The idea of Bitcoin


We're living in days that challenge our beliefs and ideas about life. Our way of life is rapidly changing right under our noses. Many people haven't come the awareness of these changes, but the few that watch and listen can't help but see clouds of change on the horizon. Our world is like a huge vessel slowly changing its course.

In the world simplicity appears to be the trend in the midst of varying levels of complexity. Most of us are used to living in a world dominated by systems and processes that are hard to grasp. This has been the norm for most of us. We try to build our lives around a set of complicated ideas that weigh us down. These systems work against us because they are not natural or ethically designed. We accept them as real life because it's all we know and most of us don't understand our essential or primal nature. In midst of these chaotic mechanisms is the evidence of the original simplicity we came from. When we look close enough we see the perversion of pure life and peace. From the tendency toward peace and love that's in the center of mankind comes a force that over time establishes peace through the implementation of ethical systems based on life affirming ideas. Ethical systems are intended to support nature and cooperate with the spirit of man by supporting fairness, freedom, unity, group cooperation, and spiritual motivation towards good, thus creating a life preserving world order.

The emergence of these systems are becoming more evident. Everyday there are new ideas being put into action. Ideas based on the laws of nature not lust for gain. These ideas are giving way to systems that naturally work together and support the spirit of man instead of creating heavy burdens. For example in new financial systems in operation today there are processes that influence the members to unify, contribute, and cooperate. This is something we have not seen before in our traditional financial processes. Let us use real world examples to explain what we've been talking about here. Everyday people exchange value in some form to make a living. It could be in the form of labor, notes that verify value and trust, or other physical assets. In every case todays centralized financial systems are intended to track and manage these financial transactions in exchange for fees. If the system cannot track transactions automatically, the participants are expected to manually feed the system with those completed transactions. Compensation for a provided services are good examples of this. Companies that provide payments services charge fees to process and verify security of transactions. Extremely complex expensive centralized processes are employed to maintain these services. In the face of this needed complexity to maintain these systems, instability still exists due to uncontrollable vulnerabilities in centralized business architectures. The result of this is an overwhelming burden on those that rely on these systems for their survival.

In contrast to these complex operations, that are designed to put control of financial activities in the hands of corporations, other financial systems not developed by really popular entities have been in operation in the shadows. Just recently we've seen the emergence of these technologies, as if they were being hidden by universal intention.  

An Internet technology that's becoming increasingly more popular in the financial sector called Bitcoin is an example of an ethical system. One that promotes cooperation, freedom, and gainful collaborations between people all over the world. It's not totally perfect but it thrives in areas our current financial systems have totally failed. Also, it has the ability to scale simply because it's a software protocol accessible and open to ideas and modifications by the people that use it, and not controlled by secretive business entities seeking their own gain.


Bitcoin is an Internet technology, but at a higher level it's a protocol and development platform that other applications can be built on. Most technologies are derivation of previously discovered mechanisms used for similar purposes. As a result Bitcoin is the foundation of a innovative set of ideas and concepts that will give systems new underlying objectives through the balancing of access and privileges among participants. These new objectives will result in systems that drive free global commerce in whatever sector they're implemented in. The idea of Bitcoin is not hindered by those things our current centralized systems are hindered by. For example organized crime, human intervention to deal with management problems and crises caused by sociopaths.  The underlying details behind these things are too complex for the average person to comment on. Our response is usually to leave it up to the experts that know about the details. We are then taken advantage of and left out the loop of information that tells what's really happening.  As a result enormous power is given to a few and eventually misused for personal gain.

Being totally decentralized, Bitcoin evolves in just the opposite direction of centralized systems. Instead of taking absolute control of the network and secretively ruling how it operates. Bitcoin gives total control, including all access rights to the users. Doing this makes every user equally important because, everyone has  the ability to participate at whatever capacity they choose. The most important aspect of this is the distribution of power being equal among all participants. In todays financial system it's just the opposite. Very few hold full access rights to the network, causing the distribution of power to be extremely unbalanced and burdensome to most users, especially to those people that are denied access to financial networks. Bitcoin is fair, free to use and opensource for everyone, regardless of a person's location or social status in the world. These properties of Bitcoin influences global commerce between entities that previously had no why of doing business together, creating ideal globalization.

True globalization can be realized through a purely decentralized service-oriented society. Understanding Bitcoin as a concept or paradigm and a platform for new applications, will start the development of systems that will replace the current weaker centralized systems in our society. The  example of Bitcoin's superior architecture to support financial operations is only a small part of the evolution. This same idea is spreading like a flood into other business sectors. Centralized systems won't phase out all at once, but we see the movement to more ethically managed systems. Take Uber for example, although Uber is not totally decentralized, it influences people to participate independently in a business that was totally centralized. Uber and other new services like it will eventually be challenged with total decentralization.

To have a truly decentralized service the resources used to manage its operation must be distributed equally among its participants. Everyone must have the ability to contribute at whatever capacity they choose. The service must not in anyway limit access to any aspect of the operation. Also, the presence of the service in society will be due to society's willingness to maintain it. If a decentralized business serve society well it will be rewarded by the same, if it does not serve its participants well it will be removed. This is a natural cycle for all business, but even more a reality for decentralized operations. Centralized operations aren't affected as much by this cycle because usually they're supported by other entities that operate more or less against the wishes of their own communities. They thrive independently of society, meaning that they prosper from their community, but don't involve their communities in anything besides consuming their services. This allows them to exist long after they're rejected by their members because, the centralized architecture and support systems allow them to maintain control of the core business resources required to stay in operation. They become huge burdens to society and eventually are phased out.

Decentralization plays a crucial role in the balancing of power. In order to participate gainfully in society people must be able to contribute to the maximum of their ability at whatever capacity they're capable of. This requires services to be open to contributors without any bias whatsoever. Centralized services being closed operations do not support bias free services that are completely open to anyone willing to contribute. The problem is that centralized systems must adopt a hierarchical design that requires power to be concentrated at the top and diminishes as it reaches the bottom. This leaves most of its participants without choice, subject to the ideas and egos of the few that control the system from where the concentration of power is located.

On the other hand decentralized systems support and encourages contribution from all of its members by spreading power throughout the system equally with reasonable and fair reward to those willing contribute at whatever capacity they choose. This is a tremendous contrast to centralized service models. Opening opportunities to the masses of people without bias of any kind gives hope to individuals who were previously rejected by centralized systems being controlled by cold-blooded sociopaths. In contrast to this decentralization will provide global opportunities for trade and commerce in whatever business a person is capable of operating in. More than just jobs are created through decentralization. The balancing of power gives every member of society the ability to take hold of purpose just as privileged people have done for centuries through bias designed centralized services. These life affirming attributes of decentralization are properties of an ethical system architecture. The evolution of ethical systems for societal activities will make the pursuit of happiness not just a reality for the few, but an increasing realization for everyone in the world.

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