, students must read a lot of text that is an independent reading level—that is, in
which 90% of words are known. To
understand more about how text difficulty affects reading development, return
to the “resources” section of this website, and click on the article entitled “What
is fluency and why is it important?”
The need to choose appropriately leveled books makes planning
courses challenging. How do you choose a
book that students will read all the way through, that works well with the theme/content
area your class is focused on, and that is appropriately-leveled? When
selecting a book that meets all of these criteria, don’t sacrifice
readability. There are a number of resources
you can turn to when looking for a book that fits with the “course” you are
planning. If you’re working with a historical or scientific theme/content area,
biographies will often work well.
Depending upon the theme you’ve chosen, a young adult novel may
work. The young adult and children’s
sections of most public libraries are good places to find these. In addition, for a list of books that have
been used successfully in adult classrooms, return to the “Resources” section
of this website and click on “Booklist.”
Designing Courses with
Books: Content-based, Thematic, and
Genre-based Curricula
There are three approaches to curriculum design that make
sense not only for selecting books, but also for planning useful discussion and
writing activities for adults:
content-based, thematic and genre-based curricula. Which approach will work best depends on the
needs of your students as well as your own interests.
Once you’ve found an approach that feels right, start
hunting for appropriate books and supplementary material. Try to make sure that the one or two books
you choose can be read by students fairly independently. Harder material should be either read to
students or accompanied by activities that make the text more accessible. Instruction in reading for meaning should
include time preparing to read, reading, and processing what was read.
Use a Theme to Focus
A theme is a broad idea that engages students’ interest and
encompasses a variety of activities. In
the past years, thematic teaching has been used widely as it allows teacher to
use material from a variety of disciplines.
Unfortunately, a theme can become too spread out, disjointed
or incoherent when teachers try to include something from each subject area or
don’t make connections across the areas to be studied. For example a course designed around the
theme of “Choice” that includes all of the following threads isn’t really a
theme at all: reading and writing
personal narratives about choices made in their own lives (literature); looking
at the issue of choice in abortion debate (Social Studies); studying the
choices involved in the Civil War (history) and learning how to choose the
right function in a word problem (Math).
It’s hard to see what unites all these areas of exploration except the
word “Choice.”
What’s missing in the theme described above is a connection
between the various activities or threads of the course. The heart of thematic instruction is to
provide students with opportunities to discover and make connections between
and across bodies of information. Themes must be coherent so that students can
make genuine connections and thoughtful responses. The right theme gives the classroom focus and
provides a rubric for making decisions about what to teach. The reason that thematic teaching became so
popular in the first places was to reverse the often fragmented way that
knowledge is presented in discipline-specific classes.
One way to make the theme more coherent is to dispense with
the idea that every theme needs to include something from every
discipline. Perhaps only one or two
disciplines will make sense.
Here are suggestions for two ways to plan a thematic
unit: (1) establish a point of view or perspective for
the study that students can explore, or (2) ask a central question that can be
studied comparatively with material from many disciplines. In either case, the theme you select is worth
careful consideration.
Option #1: Establish
a point of view or perspective students can explore. The example above of “Choice” as a central
theme for a curriculum didn’t work well, in part, because it failed to unite
information across the various disciplines of literature, history, math and
social studies that it attempted to cover.
One way to understand this failure is to understand that the idea of
“Choice” was framed as a topic, not a theme.
The teacher took up many topics that had something to do with
“Choice.” A theme, on the other hand,
asks students to explore a particular perspective.
If the teacher had instead formed a guiding statement that
displayed a particular point of view for students to explore, information from
particular disciplines could have been more carefully chosen. Here’s a guiding statement that asks students
to explore the idea of “Choice” more coherently: “Despite our best efforts, we can’t escape
the environment in which we are born.”
This is a perspective that can be disagreed with. It is dynamic and more along the lines of
what educators call problem-posing or inquiry.
In this case, the teacher could then choose memoirs and novels that
explore the relationship between home environment and personal
development. Students would then be
reading to understand/explore the guiding perspective of the theme. Magazine and newspaper articles as well as
information from the social sciences could easily work into the theme. If the teacher wanted to provide even more
focus, he or she might limit the theme to a particular group of people in a
given time, for example American immigrants of the early 1900s. This would allow the students a chance to
look at historical material and literature.
Again, depending upon how the theme was structured, students might even
study the influence of geographic environment on a persona’ physical and
cultural development. The key is focus
and coherency. Each aspect of the
curriculum should inform or challenge the other.
Here’s another example of a theme that establishes a
perspective or point of view statement:
“The mother is more influential in a child’s development that the
father.” A beginning BE class could
begin by creating language experience texts in response to this guiding
statement. Then, they could read stories
created by other beginning students,
examining ways that these stories inform the investigation. A GED class could take the same guiding
statement and do a more ambitious study.
In addition to writing their own narratives in relation to the
statement, and reading literature that fruitfully contributes to the study, they
could also take a look at theorists like Freud.
Adult students will have had meaningful experiences and
thoughts about themes like these that express powerful points of view, whether
or not they have had an extensive formal education. They can use their life experiences to speak
and write “with” and “against” the books you have chosen to provide depth and
breadth to their knowledge.
Option #2: Ask a
central or guiding question that can be studied comparatively. Here teachers organize themes that are
representative of issues that cross disciplines. The focus for students is on a particular
issue that has been framed by the teacher as a guiding question. For example, the theme of “Childhood” could
be explored by asking the question: How
is child development influenced by culture?”
Then, students could investigate the question by looking at several
books, fiction or non-fiction, describing the experience of childhood. One book describing childhood in Puerto Rico could be compared with another about a child
growing up in California,
then contrasted with a story set in Pakistan. This study could be undertaken regardless of
class level. What would change is the
type of reading material selected and how many disciplines it made sense to
bring into the inquiry.
Another theme that could work in this comparative framework
is “Work.” The guiding question could
be: “How do we define work and how are
we defined by the work we do?” Students
could compare and contrast different perspectives on work. They could read oral histories and hear how
people think about themselves and their jobs.
Perhaps they would compare two very different types of jobs (farmer
versus factory worker) through reading a novel.
Some historical understanding of labor and class issues would make
sense. If students did study the farm,
they might even want to do a small content-based unit on plant growth. Adult
students would be able to bring a wealth of experience to such a course of
Decide to Explore a
Particular Content Area
“Earth Science” or “the Civil War” are examples of content
areas. Notice in each of these
“contents” a particular academic discipline predominates. For example, earth science encompasses
geography, chemistry and astronomy, but each of these contents is part of the
discipline of science which has particular ways of knowing and
communicating. An Earth Science
content-based curriculum would necessitate having students do experiments,
write observations, hypothesize, etc.
Learning via a content-based curriculum means that the teacher and
students actively put on the “hats” of a particular way of thinking. The reading and writing tasks fit with the
conventions of the discipline being studied.
Therefore, learning science requires doing experiments (however simple)
and learning geography requires working with maps. The teacher helps students get at the major
concepts of a given field by sequencing activities and readings appropriately.
One of the common pitfalls of content-based instruction in
adult education is that it often becomes simply reading about a particular
content and not learning by using the tools of that discipline. When content-based curricula get narrowly
defined as learning certain facts from a given discipline, students aren’t exposed
to the types of activities that would really develop their understanding of
those facts. For example, trying to
learn science concepts without making hypotheses is like trying to learn the
conventions of fiction without reading fiction.
You can read about fiction, but reading a good novel teaches you
experientially. Similarly, it’s
difficult for students to learn about history without creating timelines,
reading first-hand accounts of actual events, or researching historical events
via oral interviews or library research.
Content-based curricula are helpful for many BE/GED
students, since many of them lack fundamental school-based language. Students for whom English is a second
language benefit from the chance to transfer content knowledge from their
native language to English. In addition,
focusing on one content assists students’ vocabulary development as they are
more likely to return to words and concepts repeated throughout the course.
When creating a content-based curriculum, it is important to
know the key events or concepts of the content you are trying to teach. Then, you should examine ways that the
information is most commonly learned in that discipline and create appropriate
activities. A good textbook can help you
understand the key issues of a given content and may even suggest
activities. Of course, you will need to
think about how the ideas and activities may be made accessible to your
students. Most textbooks will not be
appropriately-leveled for our students.
But after you know the key ideas, you can look for better texts.
Select a Particular Genre for
By genre, we mean that all the reading material would be a
particular type (e.g. autobiography/biography, poetry, science fiction,
mystery, historical fiction, etc.) This
approach allows students to both examine and compare particular conventions of
a genre while creating work of their own.
Autobiography lends itself to adult education classes where personal
narrative material is plentiful.
Students could read several autobiographical pieces and work, over time,
on writing their own. The class could
culminate in a student publication.
Final Suggestions about
Curriculum Development
Regardless of the design you select, there are three points
worth making. One, make sure that
extensive reading both and outside of class supports and extends the rich
discussions that writing that each approach offers. Second, each of the approaches described
above has the potential for meaningful inquiry but only if the teacher consciously
designs activities that are not solely lecture-based, discussion-based,
writing-based or for that matter, reading-based. No one mode of learning should dominate
instruction. And third, no one approach
needs to dominate a year’s worth or even a semester’s worth of
instruction. Depending on the class,
students may complete one genre-based project and one point-of-view them in a
given semester. Or, one theme might take
a whole semester. What you do is in
relation to the needs of your students.
Many teachers like to use two themes because they feel students get
bored with one idea.
And again, adult students should be challenged by the ideas
we explore in class. Even simply written
materials can help students explore complex ideas.
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