The Power of Differentiation
The last two decades have taught us a great deal about how
students work and think and the differences between different students and how
those differences change the way those students process information and
learn. On the surface, as a teacher, its
easy to say, well I cannot change my curriculum to suit every possible learning
disability or quirk of personality. That
is the old model of teaching that has been in place for many decades. Students came to a centralized class and the
way the lessons were presented was what they got and it was up to the student
to adjust to be successful or a failure.
The problem with that model is that it puts the weight of
the responsibility to be successful in education on the student. That is all well and good at the college
level where the students are essentially adults and they are expected to be
ready to bare a larger level of responsibility.
But at the elementary level, the burden of assuring that the student not
only hears the lesson but understands it lies with the teacher. So in the last few years, a teaching style
called "differentiation" has come along that utilizes innovative
classroom methods to help all students come away with a solid understanding of
the material, not just the few who were able to adjust to the single approach
the teaching of the old model.
Differentiation begs the question, "Who is responsible
for the education of the children?"
The system where the children were exposed to a lecture, given an
assignment which may have been cryptic to understand and sent home for the
hapless portents to decipher what was expected is at best ineffective and at
worst just plain lazy.
Modern approaches to education see the job of the teacher as
not just to present information and to correct papers. The job of the teacher
is to teach and that teacher is not a success until every student in his or her
class has learned the information well and can interact with it to demonstrate
that the information has become knowledge which is useful and applicable in daily
life. This is a high requirement on
teachers but anything short skirts the objectives of the teaching professionentirely.
One difference between students that drastically effects how
well the student learns is learning styles.
Some students are visual learners meaning they do well when they learn
by seeing. Others can absorb and process
information audibly whereas others must physically interact with the material
to truly grasp it. Differentiation
changes the way class time is used so the same information is presented in a
variety of teaching methods so all students can use each style to fully grasps
the material.
Differentiation may not have been possible before we had so
many new teaching tools available via the internet. But with online resources,
we can tap the power of video online and utilize online activities so that
learning is no longer just listen, write it down and repeat it on a test. Learning now is interactive and repetitive in
many different ways to the same information is processed uniquely each
time. The outcome is the student
not only can learn through the learning
style that fits his or her personality but that learning is deeper and longer
Adapting your teaching style to fully tap the power of
differentiation will take some time.
There are new technologies to learn to use and a new approach to the
daily lesson plan to understand and learn to work with. But once you are simultaneously teaching many
while addressing the individual learning styles and unique characteristics of
each child, you will find the outcome of your teaching so much more effective
that you will never want to go back.
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