What to Do If You Would Like to Change Jobs
Before officially deciding to quit your current job and find a new one, you will want to examine your reasons for quitting. You shouldn’t quit your job if you are finding yourself faced with difficult coworkers or another small problem. Your job is your source of income and you should never, at all possible costs, let another individual or a small issue prevent you from making money that you or your family may need to survive. With that in mind, if you feel unsafe at work, feel as if you cannot advance any further, or if you need a new job to help you support your family, you will want to examine all of your options.
Speaking of examining all of your options, you may want to consider examining the current employment outlook or employment situation in or around your area. Unfortunately, many individuals end up quitting their jobs on impulse and many are unhappy to learn that there are only a limited number of job openings in or around their area. As previously stated, if you rely on your income to pay your bills or to help you support your family, you may want to refrain from making impulse decisions concerning your employment.
Since it is advised that you examine the current employment outlook in your area, you will want to start examining all current job openings in or around the areas in which you are willing to work. You can easily do this with local newspaper employment sections or the internet, namely career job posting websites. What you will want to do is examine the current pay levels for all open jobs, if the information is given to you. If you can survive on the listed income, you will then want to examine all job requirements, such as any needed training or work experience. While you may be awarded a job that you are under qualified for, it is advised that you do not count on this happening.
If you are satisfied with what you see, you may want to start applying for open job positions in your area. This is the time where you may want to consider submitting your resignation, with a two weeks notice, to your current employer, but the decision is yours to make in the end. Regardless of whether you are interested in submitting your resignation now or in a few day or weeks, you may want to start applying for all job openings that interest you right away, as many of the best jobs tend to fill up with applicants quickly.
Before you go about applying for jobs, it is important that you “brush,” up your resume. In fact, you will first want to make sure that you have a resume to submit. You can easily find free resume templates online or with most computer programs, such as Microsoft Word or Works. You can also hire the services of a professional resume writer, should you wish to do so. A professional looking resume is important, as it is what can enable you to land a job interview and possibly be awarded the job of your dreams.
The above mentioned points and steps are all things that you will want to take into consideration, should you be interested in changing jobs. As a reminder, it is advised that you do not terminate your current position with your current employer until you know for sure that you are able to get a new job or at least know that the chances for you doing so are relatively high.
What You Should Do If You Are Laid Off From Your Job
In today’s society, it seems as if layoffs are increasing in popularity. Lay offs are something that you can regularly hear about in the news. As more businesses are forced to downsize, you may find yourself laid off from your current position. This layoff may be permanent or temporary; it often depends on the needs and current state of your employer. Either way, should you find yourself laid off, you will want to continue reading on.
When it comes to layoffs one of the most commonly asked questions is “what should I do?” In all honesty, there is actually a lot that you can do. For starters, you will want to first examine your state’s laws on unemployment. While there are some variations, you will find that most states award unemployment compensation to those who are laid off from their jobs. This may be able to help you and your family out financially in the short-term run.
In keeping with unemployment, it is important that you examine it. Unfortunately, there are many individuals who view this money as a handout or money that they do not need. What you need to remember about unemployment is that it is designed for individuals just like you. If you are laid off from work, you should find that you are entitled to unemployment, especially if you did not receive any severance pay or compensation in another form.
Even if you do seek unemployment payments, it is still important to remember that they will not last forever. Unemployment compensation is designed to work as a temporary fix. That is why you will want to start taking action to help you find a new job, possibly the sooner the better. The first step in doing this involves creating a resume for yourself. You can either create your own resume or you can hire a professional resume writer to do the job for you. Either way, you will want to ensure that your resume is one that will turn company heads.
Once you have a resume in hand, you should then start examining all open job positions in your area. When doing so, you should either use your local newspaper or the internet. Career job searching websites are a nice and easy way to find and apply for jobs online. For your own safety, you will want to refrain from giving your personal information, especially your bank account information or social security number, to any companies that you have never heard of before or companies that you are unable to research online.
If you were employed at your last position, before being laid off, for two or more years, you may be a little bit nervous about finding a new job. If this is a feeling that you are experiencing, you should know that you are not alone. Finding a new job can be a stressful process, especially when it comes time for a job interview. That is why you may want to consider doing a few practice interviews with your friends or family members. They can ask you common interview questions, such as your strengths and weaknesses, as well as why you want to work for that particular company. This practice, if done enough, can help to reduce the nervousness often associated with job interviews. You may also find that you are able to give better answers, as well as answer all questions in a timely matter at your next interview.
If you are unsuccessful in your job search, you may want to consider seeking professional assistance. This assistance can come for your state’s labor department or a professional recruiter or career agent. Of course the decision is yours to make, but you may want to try and avoid your local temporary employment agencies. If you are able to secure unemployment compensation, you will want to spend your time looking for and applying for secure, long-term job openings.
What You Should Do If You Find Yourself Fired From Your Job
Each week, millions of Americans go to work, do their jobs, and collect their paychecks. Unfortunately, there comes a time when that cycle is disrupted. If you have recently found yourself fired or terminated from your current place of employment, you may be in shock. Although shock is a normal feeling, it is important that you start taking action right away, should you ever find yourself fired from your current position.
As previously stated, you should take action right away if you ever find yourself terminated from your current work position. This action is patricianly important if you rely on your income to pay important bills, such as your rent or mortgage, or if you use your paycheck to help support your family. Depending on the circumstances, you will find that most states do not allow those terminated from their jobs to collect unemployment payments. This typically only happens if you are laid off. What does this mean for you? It means that means that you may need to try and find a new job right away.
Speaking of taking action and finding a new job right away, one of your first steps should involve creating a resume for yourself. This is important, as you will need a resume to apply for new jobs. Even if you are able to fill out a traditional job application, you will still want to attach a resume. Resumes add professionalism to all job applications and they can help to set your application apart from all the rest. If you are unsure how to write your own resume, you may want to consider using the services of a professional resume writer.
In keeping with resumes and job applications, it is important that you proceed with caution. Unfortunately, many job seekers make the mistake of including a job in which they were fired from on their job application or on their resume. However, in that same sense, many make the mistake of leaving the job that they were recently terminated from off of their resume, when it should really be on it. That sounds a little bit confusing doesn’t it? If you are unsure as to how you should prepare your resume, you are not alone.
When trying to determining how you should prepare your resume, what you need to do is examine your reasons for being terminated, as well as how long you were employed by your past employer. Many employers do not like seeing gaps over one or two years; therefore, if your last job, the one in which you were fired from, lasted over two years, you may still want to include that position on your resumes and job applications. With that in mind, you also want to use your best judgment with cases such as workplace confirmation, multiple missed work days, or theft.
Once you have created a resume for yourself, you can start to go finding and applying for jobs. This is the easy part, as you will find that you have a number of different options. You may want to start with your local newspaper. Most newspapers have an employment section. What is nice about using your local newspaper to examine all open job positions is that most of your jobs will be local. There is typically no sorting by location needed. In addition to using your local newspaper, you can also use the internet to help you research companies with open positions.
Once you have a collection of jobs that you would like to apply to, you will want to create a cover letter for yourself. Cover letters typically should not be developed in advance, as you will want to personalize your cover letter with the name of the position you are applying for, as well as the company you are applying at. You can create a template for yourself, but make sure each and every one of your cover letters is personalized in one way or another.
The above mentioned steps are just a few of the steps that you should take, should you ever find yourself terminated from your current position. In dire circumstances, such as ones where you need income right away, you may want to visit your local temporary employment agency, as they can help you find short-term temporary jobs.
What You Should Look for In a New Job
Are you interested in changing jobs? If you are, you may already have a dream job in mind. Although it is nice to dream, it is important that you keep reality in mind. Finding a new job can be difficult, but it is more than possible for you to do so. A few of the many things that you may want to look for in a new job are outlined below for your convenience
When searching for a new job, you will want to look for those that are intended to be long-term. Long-term positions are ideal if you are looking to quit your current, stable job. They are also ideal if you rely on your income to help support your family. You will want to have and possibly need to have income not only right away, but income that you can rely on for months or years to come. That is why temporary positions may not be in your best interest, as a job that only lasts one or two months may be unable to provide you with the security that you want and need.
The ability to advance is another thing that you will want to look for in a new job. If you regularly find yourself setting goals that you would like to achieve, such as higher pay or a position in management, you may will want to work for a company where you have the opportunity to advance. You will want to look for those that advertise that they like to promote from within. Promotion from within is what gives you a better chance of advancing. In fact, advancement is something that potential employers like to hear, so be sure to mention your hope for advancement in your job interviews.
Good, but realistic pay is something else that you should look for in a new job. Unless you are sure, you may want to try and refrain from taking a pay cut. If you are able to receive additional benefits that you currently do not have, a pay cut may be worth it, but it is advised that you proceed with caution. Before you search for a new job, you may want to create a budget for yourself. A budget can help you determine how much money you need to make. This will ensure that you are able to find a new job that allows you to adequately pay your bills and support your family.
Health insurance is something else that you may want to look for in a new job. Although it may be unnecessary, you should keep health insurance in mind. Not all employers provide their employees with health insurance coverage and many companies have a ninety day waiting period before health insurance coverage can be acquired. If you are unable to get health insurance through a family member, such as your spouse, you may want to keep this in mind. You may be able to extend your current health insurance coverage, for a monthly fee, but that extended coverage often has time limits and other restrictions.
Close proximity is another feature that you may want to look for in a new job. Location may not be an issue if you are willing to travel or relocate, but you should take your possible commute into consideration. Jobs that are a ways away from your home may require extra travel time, possibly taking you away from your family. You also need to examine the cost of gasoline and wear on your vehicle. Although location should be taken into consideration, you should remember that there are other, more important, features that you should look for in a new job, a few of which were outlined above.
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