If you are tasked with measuring video signal crosstalk in distribution circuits
If you are tasked with measuring video signal crosstalk in
distribution circuits, and want to know if the VM700T might be useful for this
type of measurement, the short answer is "yes" - crosstalk testing
can be accomplished with the VM700T.
The longer answer is a bit more involved because there is no
"one button" test for crosstalk in the VM700T menus. And, there are no written procedures on how
to do this with the VM. You will have to
use available measurement applications, a little common sense, a little
engineering ingenuity, and perhaps a little experimentation.
Some important notes...
Perhaps the first item of note is that the VM700T channel to channel isolation (crosstalk) specification (for the instrument itself) is
greater than 70 dB at Fsc. In a
situation where your test spec goal is, for example, more than 65 dB of
isolation, this spec gives you about 5 dB of test margin - which should be
The second thing to note is that if you have multiplechannels going through the device or system under test, you will need to make
multiple tests. Since the VM700T only
has three input channels, you will need to perform some of the test by
connecting and disconnecting the channels of interest in various
combinations. For example, if your system
has 4 channels, there will be about 12 combinations of signal pairs to test if
you test crosstalk in both directions ---- 1-2, 2-1, 1-3, 3-1, 1-4, 4-1, 2-3,
3-2, 2-4, 4-2, 3-4 & 4-3. You may
get some efficiency, or some interesting results, if you test three channels at
once - which is the input limitation for the VM700T. For example, channel 1 into 2 and 3. And, one should certainly try these extra
combinations. One should also try
various test scenarios with some or all of the device channels loaded. I would recommend trying tests with signals
applied to any 2, then any 3, then all 4 of your paths. Fully activated circuits will often perform
different from partially activated circuits.
The third thing to note is that you need to obtain/use a
good generator of high signal quality – and with specific test signals
available. You will probably achieve
your best
(or easiest) results with a signal generator that can
provide a 100% Red Field analog composite video signal. If the generator can also provide this in a
Y-C output format, it may be useful - but the use of Y-C may not be something
that your system will not handle. (The
C or chroma component does not have sync.)
The Tektronix TG700/AVG7 or TG2000/AVG1 are able to provide 100% Red
Field signals, in both composite and Y-C formats. The 100% Red Field is recommended because it
contains the highest amount of energy at Fsc, and would therefore be easiest to
observe. Other signals can be used, and
one should always consider looking at possible crosstalk at frequencies created
by sync signals.
Please note that the following is offered as a set of
general guidelines and not as specific
step by step procedures.
Your situation may be similar, or it might be quite different. But, you should be able to obtain good
repeatable results if you follow these general guidelines - and you test /
The following is offered as one possible test scenario.
The first task is to characterize your signal generator.
Connect your test signal
generator composite (or Y-C) outputs directly to the VM700T and run the Noise Spectrum
Set the test signal
generator to a 0% white field.
With a 0% Flat Field signal
applied, you will still see a small peak of signal at Fsc. This is residual subcarrier - the 3.58 (or
4.43) MHz stray signals that are "floating around in even the best
generators. You need to know where this
is (and how much) so that when you run the signal through your system, you will
be able to account for the "original anomalies". For example - If, after running the
signals through your system, this
small frequency component is now greater in amplitude, the additional
contribution is from your device / system.
By the way, there is another point to keep in mind
here. The residual noise floor of the
VM700T input channels is spec'd down to -80 dB.
This is also the bottom limit of the Noise Spectrum Measurement
range. The measurement will show information
at lower levels, and the signals and numbers will be pretty close - but below
-80, they will be outside specified operating parameters.
Now that you know the performance characteristics of your
generator (and VM), it is time to apply the signals to your system.
Apply a 0% White Field
(Black Burst) to one of the system channels.
Apply a 100% Red Field to
another one of the system channels.
Apply the system output
channel with the 0% White Field to VM700T channel A.
Apply the other output
signal (100% Red Field) to channel B.
Set up the VM700T so that
the Sync reference is only derived from one channel –
Channel A will do for this discussion.
- In the Waveform Mode…
Press the Menu button
Touch the Sync softkey
Choose A as the sync source and disable the
"Lock to Source" feature.
the softkey to un-illuminate it.)
Go back to waveform mode
and select any line in the active video field
(line 100, for example)
Go to the Measure Mode and
select Noise Spectrum.
In the Noise spectrum mode,
enable the cursor.
Press the Menu button
Touch the Cursor softkey.
Touch the Cursor 1 Active softkey. The cursor will appear and can be moved to the component of interest with the
front panel knob. If you set it on the
Fsc component, at the bottom of the screen, you
will get the signal level value (in dB), and the frequency.
Now, choose input B as your source. You should see the 100% Red signal as a very
tall (near to 0 dB) frequency component at Fsc.
If you now select the A channel, the signal component at Fsc
will consist of the residual subcarrier of the original generator, plus the
added crosstalk signals from the system.
If the levels are still below -65, you can be fairly sure that the added
crosstalk components are well under your -65 target.
At this point, you should also add 100% Red signals to the
other input ports of your system in order to see if the total additive effects
"crosstalk" back into the channel of interest. Be sure to try all reasonable combinations of
channels through your system.
Another note. It is
important to terminate any unused outputs of the signal generator, any unused inputs
and outputs of the system under test, and any unused inputs on the VM700T. You want to minimize the possibility of other
stray signal effects getting into your measurement problem.
Make your observations, record your results.
Within the VM700T, there is another tool that can be used to
better visualize or separate signal errors caused by the source generator. This is known as the Relative to Reference
mode. In the Noise Spectrum menu items,
this is one of the choices that are available at the bottom of the screen. Relative to Ref has the capability of
subtracting the original generator characteristics from the system measurement
- giving the net differences that are the actual system crosstalk components
that you are looking for.
To use this feature…
Go back to the previous paragraphs
where you are first characterizing your signal generator. With the 0% Flat Field signal (black burst)
applied to input channel A on
the VM700T, and with the Noise Spectrum
measurement running,...
Press the Menu button
Touch the Reference softkey.
Then, touch the Store
Reference 1 (or 2) softkey to save the reference data.
Now, put your system
back into the test signal loop, and…
Again, select
channel A - the blackburst signal in the Noise Spectrum mode.
Press the Menu button.
Touch the Relative to Ref
Touch the Use Reference
1 (or 2) softkey - where the first
generator data sample was stored.
At this time, if you now see a
frequency component at Fsc, it's amplitude will be veryclose (within a dB or
so) to the device/system’s contribution only.
Most all contributions from the
generator and the VM700T have been effectively subtracted out.
It is important to make note of the VM700T's noise floor and
the limits of the Noise Spectrum measurement at this point. In the Relative to Ref mode, the digitizer
will still try to subtract and display, but once you go below about -90 dB, the
display will start
to look "odd".
This is normal. The digitizer
system has hit its lowest limits. However,
if you are only interested in the components at Fsc, a spike above -80 dB A
spike at 4.43 MHz (or 3.58) will be a useable indication of your crosstalk
Some additional cross-checks can be done by using other
applications in the VM700T such as the Signal to Noise measurements (in the
Auto mode), or by expanding the Waveform mode vertically to look for presence
of a known signal components in the "unknown" channel. These are more difficult to explain in text,
and require a bit more engineer skill levels.
And, neither of these modes will specifically give you information about
crosstalk at your specific frequency of interest (Fsc of 4.43 MHz). The Noise Spectrum techniques will be the
easiest to implement, the easiest to visualize, and probably the easiest to
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